Chapter Eight: In Your Arms And A Tragedy

The Chocolate Coffee Cafe


A/N: Holy Krisus On Ice!! This took FOREVER!! I don't really understand why (Drama, me being a fangirl, me crying because EXO hasn't had their comeback yet, family problems, and all those idiotic things that make me not be able to write for you lovely people). Like for real though, guys. I love you. No joke. Like your subs and comments make me so happy, all the time. And I've also been obsessed with some songs; Catch Me by TVXQ!, Stop Girl (both versions) by U-Kiss, Time To Go By U-Kiss, Please Don't by K.Will (That MV!! Just watch the MV!! It's perfect!!), Dazzling Girl By SHINee (MY SONG!!), and my favorite SHINee song, ever, A-Yo By SHINee. All really fantastic songs!! And this ends my rant! I will see you at the end~
~Chapter Eight~
When Suho woke up the next morning, he had his arm around D.O.'s waist and his head under his chin. Suho smiled and looked down at the love of his life. He looked so beautiful when he slept. D.O. was cuddled up against Suho, hands on Suho's chest. His legs were tangled with the older's and his head was on the older's shoulder. Suho's soft smile stayed as he looked at the younger. He didn't want to wake him, but, somehow, he had to get up. He decided on waking him, carefully.
"D.O., baby. It's time to wake up." Suho spoke, softly, caressing his lover's face. D.O. shifted his head and fluttered his eyes open. He looked up and smiled.
"Hi." He smiled. Suho smiled back at him and kissed his forehead. D.O. grabbed Suho's hand and entwined their fingers together. Suho pulled D.O.'s hand up to his lips and kissed it. D.O. watched him with a small smile.
"Kyungsoo. You're perfect." Suho told him, using his real name. Kyungsoo smiled, brought his and Suho's hands down to his lips, and kissed Suho's hand.
"You are too, Junmyeon." Kyungsoo replied, also using Suho's real name. Suho smiled and leaned down to Kyungsoo's lips and kissed them, sweetly. D.O. reacted by kissing him back, gently and putting his arms around Suho's neck. Suho pulled away and smiled at the love of his life.
"I love you, Do Kyungsoo." D.O.'s smile widened.
"I love you, too, Kim Junmyeon." And their lips met once again.
Kris had woken up earlier than usual, which he never does, and looked over at the sleeping beauty next to him. Chanyeol was sound asleep, cuddled up in Kris' arms. He had his head on Kris' chest and his arms on his chest, also. Kris had his arms around Chanyeol's waist and their legs were tied together. Kris smiled softly at the gorgeous face of his lover. If he could stay in this moment forever, he would.
Just then, Chanyeol groaned and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes, cutely. Kris almost couldn't handle the cuteness radiating off of Chanyeol.
"Good morning, Sleeping Beauty." Kris stared, lovingly, down at Chanyeol and petted his head. Chanyeol nuzzled up against Kris' neck and sighed, contently.
"Good morning." Chanyeol yawned and looked up at the older. Kris leaned down and kissed him on the forehead. Chanyeol smiled up at Kris and reached up to feel his bed-head. Kris closed his eyes and soaked up this moment like it would never happen again.
"I want to just live in this moment, Yeollie." Kris told him and opened his eyes to look down at the Happy Virus. Chanyeol smiled, widely, and leaned up to give Kris a kiss. Kris moved his hands up to Chanyeol's back from his waist and pulled them closer. Chanyeol wrapped his arms around the older's neck and deepened the kiss. He suddenly felt Kris bite on his bottom lip a bit, asking for entrance. He obliged and felt Kris explore every inch of the cavern that was his mouth.
Soon, Chanyeol broke the kiss, for air, and looked at Kris in the eyes.
"I wish I could stay in this very moment forever, too. It would be perfect." Chanyeol stated and laid his head down on Kris' chest.
"I know, Yeollie, I know. But we have to get up sometime." Kris told him and started rubbing circles on his back.
"Five more minutes." Chanyeol mumbled into Kris' chest and snuggled farther into it.
"Alright." Kris gave in and kept rubbing circles on Chanyeol's back. Not that he minded though. He was perfectly content with Chanyeol being in his arms forever.
In the next tent, Baekhyun was just waking up from a deep sleep. He found Tao pressed up against his back and his arms wrapped around his waist. Baekhyun tried to stretch, but ultimately failed due to Tao's strong grip. So, he settled for turning around in the grip to look at his lover. He saw Tao's beautiful face, and melted. He reached up to touch the panda's face and, weirdly enough, Tao's eyes fluttered open. Baekhyun smiled softly as Tao stretched and looked down at Baekhyun.
