Chapter 5

KyuWook - I hate everything about you

When I opened my eyes, I was in the supervisor’s room. He sighed in relief when he saw me opening my eyes and gave me some water that I drank with difficulty.


“Ryeowook Kim, you made me worried! Your classmate Kyuhyun brought you here in panic, both of you were wet like you just came out of the shower… what were you doing outside anyways? You have classes…”


He started lecturing me, but I didn’t really listen to him. I was trying to get my thoughts together. What had happened before I lost consciousness?


“And it seems like you caught cold already. Your face is burning. I gave you liquid medicine while you were sleeping and you swallowed instinctively, but you’re still burning…”


I faintly heard him sigh: “Ah, Asians… they’re so fragile…” before I lost consciousness again.


When I opened my eyes again, I wasn’t in the supervisor’s room anymore. I was in some unknown other room, in a huge bed, and there was that thing reading some difficult scientific book not far from the bed. He saw me moving when I tried to sit and hurried to my side. I frowned. He had glasses on. It made him look so different.


“Yah, you’re awake. You made me worried!”


I closed my eyes, not wanting to see him.


“Yah, Ki… I mean, Ryeowook-sshi. Are your parents not home? I had to call mine because nobody was answering the phone at your house, and we couldn’t take the bus with you being unconscious. Oh, and the door of your house was locked, so I brought you to my house.”


I clenched my teeth. My parents were never home. Both of them were too busy with work, trying to pay my studies, to be home. My dad practically lived in Quebec in an apartment his work gave him, and my mom only came back home during weekends because she worked in Montreal. During the week, she stayed at some friend’s house. I was always alone.


“My parents have to work. They’re not like yours”, I muttered, offended.


He stayed silent for a while before sighing.


“My parents work. It’s just that they’re mostly working at home.”


“Like I care.”


He stayed silent again.


“You know, I’m not calling you Kim Ryeowook to laugh at you. It’s just that I thought you’re more used to it than Ryeowook Kim, and calling you Ryeowook seemed rude.”


And you’re the one talking about being rude… like mocking me wasn’t being rude.


“And I meant it, when I told you that I love you.”


My .


“I’m sorry that I was being so mean. I just… don’t know how to be nice in front of others. In front of all of them. In elementary school, I was bullied, so I learned to bully instead of being bullied.”


Again, like I care.


“C’mon, Ryeowook-sshi! Can’t you forgive me?”


I growled.


“Of course not. I told you. I hate everything about you. And it won’t stop so soon.”


He sighed before bowing softly and leaving the room. Once he was gone, I let myself examine the room I was in. It was huge. Huge and full of expensive stuff, starting with a lot of gaming consoles that looked brand-new, a giant plasma TV and a MacBook Pro 17 inches. Oh, and the bed was king-sized.


“Tsk. Rich spoiled brat.”


He came back with a tray full of food and put it on the bedside table after he had removed everything that was on it, and I looked away.


“I would’ve cooked something for you, but I know I could’ve poisoned you with it, so I asked my mom to cook instead. She made Lipton noodle soup. She always made this when I got sick”, he said.


I didn’t reply. I was hungry, but I would’ve died instead of admitting it. Suddenly, his hand was on my forehead, half-covering my sight.


“Hmm, you’re still burning hot. I’ll try to find medicine.”


He left again and I simply stayed there, my stomach growling in hunger, tortured by the smell of the hot soup. I managed to control myself and, when he came back, I still hadn’t touched the food.


“Oh, c’mon, Ryeowook-sshi! You have to eat”, he sighed before sitting on the bed, right next to me, putting the medicine on the table.


I closed my eyes and turned, facing the opposite direction. I heard him do something behind me but didn’t pay attention to it. So I was very surprised when I suddenly felt his mouth against mine, and I opened wide, surprised and offended eyes as his lips were forcing mine open. He managed to open them and I felt some hot salty liquid flowing into my mouth.


“What the?!” I growled when he finally let go of me.


“If you don’t want to eat by yourself, I’ll make you eat like this.”


I clenched my teeth, refusing to believe in his threat, until I saw him take the spoon to put some more soup in his mouth, ready to approach me to kiss me again and force me to eat. I moved back.


“Stay away! I… I will eat.”


He swallowed what he had in his mouth before smiling. He took another spoon - he had brought two and I was pretty sure he knew I would refuse to eat at first - and gave me the tray. He watched as I ate and nodded softly when I was done, satisfied.


“Good. Now, the medicine. Will you take it willingly or do I have to make you drink it?”


I gave him back the tray and sighed.


“I’ll take it.”


He smiled and poured the correct quantity of medicine inside a little recipient before giving it to me. It tasted awful but I drank all of it and he nodded again, putting everything on the tray before getting up.


“I’ll be back soon”, he said right before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.


I sighed and snuggled under the warm covers. I thought I could never fall asleep in someone else’s room, but surprisingly it didn’t take long before I was soundly sleeping.



Hmm, should I do the evil thing again? And wait until I have enough comments before updating... hmm... ^^ By the way, thanKYU a LOT to all of you who are reading this =D ThanKYU to all of you who subscribed and commented! I'm sorry if I don't thank all of you personally on your walls, but Internet's being a b*tch and it works for 2 minutes before it stops working, so I just can't do this ^^' Plus, I use this bonus time to write more ;) xD Oh yeah, and you know what? 9 comments during the night for this fic just totally made my day =D I'm very very very happy right now <3 I'll write more today for you, promise! =D

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Chapter 20: Im so happy this story had a happy ending,
Kyuhyun's persistence paid off! Hurrah!!
wintertmm #2
Chapter 20: my heart ache when kyu was trying to chase wookie long time since i read such a simple sweet and touching story. all smiles here really love it.
ismary666 #3
Chapter 20: Something happened there that my coment went crooked: | no matter, it is understood :)
ismary666 #4
Chapter 20: "Saranghae"
"Ai ____eru"
"Wu ai ni"
"Je t'aime"
"I love you"
"Te amo"

Le agregue el español :)
me encanto el fic, gracias muchas y seguire leyendo todos tus escritos :)
un besote
I added the Spanish :)
I loved the fic, thanks a lot and I keep reading all your writings :)
a big kiss.
ismary666 #5
Chapter 19: woke up,
I love you,
So awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I'm happy and I not cry.
ismary666 #6
Chapter 18: R felt the love of K?, K has to woke up and go to the prom, please!!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 17: Evil person : (
so something bad had to happen to react to R, I will mourn, seriously: (
ismary666 #8
Chapter 16: I'm happy as lombris, ejejeje, is just an expression, but i love the KyuWook i love it, I love, I adore you for writing, jajajajajaa, hell, my antivirus stopped working, that ugly thing,
I said that I adore you for writing fics so cute.
Oh!! poor, poor K, twice in the car,
do not you make me mourn?, right?
ismary666 #9
Chapter 15: Will R accept go to prom with k?, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!, K will suffer?,I go to mourn: |
ismary666 #10
Chapter 14: A cut is accidental, but if K suffers, oh! So if it will be painful, because the pains of love always hurts like hell, I say: (