Try To Fix The Broken Promise

Second Chance


Woohyun slowly opened his eyes when he felt sunlight streamed into his shared bedroom with Sunggyu. Woohyun slowly turned around to hold Sunggyu’s warm body that lay beside him but frowned when he saw that the space beside him was empty. Woohyun quickly snapped his head up when he heard a voice at his window and quickly stunned when he saw the beautiful scenery in front of him.

Sunggyu sat beside the window while he enjoyed the warmth of the sunlight that went into their bedroom through the window with a soft, gentle, smile in his lips. He just wrapped himself in thin, white blanket, let Woohyun saw his white milky skins of his hands and shoulders clearly. A soft morning wind blew Sunggyu’s brown hair gently, made the hair became messier and with the sunlight that feel to Sunggyu, it gave him a dazzling aura around him.

Really…beautiful…and perfect.

Sunggyu that heard a sound from his bed quickly turned his head towards the sound. Slowly his lips curved into a smile, a sweet, cute smile that he only preserved for Woohyun. “Morning, Hyunnie? Have a nice sleep?” asked Sunggyu softly but lovingly.

“Am I dead?” Woohyun asked suddenly, made Sunggyu frowned in confusion when he heard Woohyun’s weird question.

“Em…no, I think you’re not dead yet. Wae?” asked Sunggyu in confusion.

Woohyun smiled before snuggled to his pillow while still looking at Sunggyu. “Because…there’s an angel….”

“Huh?” asked Sunggyu, in more confusion.

“Yep, an angel~a cute angel with small eyes, chubby cheeks, brown hair, and white skin...” said Woohyun in a husky, seductive voice while he reached his hand out and pointed at Sunggyu.  “Right in front of me…”

Silence fell between the two of them for several moments before Sunggyu blushed in deep red. He quickly turned his head towards the window to hide his blushing face. “H…Hyunnie, you are so greasy!” he exclaimed while Woohyun just chuckled when he see his lover’s adorable respond to his greasiness.

“It’s already a bit late morning huh…” said Woohyun while he lay at his back and saw Sunggyu (that already came back to bed) that snuggled up beside him. “It’s a weekend too, do you want to go somewhere, hyung?”

“Eh?” Sunggyu raised his head lazily when he looked curiously at Woohyun. “Well…I don’t have any plan to go anywhere besides shouldn’t you take a rest at the weekends like this, Woohyun? You worked hard all this week, you shouldn’t force yourself to accompany me and just take a rest,” Sunggyu said.

Woohyun quickly shook his head before caressed Sunggyu’s hair, face, and neck gently, made the cute hamster shuddered visibly (even though just slightly) and kissed his lips tenderly. “It’s alright, Gyu~whenever I am, and whatever I do, as long as you are beside me, then I feel like I am at peace so~ as long as you are here I will take a rest~”

“I already told you no greasiness at morning~” grumbled Sunggyu lowly but the faint blush that smeared across his face told Woohyun about the chubby hamster’s true feelings towards the greasy tree.

‘Besides…there’s nothing more important for me other than Sunggyu-hyung’s happiness,’ Woohyun thought when he kept caressing Sunggyu’s brown hair. ‘As long as you are happy and smiling, then everything doesn’t have meanings at all. I will sacrifice everything, doing anything…as long as it can make Sunggyu-hyung happy.’

“But really…I don’t have any plan at all today so just take a…” before Sunggyu could finish his words, Woohyun already sat up and walked out of the bed, dragged Sunggyu along with him towards bathroom.

“If you don’t have any plan, I have,” Woohyun said smugly to his older boyfriend before shoved Sunggyu into the bathroom. “That’s why just take a bath first while I prepare everything, okay?”

And that’s how Sunggyu found himself sat at the passenger seat of Woohyun’s black Mercedes while Woohyun drove them somewhere.

“Seriously?” Sunggyu asked Woohyun when Woohyun pulled out a blanket and basket from the back of his car. “You want us to relax…here?”

“Yes, why?” Woohyun said innocently. “It is a perfect relaxation site, right?”

“Relaxation site your !” Sunggyu yelled. “You want to go a beach when today is so hot like this?!!”

“That’s why we go to the beach, Gyu~” said Woohyun in a slight mocking tone, made Sunggyu became even angrier. “A hot day…what is better than go to the beach and swimming?”

“You are right…” Sunggyu muttered while he put his hat on his head to prevent the bright sunlight. “But still is too hot….”

Woohyun just smiled before both of them walked to the beach that was still empty (thanks to Myungsoo and Sungyeol that willing to lend their private beach) before setting everything at the sand. After they finish, Woohyun quickly ran to the sea while Sunggyu decided to just sit at the beach under their big umbrella to avoid the sunlight.

  “Gyu-hyung, don’t be a vampire and just sit there! Come on, play with me at the sea! The water is cool, you know~” Woohyun exclaimed from the sea.

“No, thanks, I’ll pass…” Sunggyu muttered while shaking his head. He quickly closed his eyes and just enjoyed the sound of the waves that crashed at the shore. The cute man almost feel asleep if he didn’t feel that he was being swooped up from the ground to somewhere.

