Chapter 3 : SummersEdge; 143 YA

The Thirteenth Prophecy

The time had finally come for Lu han to travel to SummersEdge, the ancient site from which the priests had prayed for his spirit ancestors. They came in, out of nowhere one morning. Lu han was the last to join the temple, as he was introduced to his new brothers. He wasn't afraid, he had known from the crone for a long time that he would have to leave and go to the temple to train his innate powers. As he stepped on the ancient stone stairs, he glances towards the sun and smiles. This was the beginning of a new time in his life, as he lifts he hands towards the great iron wrought door. The laughter and easy banter he heard while outside, ends suddenly, as eleven young faces stare up at his own. He was the telekinetic, the one with the absolute power. They were disarmed by his easy smile as he walked through the door, and as surely as only young boys on the cusp of adulthood could, the laughter returned with a boom, as they entered one great game of tag together. The game ended after hours, as  Lu han strolled around the ancient grounds. In the middle of the entrance, was a great fountain under an open ceiling. The water sparkled with such clarity under the moon light, soft bubbles rushing and pouring as the stones over lapped one another. Lu han turns to walk away, when he hears soft panting coming from behind the fountain, curious, he turns to look and flees in horror when he comes to find Kris and Baekhyun in one anothers arms. Kissing each other, with their clothes in a tangled heap beside them as they hurried in the moment of their passion. Lu han fled, because he had seen Beakhyun holding hands and smiling with Chanyeol earlier just that day. He had come to understand that the two were lovers, but how can that be, after he had witnessed this. He runs away, his loud footsteps interrupting the would be lovers, as they called for whoever had been there to come back. They had not seen his face.

Lu han came down to breakfast the next morning, tired, he had not slept well with his mind running over what to do. He came down the stair well and saw Baekhyun looking decisively sick, but holding a grinning Chanyeols hand all the while. Kris was nowhere to be seen the entire day, and Lu han decided it was not his place to get involved in whatever he had  seen. He had mixed emotions about Kris, but it was Baekhyun he blamed. How can you do that to someone who truly loves you, who you claim to be with, How do you betray their trust in the dead of night, when they believed you had lain next to them all the while. He avoided Baekhyun then, As they trained in the Garden sector of the courtyard. Kai, his new room mate, called him over, "do you want to see something interesting?" Lu han was wary, but nodded, and as he completed his nod, he saw a cloud of smoke and felt a hand pat his back, a smiling Kai right behind him. Lu han was caught unaware, as he threw Kai across the temple complex as he screamed in surprise. Kai never hit the ground, but appeared before Lu han with a expression of terror. "Why did you do that! I was just showing you a trick, but you attacked me!" Says Kai as he slowly backs away from Lu han, back into the group of gapping boys. "You surprised me, I didn't mean to! Honestly you just gave me such a fright, please don't do that again I really didn't mean to hurt you!" Lu han backs away, as tears start to roll down his face. Le han. He turns to run, as the group call for him. Kai decides to believe he truly got a fright, but none of them had been able to reach their powers like he had, so innately, so perfectly. Only with alot of will and practice had Kai learnt to teleport at will, but it still cost him a great deal of mental strain to do so. Lu han used his power with absolute mastery. Until now, Kai had been the most successful at recalling his power. He willed himself to move to Lu han, and found the younger boy crying on his bed, and took him in his arms without a word.  They fell asleep together like that, the older boy with his head backwards, and the younger with his soft cheeks against his chest.

                    145 YA


As the months melded into years, so too did his friendship with Kai strengthen. Lu han had a big brother now. He loved all the other boys, they were his family as much as the crone and the daughter were. But Kai was special, Kai was the first person he saw when he awoke, and the last when he slept. Every night, since the night they had fallen asleep in each others arms, they had repeated it. It never evolved into more, it never had to. They lay with each other, between here and nowhere. Nothing else was needed when you had that level of trust, and love. Baekhyun had confessed to Chanyeol what he had done, the guilt had assauged him every night for the past two years, as he and Chanyeol had grown more and more apart. Kris was hardly ever at the temple, and never around Chanyeol nor Baekhyun. Lu han felt this was a pity. He liked Kris more than most of the other boys, and wished for his company to be more frequent. He did however understand that things were tense, as was easily seen whenever Kris entered and fled from a room that Chanyeol or Baekhyun were in. It was a real pity.

Lu han went for a quiet walk out on the Dunesea, he wanted to be alone for a time. To think and remember. He went and sat by his mama's grave in the small church yard. He sat there for a long time in silence. Dreaming of what could have been. He would not visit Le hans grave, out on that small rock outcrop. He couldn't bare to go there, and erased it from his thoughts before the grief could claim him. He played with a small dandelion plant growing on the side of his mothers grave, swaying it softly back and forth in the breeze. Pretending it was just the wind moving it. He wouldn't use his powers in a general sense, but he took small comfort in pretending it wasn't him that moved the dandelion. Just the wind. Kai teleported next to him, Lu han didn't even flinch. He hadn't expected to be left alone for any length of time. Kai didn't say a word, as he read the gravestone of Lu han's mother. He sat down, took Lu hans' head into his hands and kissed his forehead. Lu han rested his head on Kai's shoulder, and cried silently. Without reservation or pride. He poured his grief onto his friends shoulder. It was Leah's birthday. The day she had died.  Neither one spoke a word that day to the other, as they sat there like that till well past sun set.

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OOOH ITS ALL LONGER AND ! Well. It's not . Just longer >>


The whole concept and world is fascinating. I love it.

IT'S UP. Sorry. Look at me, messing up your pretty clean comment section.