The Eternal Promise To Always Be Together

Second Chance

Woohyun looked around him in confusion. Where was he? Why he was here? Why he could be here?

Now the handsome black haired man walked at the wide green field. The wind blew gently, sent him a sweet fragrance of grasses and flowers and caressed his hair softly. He could hear the rustle of leaves from the trees around him. So beautiful…a perfect place for Woohyun to close his eyes and fell asleep there forever.

But why he felt so empty? Like there was something missing…something important. But what?

Suddenly the black haired man saw a brown haired man sat at the edge of the lake. The man had a small eyes, chubby cheeks, milky white skin…and a beautiful, gentle smile. Saw the man, Woohyun felt entranced, he felt warmth filled his heart suddenly. He didn’t know why…but he felt like the man was something missing from him…the missing piece of his heart….

His soulmate…his everything….

Woohyun quickly walked towards the man. The cute brown-haired boy man itself, when he finally heard Woohyun, quickly raised his head to look at him. Their eyes met each other for a moment before the cute man's lips finally broke into a smile.

“Why are you here?” he asked in a beautiful, melodious voice that made Woohyun’s heart beat faster. Everything at this man in front of him really screamed ‘perfection’. Really ethereal…really dazzling…really angelic…. He looked…like an angel…his guardian angel.

“Because I feel that I need to be with you…” Woohyun whispered when he knelt in front of the brown-haired man and held the man’s hand tightly. “…Feel that I must be with you forever…and never let you go….”

And the sweet smile that formed at the cute man’s lips made Woohyun sure…that he was the one for him. Whoever this man was…he was Woohyun’s soulmate…his angel of destiny.

But then his smile erased completely. “So you decided to be here? Forget your promise to me?” the cute man asked.

“Huh?” Woohyun asked in confusion. Was he ever met this man? If he was, where? He didn’t remember any of it. He never remember when this angelic man ever met him.

“You promise me Woohyun…” the brown haired man whispered, his stares quickly became sad. “You promise that you will be with me forever and you suddenly choose death over me!”

“W…what are you saying?” Woohyun exclaimed. “I never met you before, that was impossible for me to ever make promise like that to you.”

And Woohyun’s sentence quickly made tears fell from the brown-haired man. The cute man let out a sob when he cried. “You…don’t even remember me? Am I meant so little for you?” he asked between sobs.

Woohyun looked at him with confusin and hurt. He didn’t remember where and when he met this man, but he knew…this man in front of him was important. Woohyun quickly reached his head up and enveloped the cute man’s body.

And when he touched him, he saw a flash of the cute man smiled at him. He saw the man, dressed in a high school uniform talked and walked beside him at their high school’s corridor. He remembered the smile at the man’s face everytime he greeted him at the morning when he wake up from a long sleep. He saw a loving stare everytime he came back from his office in tiredness…this man…. He was….

“Don’t cry, hyung….” Woohyun whispered when he raised his hand to caress the brown-haired boy’s hair gently. “I promise you that I will never make you cry so please don’t cry…Sunggyu-hyung….”

Yes…he remembered everything. Sunggyu was his soulmate. His angel…his life. And he did say that he will always be beside Sunggyu. He will always be there as long as Sunggyu want him, not even death…could take that promise away from him.

“You remember…” Sunggyu said softly. “Remember…everything?”

“Yes…” Woohyun said when he gently held Sunggyu’s hand and wiped the tears from Sunggyu’s face. “I remember everything…. I will always be there for you, hyung…no matter what happen….”

Sunggyu smiled before he suddenly seemed to fade from Woohyun’s stares. The green field around him slowly changed too, became a white bright light that enveloped Woohyun in warmth and love. “So please…wake up….” Sunggyu whispered softly. “Open your eyes…and come back to me….”

And Sunggyu’s body slowly disappeared, became a mist that formed a way with a bright light at the end of the way. Woohyun smiled before he took a step forward and walked ahead.

“I will hyung…so please wait for me….” Woohyun whispered when he continued to walk ahead…to take back his eternal love…his soulmate and destiny….

Sunggyu looked at Woohyun with a tired and hurt stare. The brown haired man held Woohyun’s hand that lay limply beside him tightly, without any intention to let him go.

Ever since one week ago…ever since Woohyun was hit by a car to save him, Woohyun never wake up again, he never opened his eyes again. The doctor said that Woohyun hit his head quite hard, made his brain went into shock and resulted him went into a coma.

And no matter what, Sunggyu felt guilt…felt that it was because of him that Woohyun became like this. If he became more careful when he crossed the street that day, Woohyun would never be hit, and he would never laid in the hospital bed like this.