“Woohyun, what are you doing? Put me down!” Sunggyu yelled and struggled while Woohyun brought him bridal-style towards the sea. Woohyun just ignored the hamster and kept walking to the sea. When they reached the sea, Woohyun ‘accidentally’ released Sunggyu, made the brunette feel to the sea with a shriek (fortunately the sea was not too deep).

“WOOHYUN!” Sunggyu shrieked when he saw his body that soaked from head to toe.

“Ooppsss…my bad…” Woohyun said innocently to Sunggyu. “I just want you to fell the cool water~ it’s good to cool down your body too, hyung…”

“Maybe you’re right…” Sunggyu said while he felt the cool sensations of the salty sea water to his skin. “And true…the water is so…”


Sunggyu stunned when he felt water hit his face and body. He felt droplets of water feel from his hair and face and his clothes became more soaked….

“NAM WOOHYUN!” yelled Sunggyu angrily. Yes, because Woohyun was the one that splashed water to Sunggyu.

“You look so hot there, hyung…” said Woohyun in seductive voice, made Sunggyu shivered because he felt that Woohyun’s words held ambiguity.

“S…shut up!” Sunggyu exclaimed before stood up slowly and wiped his wet face. “But still…thank you….”

And saw Sunggyu’s smile that being directed to Woohyun, that handsome man felt (maybe for hundredth times) how lucky he was to be given a second chance from God to fix everything and love Sunggyu once more like this.

After played (read: splashed water to each other) all day at the sea, Woohyun and Sunggyu walked back to their (or rather Myungsoo and Sungyeol’s) villa. After they washed themselves, they quickly prepared dinner for both of them.

“Gyu-hyung, you must eat the vegetable too! Don’t just eat the chicken!” Woohyun exclaimed when he put the stir vegetables to Sunggyu’s plate.  

“Shut up, Hyunnie! You are really like my mom…”Sunggyu muttered softly but still he chewed the vegetables slowly because he didn’t want to receive Woohyun’s glare.

After they finished dinner, Sunggyu walked to the balcony at the villa. He enjoyed the scenery of the night sky and the sea when he heard the waves and felt the night wind blew his hair. He smiled when he felt a strange serene feeling, that made him felt so comfortable.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of warm hands wrapped around his slim waist. Sunggyu quickly opened his eyes that he had been closed and turned his head to see Woohyun that smiled softly to him. Sunggyu smiled back at his lover before snuggled closer to Woohyun’s body, enjoyed the handsome man’s warmth against his own body.

“Hyunnie…” Sunggyu whispered against Woohyun’s chest, made his words a bit muffled. “…Thank you….”

“Why suddenly said thank you?” asked Woohyun in confusion. “I don’t do anything to make you must say tha…”

“For make me happy…” Sunggyu said softly. “You must be tired after all the hard work that you have done but still you are willing to spend your time with me all this time. you always here…never leave me at all….” The cute man closed his eyes and inhale Woohyun’s scent that he loved so much. “I always want you to be here with me for eternity… no matter what happen….”

Woohyun actually was a bit taken aback when he heard Sunggyu’s words. He never thinks that words would be come out from Sunggyu’s mouth, especially to him. Woohyun smiled in happiness while he tightened his hug at Sunggyu’s body and kissed his forehead gently.

“I will always be here with you…” Woohyun muttered softly to Sunggyu’s head. “For as long as you want me here with you….”

Sunggyu smiled while he nodded his head and softly fell asleep. “Thank you Woohyun…” Sunggyu whispered. “…I love you….”

“I love you too, hyung…” Woohyun whispered back to Sunggyu, even thought he knew that Sunggyu had already fallen asleep and couldn’t hear his words anymore. “…More than everything and everyone in this world…. That’s why please don’t cry anymore…and please…never leave me anymore, hyung…because I can’t bear to lose you for the second time….”

I hope this chapter is not too lame since I just...not too good in making a romatic story. I hope all of you will like this chapter, guys

Once more thank you so much for all the subscribers and comments! it's really make my day! Really, I love all of you guys~ XDD

Okay, please keep subscribe and comment, okay? I will try to update the next chapter soon! X)

Okay, thank you so much, and once more I love all of you guys~ annyeong -throwheartsnamustyle-


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imsmlee86 #1
Yasinta91 #2
Chapter 6: Okay authornim. U made me crying ocean but gave me a red cheeks in the end bcz of woogyu sweetness..
SpeGirl #3
Chapter 6: Yeay for happy endinggg
Chapter 6: Omfg!! I've cried a river again.......... daebak authornim!!!
Chapter 6: I'm crying!!!! was beautiful! :')
Chapter 6: This is so perfect. I loved the ending <3<3<3
yinyin95 #7
Chapter 6: this story is awesome
woosoogyu #8
Awesome! This story is awfully beautifully written! Love this woogyu story!
It's sweet.... I've heard In Heaven from JYJ & I could almost imagine woogyu as the main lead... Thank god... Oops... nope... Thank you for making this a happy ending... ^_^
Glad they ended up together! and darn myungyeol for interrupting! Lovely fic~
CREIS 4 U... ;_______;