Chapter Five: Promises Of A Trip And Packing

The Chocolate Coffee Cafe

A/N: Welllll, I am finally updating!! I hope you enjoy it! It's a bit long... (A Bit?!) Yeah... Well, Enjoy!! UnicornHepHap is great!! We all know that!! :D Now, on with the story!!


~Chapter Five~

"Hey, Chanyeol!" Suho greeted as Chanyeol walked into The Cafe. Chanyeol smiled and waved at him, then took his usual seat. Baekhyun was behind the counter, wiping it down. Chanyeol didn't see Tao though.

"Hey, Bacon, where's Taoco?" Chanyeol asked, curiously. Baekhyun looked up at him.

"He's in the back, getting more whipped cream." Baekhyun replied, casually. Tao came walking back into sight soon after.

"Oh, hey Chanyeol." Tao greeted and put the whipped cream in the small fridge under the counter. Chanyeol waved.

"So, what are you guys doing this weekend?" Chanyeol asked them. Baekhyun shrugged. Tao came up and nuzzled Baekhyun's neck. He wrapped his arms around Baekhyun's waist afterwards.

"Well, you know Chanyeol, I'd have to check my schedule." Baekhyun said sarcastically. Chanyeol made a face.

"But, really, I don't think Tao and I have anything planned." Baekhyun stated. Chanyeol nodded, smiling.

"What about you, Suho? Do you have anything planned?" Chanyeol turned around in his chair to look at Suho. Suho looked up from wiping the tables.

"I don't think I have anything planned. Why?" Suho asked Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled.

"Me and Kris want to go camping this weekend and we wanted to know if you guys wanted to go." Chanyeol looked at his friends. Baekhyun and Tao nodded.

"Yeah! We'll go. It'll be fun." Tao smiled. Chanyeol nodded.

"What about you, Suho? You can bring D.O.!" Baekhyun exclaimed. Chanyeol tilted his head to the side.

"Who's D.O.?" Chanyeol inquired. Baekhyun smiled.

"Suho's boyfriend, Do Kyungsoo. We all call him D.O. though." Baekhyun informed him. Chanyeol smiled widely.

"C'mon, Suho! Go camping with us! And bring D.O. too! I want to meet him!" Chanyeol exclaimed, half way pleading. Suho sighed.

"Okay. I'll ask him." Suho reassured Chanyeol. The overactive boy smiled.

"Yay! Thanks Suho hyung!" Chanyeol jumped up and hugged said hyung. Suho hugged the taller back a bit. Suho smiled as they broke apart. Chanyeol smiled also and went back to his seat. Just then, the bell at the door chimed. Chanyeol looked over to see Kris there.

"Kris hyung!" Chanyeol ran over and hugged the older. Kris hugged him back.

"I like this greeting. You should do it more often." Kris whispered in Chanyeol's ear. Chanyeol shivered, but smiled. He pulled back just enough to see Kris' face. He saw the smile forming on the older's face and leaned in to kiss those lips. Kris kissed back. It was a sweet kiss, full of emotion. Chanyeol smiled at his boyfriend and led him to their usual seats.

"Right before you came, I asked Tao, Baekhyun, and Suho if they wanted to go camping with us. They said yes and Suho is even going to ask his boyfriend if he wants to come!" Chanyeol exclaimed, excitedly. Kris smiled as Chanyeol jumped up and down in his seat.

"So, everyone should get packing. We're leaving on Friday and it's already Wednesday." Kris mentioned. Suho started fiddling with his phone.

"You're right! We do need to pack! Hmm. I wonder what I'll bring." Chanyeol wondered out loud. Kris made a face. Chanyeol snapped out of his trance, looked at him and smiled. Chanyeol patted Kris' head.

"Don't make that face so much or it'll be permanent." Chanyeol giggled a bit. Kris looked at him, half way glaring.

"Aw! Don't look at me like that!" Chanyeol whined, which didn't really work out well with his deep voice. He leaned in and kissed Kris for a moment before pulling back and smiling at his boyfriend. Suddenly, Suho turned to them and smiled.

"D.O. can come! He's going to start packing our things right now." Suho told them. Chanyeol tilted his head to the side, cutely.

"You and D.O. live together?" Chanyeol questioned. Suho nodded.

"I've been dating D.O. for about 3 years. I asked him to move in with me a year ago and he accepted right away." Suho explained, smiling at the fond memory. Chanyeol made an 'o' shape with his mouth. Chanyeol then turned to Baekhyun behind him.

"Then, it's only natural for you and Tao to be living together." Chanyeol came to that conclusion. Baekhyun nodded.

"Of course, he's my fiance." Baekhyun deadpanned. Kris grinned at the scene. Chanyeol sat back in his seat again.

"Channie! You're so cute." Kris giggled in a baby voice and everyone looked at him in horror.

"Oh my god! Kris! Never do that again!" Chanyeol half way shouted at him. Kris looked at him, then he made his signature face. Then, everyone burst out laughing.
Kris and Chanyeol stayed there a bit longer but, Chanyeol was complaining on how he had to go pack. Kris accompanied him to help him pack. Chanyeol told everyone else to pack before waving good bye to them. Now Kris and Chanyeol were walking to Chanyeol's apartment, hand in hand.

