Chapter 8

KyuWook - I hate everything about you

Surprisingly enough, that guy did exactly what he said he would do.


Two months later, he still hadn’t talked to me except for our huge ECR project that we had to show to the group in exactly five days, he had completely stopped Cho gang from laughing at me and he had stopped following me everywhere, though I could feel his eyes on me every time I walked in front of him. My life was way easier now that I didn’t have to face Cho gang everyday and it couldn’t get better.


People could’ve thought that I would miss him, things like that. But there was no way I would miss that guy. No way I would miss him talking to me and making my life so hard. This happiness lasted two months.


But, after two months, two whole months, I guess he couldn’t take it anymore because he visited me, one day, after school. He seemed very tired, like he hadn’t slept much lately. I frowned when I saw him.


“What do you want?” I asked a bit hesitantly.


“Can… can I enter?”


I sighed and let him step into my house, closing the door behind us. I crossed my arms on my chest and looked at him with annoyed eyes.


“What do you want?”


He stayed silent for a while, looking at me with dark, desperate eyes. I examined him. There clearly was something weird about him right now, something weird I hadn’t noticed during class. Was he sick?


“Two months…”, he finally started. “Two whole months… do… do you still hate me that much?...”


What? Was he here only for this? Only to ask this?


“Of course I still hate you, though I didn’t really have time to think about this recently.”


Just meaning that he didn’t make me think about how much I hated him recently.


He looked at me, saw in my eyes that I really did hate him just like before, and sighed softly.




“It’s not like I can just forget what you did to me in the past few years in only two months.”


Because yes, he had bullied me since first year of high school.


“Plus, though you were not supposed to talk to me at all, you’re here today and you talk to me.”


“I couldn’t do it anymore. Not talking to you…”


I shook my head and rolled my eyes. Like he really talked to me before… He looked at me with puppy eyes before suddenly hugging me tightly. Before I could do anything to escape him, he kissed me softly.


“I’m sorry, I… I… I just… I can’t… I can’t do this anymore…”, he sighed when he broke the kiss. “I… give me one month. Give me one month of talking to you, learning to know you more, and you would learn to know me more. Give me one month, okay? And, if after one month, you still hate me so much, I’ll give up. Completely. Okay?”




I wasn’t sure what he exactly wanted to do.


“One month of what, exactly?”


“One month of both of us acting like we are at least friends. If you still hate me, I will…”


“… give up, I understood that part. I’m not that stupid.”


“… Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. So… is it okay? Just one month.”


I sighed. One month and he would completely leave me alone after that? I pushed him away, annoyed by the hug.


“One month”, I agreed.


He smiled, his eyes becoming so full of happiness that I wondered if I had made the right choice. He hugged me again and I sighed, doing my best not to punch him in the face. When he finally let go of me, he immediately started to plan the weekend.


“Do you like shopping? We could go shopping. I don’t really like it, but if you like it it’s okay with me. Maybe we could go to the ‘Galeries de la Capitale’? I went there before with my parents, there’s a mini amusement park, shops and arcades. I have my license, so I could drive to go there. It’s far, but we could spend the entire day there. What do you think?”


I sighed, already a bit annoyed by his plans.


“I like shopping, but I don’t have money”, I said, emphasizing on the second ‘I’.


“Oh, but I can take care of that. And no need to repay me.”


“What? But…”


“C’mon, we’re friends! You don’t need to repay me for this. Okay?”


I sighed again before pushing him to the door.


“Okay, okay. I’ll let you take care of the schedule and everything. Choose the day and the hour, I’ll be ready and I’ll let my mom know that I won’t be there that day. Now get out of my house.”


He opened the door and went through it, smiling widely.


“Okay! Then it’ll be Saturday, we’ll leave at… let’s say, 8 in the morning? It takes, like, 2 hours, maybe 2 hours and a half, to go there… yeah, we’ll leave at 8. Is that okay with you?”


“Yeah, yeah, now just go.”


I closed the door and locked it, making sure he was gone before growling and getting to my room to throw myself on my bed.


Why, just WHY did I agree to do this?



Because I feel nice and because I got more than 3 comments xD If I get more than 3 comments again, I'll upload another chapter before I go to sleep xD

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Chapter 20: Im so happy this story had a happy ending,
Kyuhyun's persistence paid off! Hurrah!!
wintertmm #2
Chapter 20: my heart ache when kyu was trying to chase wookie long time since i read such a simple sweet and touching story. all smiles here really love it.
ismary666 #3
Chapter 20: Something happened there that my coment went crooked: | no matter, it is understood :)
ismary666 #4
Chapter 20: "Saranghae"
"Ai ____eru"
"Wu ai ni"
"Je t'aime"
"I love you"
"Te amo"

Le agregue el español :)
me encanto el fic, gracias muchas y seguire leyendo todos tus escritos :)
un besote
I added the Spanish :)
I loved the fic, thanks a lot and I keep reading all your writings :)
a big kiss.
ismary666 #5
Chapter 19: woke up,
I love you,
So awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I'm happy and I not cry.
ismary666 #6
Chapter 18: R felt the love of K?, K has to woke up and go to the prom, please!!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 17: Evil person : (
so something bad had to happen to react to R, I will mourn, seriously: (
ismary666 #8
Chapter 16: I'm happy as lombris, ejejeje, is just an expression, but i love the KyuWook i love it, I love, I adore you for writing, jajajajajaa, hell, my antivirus stopped working, that ugly thing,
I said that I adore you for writing fics so cute.
Oh!! poor, poor K, twice in the car,
do not you make me mourn?, right?
ismary666 #9
Chapter 15: Will R accept go to prom with k?, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!, K will suffer?,I go to mourn: |
ismary666 #10
Chapter 14: A cut is accidental, but if K suffers, oh! So if it will be painful, because the pains of love always hurts like hell, I say: (