"Hi." Tao mumbled and pecked Baekhyun's forehead. Baekhyun closed his eyes for a second, savoring the moment, then opened them again. Baekhyun hugged Tao, suddenly, and Tao hugged him back. Baekhyun felt his ring on his left hand and pulled back to admire it. It was a gold band with a blue diamond in the middle and surrounding small, white diamonds; perfect for the love of his life, Tao thought when he found it. It was the perfect engagement ring for Baekhyun.
"It's gorgeous." Baekhyun stated, thoughtfully. Tao smiled and took Baekhyun's left hand. He brought the hand up to his mouth and kissed the finger with the ring on it.
"Then, it fits." Tao whispered. Baekhyun tilted his head to the side, cutely.
"What?" Baekhyun asked, confused. Tao smiled.
"A gorgeous ring to fit a gorgeous person." Tao smiled a soft smile. Baekhyun's face turned crimson red and he hid his face in Tao's chest.
"Don't say things like that!" Baekhyun mumbled into Tao's chest, but he still managed to hear it. Tao smiled and patted Baekhyun's head.
"I only said it because it's true." Tao stated and grabbed Baekhyun's chin. He forced Baekhyun to look up at him as he whispered to him.
"I say it because it's the truth. You are beautiful, gorgeous, cute, adorable, y, perfect. There are many things that describe you, and they are all true. But, the one thing that I would say that describes you the most; mine. You are mine. And I wouldn't trade it in for the world." Tao looked in Baekhyun's eyes and whispered, sincerely. Baekhyun was stunned, to say the least. His heart was beating at a rapid pace and he felt tears well up in his eyes. Tears of happiness. Suddenly, he hugged Tao and buried his face in Tao's chest, again. Tao laughed wholeheartedly at the scene and hugged the older back.
After what seemed like ages, Baekhyun let go of Tao and looked up at him.
"Tao, where and how did I find you?" Baekhyun asked him, like he didn't already know the answer. Tao leaned down and pecked his lips.
"The Chocolate Coffee Cafe. And if you hadn't found me there, you would've found me soon enough." Tao replied and squeezed the life out of Baekhyun.
"I love you, my panda."
"I love you, too, my baby."
In the next tent, Kiran was just waking up. He surprisingly slept well, for being out in the woods. All he wanted was to stay in bed and not have to see those people. To him, the SuDo couple was too happy for his taste. BaekTao was straight-up annoying to him, with Baekhyun publicly displaying his affection too much to his partner. Tao called him too many pet names, apparently. Kiran was tired of KrisYeol being so, KrisYeol. He wanted Chanyeol. And besides, Kris didn't deserve the boy.
Kiran got up out of the sleeping bag anyway. He started to fold it once he got up out of it. He wrapped it and put the cylinder of fabric in his bag. Kiran changed out of his sweatpants and wife-beater and put on new sweatpants and a black t-shirt. He put on his shoes and stepped out if the tent, bag in hand. He saw some of the couples starting to get up and out of their tents.
"Baekhyun! What did you do with my toothpaste?" He heard Tao shout for Baekhyun. Kiran stifled a snicker and put his bag down. Chanyeol was up and brushing his teeth in the middle of the campsite, trying to talk to Baekhyun at the same time, who was putting on a different shirt.
"Yah! It's in the bag!" Baekhyun shouted back and continued his conversation with Chanyeol. Kiran decided to take down his tent, as Kris was starting to take his and Chanyeol's down.
Once Kiran had the tent folded and put in it's rightful bag, he headed over to the base of the camp, where D.O. was making breakfast. Kris laid lazily on the ground, head in Chanyeol's lap. Chanyeol was his hair and messing the bed-head up even more than it already was. Kris didn't seem to mind, though. Kiran tried to suppress a sneer.
"Baekkie!" He heard Tao shout, happily, followed by a whine from Baekhyun as he was tackled to the ground.
"Baekhyun! Hugs!" He heard Tao again, then he heard Baekhyun whine again as Tao hugged him too tight. Kiran looked over and saw Baekhyun smile the biggest smile he's ever seen.
"Hugs!" And Baekhyun hugged Tao back with just as much force. Kiran looked away from the scene and sighed, silently.
"Kim Junmyeon! Come eat!" He saw D.O. put cooked eggs on seven different plates. He distributed the plates around and everyone dug in.
"Are we home yet?" Kiran nagged, again.
