The Willingness To Do Anything For You

Second Chance

Woohyun kept glancing at the calendar at his refrigerator when he took a breakfast with Sunggyu. He didn’t know why but he felt uneasy since the time he opened his eyes at the morning. He felt something bad will happen, something that would make him hurt….

But what? What would happen today?

“Hyunnie, why are you so gloomy?” Sunggyu asked when he put the eggs and bacons in front of his younger lover. “You are supposed to be excited! Today, you will lead the meeting at your company, right?”

Woohyun nodded his head while he smiled and kissed Sunggyu’s forehead, decided to just shrug the uneasy feelings off, thought that it just his imagination.

“Try your best today, okay? I hope for the best of you,” Sunggyu said while he helped Woohyun put his tie up and kissed Woohyun’s cheeks goodbye. Woohyun smiled and kissed Sunggyu’s lips lovingly before walked out of the door towards his car.

“Hyunnie…” Sunggyu muttered, made Woohyun looked back at him. Sunggyu smiled softly but felt…sad to Woohyun.

“…Thank you for everything…” said Sunggyu softly. “…I love you….” Before Woohyun could say anything, Sunggyu already closed the door and leaved Woohyun alone in confusion and anxiousness before again decided to shrug it off and drove himself to his office.

Woohyun reached his office and prepared everything that he needed for his meetings when his eyes saw the date at the calendar clearly for the first time. 15th August 2009.

Woohyun immediately frozen in fear when he realized what would suppose to be happen today.

Today was the day when Sunggyu was dead.

But…he didn’t fight with Sunggyu, he didn’t give any reasons for the cute hamster to suicide like the last time. No…Sunggyu didn’t have any reason to suicide…therefore…Sunggyu not supposed to die today. Sunggyu even didn’t walk out from their home today because he has a music note to work out, so…Woohyun supposedly didn’t have any reason to afraid and fear. Sunggyu would not die today…it would be different today.

But why he still felt so uneasy…so afraid? So anxious?

Why he still felt that Sunggyu would be dead today?

“Sir, all the managers waiting for you. The meeting will be begin soon,” said his secretary. Woohyun nodded his head when he walked to the meeting room, still with anxious and fears for Sunggyu.

‘Sunggyu-hyung please…’Woohyun thought. ‘Don’t leave me again….’

Sunggyu was busy writing a music note for the music company he worked at when suddenly their home phone was ringing. Sunggyu glanced at it before put down his note and went to pick up the phone, not realized that Woohyun called his cellphone that he left at the table.

“Hello, who is this?” Sunggyu asked when he picked up the phone. There were voices at the other line before Sunggyu’s face lit up. “Myungsoo, you are here? How? Never mind, the important thing is that you are here! We should meet up somewhere Myungsoo, right?”

There were answers from Myungsoo before Sunggyu nodded his head happily. “Yes, yes, how about we meet at the café near Woohyun’s office? That way after his meetings he can join us for lunch. Hmmhh~okay, I’ll meet you there, Myungsoo!”

Sunggyu quickly walked upstairs to prepare himself for his meeting with Myungsoo. He was so excited! He didn’t meet his younger brother for one month already (because Myungsoo, with Sungyeol, worked and lived at other town) so now of course Sunggyu would be happy when Myungsoo said that he was at their town and wanted to meet him and Woohyun.

And again in his excitement, Sunggyu failed to notice his cellphone that kept vibrating by Woohyun’s calls (he put it at the silent mode so he would not feel disturbed by any ringing when he worked).

Woohyun bit his nail in frustration and anxiousness when Sunggyu didn’t answer his calls at all. The fears and anxiousness that he felt about Sunggyu intensified. He really scared now...scared that something would be really happen to Sunggyu.

Sunggyu’s face appeared in his mind, the last words that Sunggyu said today before he went to work, Sunggyu’s peaceful but tear-stained face that he saw had laid numbly at the morgue three years ago. It haunted Woohyun’s face so much. The fears that he felt for Sunggyu was so heavy that he didn’t realize the curious stares of all the managers in front of him because he kept silent when it was the time for Woohyun to present his project for them.

‘No!’Woohyun thought. ‘I will not let it happen again! I will not let Sunggyu-hyung die again! I will save him! I will make sure of that!’