"So, are we going to your friend's place after this? So you can pack?" Chanyeol asked his boyfriend. Kris shrugged.

"Sure, if you want." Kris smiled at him. Just then, Chanyeol started skipping, dragging Kris with him.

"C'mon, Kris! Skip with me!" Chanyeol exclaimed. Kris looked at him like he grew an extra head.

"Chanyeol, are you on crack? I can't skip! These gigantic legs can't skip!" Kris gestured to his legs. Chanyeol giggled.

"Sure you can! C'mon! There's my apartment, right there." Chanyeol started pointing straight ahead. He started dragging Kris along the sidewalk, skipping all the way. Kris abruptly stopped in his tracks. Chanyeol looked back at him and tugged on his hand. He looked puzzled. Like it was normal, Kris let go of his boyfriend's hand and threw said boyfriend over his shoulder.

"Kris! What the hell are you doing!?" Chanyeol started flailing around. Kris managed to pin his legs down to his chest.

"Stop flailing or I'll accidentally drop you!" Kris yelled over his shoulder. Chanyeol stopped flailing after that. Kris soon reached the apartment building.

"What floor?" Kris asked Chanyeol.


"What room?"

"Twenty-two." Chanyeol replied. Kris looked around for the room and once he found it, he put down Chanyeol. Chanyeol smiled at Kris as he was put down. He grabbed his keys out his pocket and unlocked the door. He shuffled inside as him and Kris took their shoes off. Chanyeol the light of the living room and kitchen, showing Kris his apartment.

"It's nice; homey. I like it." Kris said thoughtfully. Chanyeol smiled and ventured off to his room. Kris made himself at home while Chanyeol was packing.

"What do you think we'll need?" Chanyeol shouted from down the hall so Kris could hear him. Kris thought for a moment.

"Four sets of clothes, to start with." Kris shouted back. Kris made his infamous serious face.

"Aish! Screw it." Kris muttered to himself. He head upstairs to Chanyeol's bedroom. He entered the room and saw Chanyeol packing his bag. He walked over and sat next to the bag on Chanyeol's bed. Chanyeol smiled at him.

"What else are we going to need?" Chanyeol asked his boyfriend. Kris sorted through his mind for needed things on a camping trip.

"Well, at least two pairs of shoes, a tooth brush, and while we are at it, bring toothpaste, and a hair brush for this hair of yours." Kris listed and at the end, ruffled Chanyeol's hair. Chanyeol didn't bother pushing the hand off his head, but instead, he smiled up at his beloved. Kris removed his hand from Chanyeol's hair and walked over to the bathroom connected to his bedroom. He grabbed Chanyeol's toothbrush, toothpaste, and other hygienic items. Kris came back out and gave the items to Chanyeol. Chanyeol took them and put them in the little pocket of his bag.

"Well, that's all, I think." Chanyeol stated turning around to face Kris. He smiled at older and took his hand.

"Are we going to your friend's place? You know, to pack your stuff?" Chanyeol asked, curiously. Kris nodded and started to put his shoes back on. Chanyeol grabbed his keys on the counter and started get his shoes on as well. He then walked out of his apartment with Kris in tow. He locked the door then turned to Kris. He held his keys up in front of Kris' face.

"You want to drive?" Chanyeol smirked at his boyfriend as his eyes lit up. Kris nodded and took the keys.

"I hope you can handle it." Chanyeol muttered and grinned. They walked out of the building to the parking garage. Chanyeol led the way to his car and stopped when he was in front of it. Kris' eyes widened.

"Is that...?" Kris asked but trailed off. Chanyeol looked back at him and smiled.

"Yep. A black Aston Martin One-77." Chanyeol stated, boldly, while smirking. Kris' eyes widened even more.

"Where did you get it?" Kris asked eyeing the car. Chanyeol walked over to it.

"My parents bought it for me for my eighteenth birthday." Chanyeol answered, leaning on the car. Kris walked closer to it.

"And you're allowing me to drive it?!" Kris asked, surprised. Chanyeol nodded and opened the passenger side door.

"You're my boyfriend. I trust you." Chanyeol stated, bluntly, and got in his car. Kris looked at him like he was crazy but then grinned as he got in the drivers side of the car. He started the car and pulled out the parking garage.

It didn't take long for Kris to get to his friend's apartment. He parked the car in the parking garage and started to walk inside. Chanyeol followed him as he led the way inside. Kris approached a door in the hallway that they were in and got out his key. He unlocked the apartment and stepped inside, taking his shoes off as he went. Chanyeol did the same and noticed two guys in what looked like a kitchen.

"Oh, Kris! You're back." One of them turned around and smiled at the newcomers. Kris looked at him and half-heartedly waved.

"Hey, Luhan." He greeted one of them and walked over to the other one, putting a hand in his neatly-styled hair. "Hey, Sehun." He greeted the other. Said boy looked up and nodded at Kris. Kris pulled the guy next to Sehun, Luhan, over to Chanyeol.