"No, Kiran." Kris told him as he kept driving, Chanyeol keeping him sane by holding his hand. Baekhyun whined as he got his headphones out of his bag and put them in his ears. Tao abruptly took the left headphone out of his fiancé's ear and put it in. Baekhyun plugged his phone in and gave it to Tao to have him choose a song.
"But really, Kris,-" Tao almost dropped his lover's phone as he was startled by a shout.
"Just shut up, Kiran! Obviously, we aren't home yet or we wouldn't be in this car right now!" Kiran was surprised when the shout came from behind him. Who...? Kiran looked back behind his seat and saw D.O. with an annoyed face in place. He was being half-way held back by Suho, who was holding his hand tightly.
"Thank you, D.O. I couldn't have said it better myself." Kris praised and Chanyeol clapped his hands together in emphasis to Kris' praise. Then, he went back to holding Kris' hand.
"But,-" Kiran tried to protest, but, Chanyeol cut him off.
"Don't even try it, Kiran. Or Kris might blow up." Chanyeol stated and looked back with smile. He then smirked at the couple way back in the van. Baekhyun was dancing in his seat and Tao was pretending to be the lead singer of whatever band they were listening to. Chanyeol chuckled and looked at Kiran.
"Don't worry. We'll be there soon." Chanyeol stated and turn back around in his seat.
Kiran hoped so.
Kris dropped everyone off at their respective houses and Chanyeol set them off with a wave. Kiran decided to get a room in a hotel; he really didn't want to stay in Kris' apartment. Kris and Chanyeol were now on their way to Chanyeol's apartment. Chanyeol had invited him to stay the night because Kris looked as tired as Chanyeol felt.
Once they got there, Chanyeol carried his bag inside and, attempted, to carry Kris' bag, too. Kris grabbed the bag from him after he tried to lift it, chuckling at the Happy Virus' face. Kris wrapped his arm around Chanyeol's waist and walked with him to the apartment. Chanyeol unlocked the door and dropped his bag on the ground by the living room couch. Kris set his down on the floor next to the front door and grabbed Chanyeol's waist from behind. He pressed his chest up against Chanyeol's back and he heard Chanyeol laugh, quietly, as Kris half-tickled him by breathing on his neck. Kris turned Chanyeol around and kissed his nose. Chanyeol responded by nuzzling Kris' neck with his hedgehog hair.
"C'mon, Channie. We should get to bed." Kris picked up Chanyeol and carried him, bridal style, to his bedroom. Chanyeol giggled as he realized Kris wasn't struggling to carry him.
"I don't understand how you aren't struggling with carrying me." Chanyeol stated with a smile. Kris chuckled a bit.
"You really aren't heavy, Chanyeol; just tall. But I'm strong so I can carry you." If Kris wasn't holding Chanyeol, he probably would've puffed out his chest. Chanyeol laughed whole-heartedly as he was set on his bed.
"Night, Chanyeol." Kris said and turned to walk out the door. Chanyeol became puzzled.
"Where are you going?" Chanyeol asked Kris before he could get out of the bedroom. Kris turned around to face Chanyeol.
"Going to sleep on the couch." Kris replied, almost sadly. Chanyeol furrowed his brows.
"No. Come sleep with me." Chanyeol pouted and patted the spot next to him in the bed. The bed was big enough for the both of them, and that itself was saying something. But, Kris just didn't want to intrude on Chanyeol's privacy.
"But, I-" Kris tried to protest.
"No 'but's. Come sleep. I miss your company." Chanyeol told him, sincerely. He dropped off into a whisper when saying the last sentence. Kris smiled and walked back over to the bed. He stripped himself of his plaid over-shirt to reveal a white wife-beater underneath. Chanyeol had to resist his lips at the sight if Kris' muscles before him. Kris climbed into the bed and grabbed Chanyeol by the waist, hugging him to his chest.
"Goodnight, Yeollie." Chanyeol smiled and closed his eyes, burying his face in Kris' chest.
"Goodnight, Hyung." Kris tightened his arms on Chanyeol's waist and relaxed his mind. Chanyeol sighed.
He finally felt safe. Right there. In Kris' arms.
Chanyeol woke to the sound of his phone vibrating on his nightstand. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and reached over Kris' broad body to retrieve his phone.
He looked at his clock on the stand.
2:24 am.
Why would Tao be calling at this hour?
Chanyeol picked up anyway.
"Hello?" Chanyeol's voice croaked out. He was met with half-shouting from Tao.
"Oh my god! Chanyeol! Thank god you picked up!" Tao started rambling on and on and Chanyeol didn't understand a word besides his greeting.
