
Good Morning and Good Night

It was hard climbing up the stairs with a large box in your arms. You couldn’t complain though because this was the only one that you had been in charge of. Earlier Sandeul and the others had moved most of your boxes from your parents house to your new apartment. You were so incredibly thankful for their help. Sandeul had volunteered to stay with you on your first night here so you expected to walk through the door and be bombarded by the hungry duck.


You were surprised when you opened the apartment door and you were met by silence.


You walked down the hallway and peeked inside the kitchen. There was no sign of Sandeul in there. He hadn’t even touch the groceries that you had brought by earlier. And some of them had been his favorite snacks. With a sigh, you went in and put down the box on the floor so you could put the groceries away. Once that was done, you left the kitchen and called out to your boyfriend.


When there was no response, you could only think that Sandeul had left with the rest, tired of waiting for you. You let out a sigh and began to turn off the lights in each room. Your disappointment had drained you of any energy you had left to unpack. You would just start on it tomorrow. With all the lights off and the front door locked, you went to your new bedroom to prepare a makeshift bed to sleep in tonight. You flipped on the light switch and bright light filled your bedroom. You were honestly surprised at the sight that greeted you.


Sandeul had fallen asleep in the middle of the room. He was snuggling with two of your fluffy pillows with his cell phone close by. You could only assume that he had been waiting for you to contact him. A few of your bedroom boxes were open and your photobook was out. You smile fondly as you recognized it as the one he gave you for your anniversary.


You turned off the bedroom light, not wanting to chance waking up Sandeul. He must have been tired after moving all those boxes. Carefully you crossed the room, trying your hardest to be quiet. You grabbed your comforter and brought it over to where Sandeul was laying. Pulling the comforter around your shoulders, you sat down beside him and admired his sleeping face.


Sandeul let out a sigh in his sleep and pressed his face against the pillow before relaxing again. A smile rose to your lips as you reached over and ran your fingers through his soft hair. This was so different to how his normally smiling and cheerful self. You really loved seeing new sides of Sandeul.


You stopped touching his hair and began to pull away. A hand grasped your wrist lightly, stopping you. Sandeul shifted and slowly opened his eyes. He gave you a sleepy smile.


No words needed to be exchanged as Sandeul gave you one of the pillows to use. You laid down beside him and covered both of you with the comforter. You laid facing him and he moved to lay on his side as well. Sandeul held out a hand to you. Once you took it, he interlocked his fingers with yours and rested them in the area between you.


Sandeul leaned over and pressed a small kiss to your lips.


“Good night.”

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Chapter 5: oh gosh.. i was smiling the whole time while reading this,,
Chapter 5: Baro is my bias but I really felt like I was the girl in Channies story..why? Because I have a scar on my forehead from a childhood accident that I hide with my bangs o.o
Lol creepy..
Anyways these were all so sweet and amazing ^0^ <3
Well, i shouted and fainted when reading sandeul's part.. Lol
averagekpoplover #4
-Falls over dead-

<3 <3 <3
*died for fluffyness overdose*
thank you
i faint at channie part!~~!~!!~
I died in every single chapter. ILOVEIT<33
How could this story not have any comments? Its so cute! Keep ot up author-nim! I love this! <3