"Who's this, Kris?" Luhan asked, curiously. Chanyeol bowed. Kris grinned.

"Luhan, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend, Chanyeol." Kris introduced them. Chanyeol was surprised when he heard a high-pitched squeal. He looked up and saw Luhan smiling at him. Luhan suddenly ran over to him and hugged the life out of him. Chanyeol was surprised, to say the least.

"Omo! Kris! He's adorable!" Luhan exclaimed as he pulled back and pinched Chanyeol's cheeks. Chanyeol started pouting, unintentionally. That only made Luhan gush over him even more. Chanyeol smiled at him.

"C'mon, Luhan. Give him some room." Kris practically pried Luhan off of Chanyeol, then securely wrapped a well-defined arm around his beloved's  waist.

"He means well. Don't worry." Kris whispered in Chanyeol's ear. Chanyeol nodded and smiled at him. Kris turned his head towards Luhan.

"We're going camping this weekend, so we're here to pack." Kris explained to his friend. Luhan made a face.

"Ew, camping." Luhan stated his dislike. Sehun looked over at him.

"Lulu! When we went camping, you said you loved it!" Sehun looked at him, weirdly. Luhan looked over at him and smiled.

"Hunnie, we were in a RV. We didn't actually like set up tents. I don't like that kind of camping." Luhan explained. Sehun's mouth made an 'o' shape.

"We'll be down the hall packing." Kris turned and walked away with Chanyeol. They headed down the hallway connected to the living room and walked into the last room. Kris the light and Chanyeol stared at everything around him. There was a huge king-sized bed in the corner of the room, dark blue walls, a dresser, and two nightstands at both sides of the bed. Kris pulled a good sized duffel bag out from under his bed and set it on the ground. Chanyeol stopped admiring everything around him and sat down on the comfy surface of Kris' bed. He watched as Kris put four sets of clothes in the bag, then got up and walked into the room attached to his bedroom, which Chanyeol assumed was the bathroom. He came out seconds later holding a few hygienic things, which he put in the bag along with his clothes. Kris leaned back on his heels and zipped up the duffel. He looked up at the cross-legged Chanyeol and saw that he was smiling down at him.

"What are you smiling at?" Kris asked as he sat down on the ground. Chanyeol kept smiling.

"You're cute. That's all." Chanyeol stated, bluntly. Kris made a face.

"I am not cute. I am manly and handsome." Kris almost pouted. Chanyeol stifled a laugh that threatened to come out.

"Oh, you're cute and you know it."

"I am not."

"But, you are."

"I'm not."

"Say it."




"Say it."


"Say it!"


"I said, say it!"

"Okay, okay!" Kris hesitated.

"I'm listening." Chanyeol told him, expectantly.

"I'm cute." Kris mumbled. Chanyeol strained to hear.

"I'm sorry. I couldn't hear you. Could you repeat that?" Chanyeol pretended not to hear him. Kris made a face.

"I said, I'm cute!" Kris halfway shouted at him. Chanyeol smiled widely and threw himself at Kris. He ended up jumping onto Kris, making them both fall over on the ground, with him on top. Chanyeol blushed as Kris looked at him. Suddenly, Kris leaned in and kissed Chanyeol sweetly. Once Chanyeol felt Kris' lips on his, he kissed back. Chanyeol never wanted it to end.

He loved every second of it.

When Kris pulled back, Chanyeol smiled at him and he smiled back. It was times like these when Kris would really smile. Not smirking or grinning, but actually smiling.

"C'mon. You have to get back home." Kris told Chanyeol, pulling him up with him. Chanyeol nodded and was led out of the room by Kris. Chanyeol waved at Luhan and Sehun as he pasted them in the living room. They waved back. Chanyeol started to put on his shoes and Kris did too. They walked out to the parking garage together and Kris opened the door for Chanyeol.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Meet me at The Cafe?" Kris asked him and kept holding his hand. Chanyeol nodded.

"Like always. Bye." Chanyeol leaned in and pecked Kris on the lips. Kris let go of Chanyeol's hand as he slipped into the car. He waved at him from inside the car and drove off.

Once Chanyeol parked his car at his apartment, he leaned back and breathed out a sigh.

What is this warm feeling? Could it be... love?


A/N: Well, That was just fantastic, wasn't it?! Well I hope you guys liked it!! Feel free to leave a comment!! :D Until the next chapter!!

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Chapter 11: Update anytime soon? I do like this story and would love to keep reading. ^_^
Please update soon
Chapter 11: EEWWW!!!! STINKY FRIDGE!! LOL. Anyway I loved this i cant wait!!! Please update when you can! Fighting!
Chapter 8: chapter****
Chapter 8: OMG U are sooooo funny!!! I loved this show!!!!
I miss this story u,u
Chapter 11: OMG OMG you updated! Yay!
And the fluff is making me go crazy!^^
Update soon!
Chapter 11: the update
Chapter 11: omg you updated !! ; A; i thought you have abandoned this fic /tears of joy/ and krisyeol is together again YAYYY!!
DoubleYsYeoja #10
Chapter 10: They are together freaking beautiful