Sunggyu missed the smile at Woohyun’s lips and to be honest…he asked himself until when Woohyun would be like this. No, he didn’t feel tired to wait for Woohyun here, he was willing to wait Woohyun even until the end of the world if it was necessary. Sunggyu didn’t want to give up to bring Woohyun back to the real world with him. But he afraid…he was afraid that Woohyun would never opened his eyes anymore.

And that was something that Sunggyu couldn’t accept…no matter whatever the reasons were.

“Hyunnie…” Sunggyu called the name again for the thousands time. “The same day, the same life, lives under the same sky…but you are not here with me anymore. Please Woohyun wake up, forgive me for make you become like this. I am tired to see you like this, to cry like this. I want to smile with you…see you smile back to me. I miss you, Woohyun…so much….” Sunggyu unconsciously tightened his hand at Woohyun’s. “Please…wake up Woohyun….”

Sunggyu let out a sob when he the thought of Woohyun was dead came to his mind. What if Woohyun was really leave him? He would never be fine anymore. Sunggyu couldn’t move on if Woohyun was not there with him. “Hyunnie…if you want to die…please bring me with you…don’t leave me here alone…. I can’t bear it, Woohyun…” Sunggyu said while tears fell down heavily to their intertwined hands. “Because I love you, Woohyun…really love you….”

Suddenly Sunggyu felt that Woohyun’s fingers moved slowly. Sunggyu quickly raised his head, saw that Woohyun’s hearbeat became faster and his hand moved again. “W…Woohyun…” asked Sunggyu in a hopeful voice. Was it real? Or he was just dreaming?

The brown-haired boy saw Woohyun’s eyelids fluttered. Sunggyu held his breath and tightened his hold at Woohyun’s hand. His hearbeats became faster and faster, with hope filled it with each beat. “Woohyun please…” Sunggyu muttered.

And slowly Woohyun’s eyelids fluttered open, showed the beautiful onyx orbs that Sunggyu missed so much, before the eyes met Sunggyu’s watery ones. A beautiful gentle smile formed at Woohyun’s voice when Woohyun raised his other hand to wipe Sunggyu’s tears away.

“I already ask you…to never cry…in front of me…right?” Woohyun said in a hoarse, weak voice. “That’s why…never show your…tears…in front of me…hyung….”

And that was enough for Sunggyu to burst into tears of happiness. He cried loudly like a little kid, didn’t care at all that it was something so girly to do. Woohyun was back! He was wake up! He…really came back to him.

Woohyun smiled when he saw Sunggyu cried in front of him. He quickly pulled Sunggyu’s head into a hug and kissed his head’s softly. “I miss you too, Sunggyu-hyung…” Woohyun whispered. “So much….”

Sunggyu kept crying when he tightened his hand at Woohyun’s hospital gown, didn’t care at all that he soaked the gown with his tears. He didn’t care about anything at all, not when all his life came back at him once more.

“Welcome back Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered softly, a bit muffled with Woohyun’s chest. “I…love you….”

Woohyun smiled when he kept caressed and kissed Sunggyu’s forehead and hair lovingly. He closed his eyes when he felt the familiar warmth of Sunggyu against his skin. “I know…” Woohyun said softly. “I love you too….

One week later, Woohyun finally was healthy enough to leave hospital, but his company gave him time to rest at home so now Woohyun just lazed around at the house with Sunggyu (because of his work as composer, Sunggyu didn’t need to go into office often).

“Gyu~” Woohyun whined to his lover that continued to compose music without any care for him at all. Since two days ago, Woohyun just go back to his greasy self that made Sunggyu annoyed as hell, and thus didn’t need a long time for them to go back to their usual Woohyun-whined-nonstop-because-Sunggyu-ignored-him kind of life.

“What?” Sunggyu asked when he drank his tea calmly for his seat at the sofa beside Woohyun. Sunggyu just decided to always stay near to Woohyun in case his younger lover needed anything (the cute hamster denied that it was because he always wanted to be near the younger one).

“Come here~” Woohyun said when he sat up from his earlier position and reached his hand to Sunggyu. Sunggyu just looked at the greasy tree in confusion before sighed and walked toward his lover. When they are near enough, Woohyun quickly grasped Sunggyu’s hand and pulled the older forward, so Sunggyu tripped and fell to Woohyun’s lap.

“Woohyun!” Sunggyu exclaimed. Woohyun just ignore the hamster while he wrapped his hands around Sunggyu’s slim waist and buried his head at the crook of Sunggyu’s neck, inhaled Sunggyu’s scent that always could make him calm no matter what happen.

“Thank you hyung…” Woohyun whispered softly, made Sunggyu tilted his head in confusion.

“Why suddenly say thank you?” Sunggyu asked.

“Because you always be here with me…and never leave me…” Woohyun said softly. “And for always love me…no matter how am I….”

Sunggyu snorted when he heard Woohyun’s (according to him cheesy) confession. Sunggyu quickly touched Woohyun’s cheeks, made the younger quickly look at him.