And with that Woohyun quickly ran out of the meeting room, all the way prayed that Sunggyu would be alright.

Sunggyu walked happily to the café where he supposed to meet Myungsoo. A happy smile always formed at his lips, made he looked cuter. He lolled his head in sync with the music that he heard from his earphone with his eyes closed, made him felt ignorant and not realize anything around him.

One of them was the traffic light that beeped lightly, and changed color from the green light to red when the cute brown haired man stepped his foot ahead  to cross the street.

Woohyun kept running and running. Woohyun didn’t care that he was aching all over and his chest felt heavy with a lack of air, made him hardly breathe but he couldn’t stop, he didn’t want to stop.

Not when Sunggyu would dead again if he stopped.

‘Sunggyu-hyung please wait for me. Don’t leave me again, don’t let me lose you again, hyung!’Woohyun thought. ‘I beg you hyung…don’t die….’

Tears started to fall from Woohyun’s eyes when he remembered Sunggyu. Sunggyu that always care about him, Sunggyu that always love him, Sunggyu that ask him to be beside him forever…he didn’t want to lose that Sunggyu! He would do anything and sacrificed everything, as long as it was for Sunggyu’s sake!

‘Hyung, I beg you, please, don’t die!’Woohyun thought when he finally let a shaky sob out of his lips. ‘For once, let me fulfill all of your wish! For once, please let me love you to the fullest! For once let me prove you that I will never let you go! Please hyung…don’t leave me for the second time! Don’t die again and leave me alone again! I can’t bear it anymore hyung…I can’t live anymore if you die again, hyung. So please…wait for me! Let me save you this time, hyung!’

Woohyun finally caught sight of Sunggyu when the brown haired man walked across the street near his office. Woohyun smiled when he saw that Sunggyu was fine and alive but his smile was erased completely when he saw that Sunggyu crossed the street when the traffic light already became red.

And a car was came at the high speed towards him.


Woohyun quickly ran forward at his fullest speed. He quickly catched up to Sunggyu and pushed his older lover out of the way when the car came at the high speed towards him. Just a split millisecond, at the right time to save Sunggyu.

But not for himself….

 ‘I can finally save you hyung…’thought Woohyun when he saw that now the car was came at the high speed towards him instead. ‘But I’m sorry…it looks this time…I’m the one that must say goodbye to you, hyung…. Goodbye…and I love you, hyung…forever and always….’

Sunggyu turned his body and widened his eyes when he saw Woohyun pushed him out of the way when a car came at the high speed towards Woohyun. Sunggyu reached his hand to his younger lover when Woohyun let out a relieved smile at his lips and looked at Sunggyu with a relieved and loving stare.


Okay, cliffhanger! OMG Was Woohyun dead instead of Sunggyu now? well...maybe yes maybe no~ -getbricked-

the next chapter will be the last, so if you want to know what happen to Woohyun, please wait for it and read the next chapter Iater! I hope you all will wait for it and enjoy it okay? for now I hope that all of you guys will enjoy this chapter XD

Again, thank you so much for the subscribe and comment that I received! I really happy to receive that, guys! So please keep subscribing and comment, okay? it will make me really happy! :D

Okay, I'll try to update the next (and the last) chapter soon! Please wait for it patiently, okay? I love you guys! Annyeong! ^______^

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imsmlee86 #1
Yasinta91 #2
Chapter 6: Okay authornim. U made me crying ocean but gave me a red cheeks in the end bcz of woogyu sweetness..
SpeGirl #3
Chapter 6: Yeay for happy endinggg
Chapter 6: Omfg!! I've cried a river again.......... daebak authornim!!!
Chapter 6: I'm crying!!!! was beautiful! :')
Chapter 6: This is so perfect. I loved the ending <3<3<3
yinyin95 #7
Chapter 6: this story is awesome
woosoogyu #8
Awesome! This story is awfully beautifully written! Love this woogyu story!
It's sweet.... I've heard In Heaven from JYJ & I could almost imagine woogyu as the main lead... Thank god... Oops... nope... Thank you for making this a happy ending... ^_^
Glad they ended up together! and darn myungyeol for interrupting! Lovely fic~
CREIS 4 U... ;_______;