"Woah, woah! Tao, slow down! What happened?" Chanyeol's regular voice was starting to return to him. By this time, Kris was starting to stir in his slumber.
"Well, Suho and D.O. found a note in their bag from the camping trip and it pretty much said that whoever wrote the letter was coming for their friends. So, Suho called Baekhyun and talked to him, saying that D.O. was shaking and he wanted to see Baekhyun. Baekhyun left the house saying the he would be back in an hours time. It's been three hours, Chanyeol! So, I called Suho and he said that Baekhyun didn't make it to their house. And now I'm panicking! What do I do, Chanyeol? I haven't been able to get a hold of Baekhyun! I'm scared, Chanyeol!" Tao was panicking, badly. Chanyeol was shocked. Who would do this?
"Alright. Tao, I'm going to look for him." Chanyeol had made up his mind. Kris had woken up already, sitting up and looking at Chanyeol, questionably.
"But, Chanyeol! You ca-" Chanyeol cut Tao off.
"I've made up my mind, Tao. I'm going to look for him. If he's in trouble, I can help." Now Kris was really confused.
"Alright, Yeol. If you say so. Call me if you hear any information." Tao told him.
"Will do, Tao." And with that, Chanyeol disconnected the call.
"What the hell is happening?" Kris questioned after Chanyeol disconnected. Chanyeol had a determined look on his face.
"Baekhyun is missing. I'm going out to find him." Chanyeol answered and got up from the bed. He started to change his clothes. Kris widened his eyes at Chanyeol's response.
"I'll go with you." Kris offered, but Chanyeol stopped him.
"No. I have to go alone." Chanyeol stated, firmly and walked out to the living room. Kris followed.
"If I'm not going to go, at least be careful, alright?" Kris asked as Chanyeol put his shoes on. Chanyeol nodded and grabbed his keys and phone. He shoved them in his sweatshirt pocket. Suddenly, he was enveloped in a bear hug by Kris. He hugged him back with as much force as the older. Chanyeol breathed in Kris' scent and he could feel Kris burying his face in his neck.
"If I don't come back in an hour, call Tao and come find me." Chanyeol told Kris as they pulled away. Kris nodded and grabbed Chanyeol's face.
"If anything happens to you, always remember that I love you." Kris looked in Chanyeol's eyes, sincerely. Chanyeol breath hitched and his heartbeat quickened. Kris...
"I love you, too." Chanyeol said and smiled. Kris smiled, relief washing over him. Chanyeol moved closer to Kris and Kris smashed their lips together. It wasn't an aggressive kiss, far from it, actually. It was more like a kiss full of emotion. Every emotion that Kris and Chanyeol felt was released in that kiss. All of the love and happiness and appreciation and-. Chanyeol felt an emotion from Kris. Worriedness and fear and sadness. He felt Kris tighten his grip on him and he held onto Kris, too. He assured him that it would be alright; that everything would be alright. And he felt Kris relax into the kiss. And Chanyeol started to run out of air. So, he broke the kiss that he never wanted to break. He wanted to forever live in that kiss.
"I'll be okay, Kris." And with that, Chanyeol pecked Kris on the lips once more and ran out of the front door, off to find his best friend.
And Kris felt worry wash over him. He couldn't wait an hour. He just wanted Chanyeol to be okay. He just wanted Chanyeol to stay safe.
He wanted to be with Chanyeol right now.
He never wanted Chanyeol leave his side.
And Kris had a bad feeling.
Please. Bring him home. Is that too much to ask?

A/N: No!! Not Baekhyun!! Yes Baekhyun! Because Chanyeol (me) Is evil!! Kiran's a meanie, we already knew that. And way to go D.O. Umma!! Well Chapter Nine will be out soon! I promise! I love you all!

~Channie, who loves all the fans!
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Chapter 11: Update anytime soon? I do like this story and would love to keep reading. ^_^
Please update soon
Chapter 11: EEWWW!!!! STINKY FRIDGE!! LOL. Anyway I loved this i cant wait!!! Please update when you can! Fighting!
Chapter 8: chapter****
Chapter 8: OMG U are sooooo funny!!! I loved this show!!!!
I miss this story u,u
Chapter 11: OMG OMG you updated! Yay!
And the fluff is making me go crazy!^^
Update soon!
Chapter 11: the update
Chapter 11: omg you updated !! ; A; i thought you have abandoned this fic /tears of joy/ and krisyeol is together again YAYYY!!
DoubleYsYeoja #10
Chapter 10: They are together freaking beautiful