“If I am you, I will always say thank you for God…” Sunggyu whispered softly. “Because He didn’t take you from me yet, because he gave you to me…and because…he make my life perfect with you and your love beside me….”

Woohyun smiled before they intertwined their hands and bring Sunggyu’s face closer to his. It didn’t need a long time before their lips met each other at a loving, soft kiss. Woohyun immediately deepened the kiss, tasted the sweet taste that was purely Sunggyu. Woohyun quickly bit Sunggyu’s lips softly, made the latter opened his mouth to let Woohyun’s tongue met his, their salive mixed together when their tongue danced together at the dance of passion. Woohyun’s hand quickly slipped itself into Sunggyu’s shirt, felt the warmth of the hamster’s skin and….



Woohyun groaned in pain when he felt that Sunggyu pushed him hard to the floor. Woohyun looked angrily towards the sound that interrupt his ‘activity’ with Sunggyu and saw Myungsoo and Sungyeol looked innocently at the entrance of the living room. But the smirk that formed at their lips told Woohyun that they looked what had he done with Sunggyu before they barged in.

“Are we disturb you, hyung?” Myungsoo asked his older brother innocently. Sunggyu frantically shook his head while wiped his mouth to erase the saliva that tricked down his lips.

“Woohyun-hyung, you just go out from the hospital, don’t force yourself to make out with Sunggyu-hyung!” Sungyeol asked in a mock concern, made Woohyun wanted to strangle the choding boy, not only because they dared to interrupt him and Sunggyu, but also because of his tone of mocking.

“Woohyun-hyung, please don’t taint my brother’s innocence. I like the innocent side of him, hyung~ it’s the thing that make him cute,” Myungsoo said while he smirked slightly. Aisshhh~I know it, both of them hanged out with Sungjong too much, made the evilness of the diva went to them too.

“I don’t taint him!” Woohyun defended him. “I just kiss him!”

“Really?” Sungyeol asked with a gasp of surprise. “Then why your hand was into Sunggyu-hyung’s shirt?!!” Really…if this choding boy not his besfriend since they were a child Woohyun sure he would skin Sungyeol alive.

“Ahhh~whatever!” Woohyun messed his hair in frustration. “Why are you here?”

“Actually we want to visit you but since it looks like we disturb you…” Sungyeol said. “I think it is better if we go home and visit you tomorrow. Bye, bye hyung! Remember, don’t taint Sunggyu-hyung’s innocence~” he said while he waved his hands happily and walked out of the door with Myungsoo.

“Really…that two…” Woohyun sighed before he plopped down beside Sunggyu. He sighed loudly before he leaned his head at Sunggyu’s shoulder and closed his eyes to relax himself.

“Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered softly, made Woohyun hummed softly. “I…love you…no matter how much time went by....”

Woohyun smiled when he saw the blush that smeared along Sunggyu’s face. Really, that hamster was so cute, made him felt that he was so lucky to have him. “I love you too hyung…forever and ever….”

And the sunset that streamed into the room painted the room with soft orange color, made the matched silver ring that they wore at their ring fingers shone dimly.

I promise that I will never leave you…as long as you want me to be here….

I will keep that promise, make it true…even with our own life.

And now…when even death couldn’t separate us….

 I will make sure that we will always be together forever…in this world…and many lives ahead of us….

Because we are destined to be together…no matter what happen…. the story end with a kind of...lame ending? Really, I felt this ending is so lame! XO Sorry if the ending not satisfy all of you guys~I will try better at my other fanfics.

And then I will say thank you very much for all the subscribers and comments that I receive until now~ It's really make my day XD make me so happy! Thank you so much for your support all this time so I finally can finish this story XD I hope you will like this story guys XDD

Okay, meet again at my other fanfics, and I hope you will like my other stories too! Anyyeong guys I love you ^____^ -throwheartsnamustyle-

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imsmlee86 #1
Yasinta91 #2
Chapter 6: Okay authornim. U made me crying ocean but gave me a red cheeks in the end bcz of woogyu sweetness..
SpeGirl #3
Chapter 6: Yeay for happy endinggg
Chapter 6: Omfg!! I've cried a river again.......... daebak authornim!!!
Chapter 6: I'm crying!!!! was beautiful! :')
Chapter 6: This is so perfect. I loved the ending <3<3<3
yinyin95 #7
Chapter 6: this story is awesome
woosoogyu #8
Awesome! This story is awfully beautifully written! Love this woogyu story!
It's sweet.... I've heard In Heaven from JYJ & I could almost imagine woogyu as the main lead... Thank god... Oops... nope... Thank you for making this a happy ending... ^_^
Glad they ended up together! and darn myungyeol for interrupting! Lovely fic~
CREIS 4 U... ;_______;