Chapter 12

KyuWook - I hate everything about you

The next morning, I woke up when the phone rang. My mom was already gone to buy food for me for the week, so it’s being half-asleep and very clumsy, my teddy bear in my arms, that I bumped my way through the house to the phone. I answered it with the hoarse voice of someone who just woke up.




“Ryeowook-sshi? It’s me, Kyuhyun.”


I could’ve guessed. I would’ve recognized this voice anywhere, though it was mainly because this voice had mocked me for five years.


“What do you want?” I sighed.


“That’s rude! Did you sleep well?”


“I was sleeping very well until you called.”


“Oh, sorry, sorry. Do you want to do anything today? It’s so beautiful outside, I thought about going to Mont-Royal. But maybe you’d prefer going somewhere closer?”


“I, erm… I don’t know. I didn’t really plan to do anything today. I just woke up because of the phone anyways.”


“Well, then… would you like to come to my house? There’s nothing much to do, but…”


“I’ll think about it. For now, I’m still half-asleep.”


“Oh, okay. I’ll call later then. Let’s see, it’s 10 o’clock… I’ll call around noon. Bye! Saranghae.”


He hung up before I could reply and I just stayed there, the phone in my hand, my breathing still slow and regular like when I slept, my teddy bear in my free arm, my hair being a mess and my eyes starting to close by themselves. I breathed deeply, yawned, hang up the phone and went back to my room. Throwing myself on my bed, I closed my eyes.


“Just a few more minutes…”


The phone woke me up again two hours later and I jumped. This time, my mom was home and she answered it. I thought she would tell him that I was still asleep, but she knocked on my door.






“Someone wants to talk to you.”




“I’m coming in.”


She opened the door and handed me the cordless phone before leaving. I breathed deeply before putting the phone to my ear.




“Ryeowook-sshi, you were still sleeping?”




“Sorry, sorry. Again. You sure sleep a lot. Did you go to bed late yesterday?”


“Nah… right after I arrived…”


“That’s what I’m saying, you sure sleep a lot. Well, I guess you want me to let you sleep?”




Honestly? I myself didn’t even know if this sound was a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’. He stayed silent for a moment before sighing softly.


“Okay, I understand. I’ll see you at school tomorrow then. Saranghae.”


He hung up, leaving me half-asleep again. I hung up and closed my eyes. This time, I was sure I could sleep as much as I wanted.


But I had been woken up twice already and I couldn’t fall asleep again, so I finally got up after thirty minutes. I went to the kitchen in my pajamas, my teddy bear in my arms, and I slowly prepared a bowl of Special K with strawberries in it. I added milk, found a spoon and sat somewhere to eat. I smiled, still not completely awake, when I thought that Cho would surely have said something about those cereals, something like ‘Of course, Special K means Special Kyuhyun’. My smile disappeared when I mentally slapped myself for thinking about this guy again.


By the time I was done eating, I was completely awake. I took a shower and got dressed, using old clothes because it was the weekend, before wondering that to do today. It really was beautiful outside, and noticing this reminded me that Cho had told me about it when he had called the first time. I sighed, took the phone, pressed a few buttons and waited.


“Hello?” a feminine voice answered.


“Erm, hi”, I said shyly. “I’d like to talk to Ch… I mean, Kyuhyun.”


“He’s in his room. Please wait a moment.”


Twenty seconds later, his voice resounded softly in the phone.




“Hi, it’s…”


“Ah, Ryeowook-sshi! You’re finally up.”




“So, did you want to do anything today?”


I blinked a few times. I thought he would be a bit mean to me - and he would’ve been right, as I had turned him down earlier -, but he sounded very happy to hear me.


“Hem, yeah. Any idea?”


“Well, I just went outside, it’s very hot, though we’re still only at the beginning of June. Do you want to come to my house? We have a pool.”


“I thought there wasn’t much to do.”


“I didn’t know it was this hot. So?”


“Yeah, why not. I’m taking my things and I’m coming.”


“Okay! See you in a few minutes! Saranghae!”


Again. He had told me that again. And he seemed so happy, too. I sighed softly, unable to understand why he was so enthusiastic though I had been cold to him this morning, and hung up before preparing. I changed into my trunks, took a beach towel and left. I frowned when I saw Cho wearing trunks and a white tee shirt. He greeted me with a huge smile and a kiss on the cheek.




I poked him in the stomach.


“Why are you wearing this? You won’t jump into the water?”


“Of course I will.”


“Then why are you wearing this?”


“Oh, it’s because of my scars. I don’t like showing them.”


I frowned.




“Yeah, I got into a car accident two years ago during summer break. Which is why I started school later. Most people think I was late because I was on a trip though.”




Yeah, oh. I didn’t know about this at all. And suddenly, asking this seemed so rude of me. I blushed softly.


“Sorry. I didn’t mean to…”


“It’s okay, you didn’t know.”


I stayed silent for a while until he pressed a noisy wet kiss on my cheek.


“C’mon, don’t be like this! If you don’t jump in the water before I do, I’ll kiss you on your lips.”


I reacted immediately and jumped into the pool, letting out a scream because it was cold.




Cho’s evil laugh offended me a bit and I got out of the water to hug him tight, covering him in cold water. He whimpered when I put my cold hands on the skin of his neck, and his eyes became big and round.


“Aaah! Cooooold!”


I pulled him and hugged him before letting myself fall into the water, bringing him with me. We both screamed because it was so cold.


“Why doesn’t this pool have a water heater?!” I asked, already shivering like crazy.


“It does, but we turned it off for the winter and I guess we forgot to turn it back on!”


“Just admit it, you want me to get sick again so I’ll stay in your room!”


He laughed.


“I didn’t even think about it, but it’s a good idea.”


I pushed him underwater to make him stop laughing, but he only ended up laughing even more when he got out, coughing because he had swallowed water. When we got out, completely frozen, to just let us dry under the warm sunlight on our beach towels, I smiled softly.


Maybe the gray was starting to get just a bit paler, after all.



I'm sorry, this is boring >.< I'm trying to make them have another date pretty soon, but they don't want to listen to me xD

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Chapter 20: Im so happy this story had a happy ending,
Kyuhyun's persistence paid off! Hurrah!!
wintertmm #2
Chapter 20: my heart ache when kyu was trying to chase wookie long time since i read such a simple sweet and touching story. all smiles here really love it.
ismary666 #3
Chapter 20: Something happened there that my coment went crooked: | no matter, it is understood :)
ismary666 #4
Chapter 20: "Saranghae"
"Ai ____eru"
"Wu ai ni"
"Je t'aime"
"I love you"
"Te amo"

Le agregue el español :)
me encanto el fic, gracias muchas y seguire leyendo todos tus escritos :)
un besote
I added the Spanish :)
I loved the fic, thanks a lot and I keep reading all your writings :)
a big kiss.
ismary666 #5
Chapter 19: woke up,
I love you,
So awwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!! I'm happy and I not cry.
ismary666 #6
Chapter 18: R felt the love of K?, K has to woke up and go to the prom, please!!!!
ismary666 #7
Chapter 17: Evil person : (
so something bad had to happen to react to R, I will mourn, seriously: (
ismary666 #8
Chapter 16: I'm happy as lombris, ejejeje, is just an expression, but i love the KyuWook i love it, I love, I adore you for writing, jajajajajaa, hell, my antivirus stopped working, that ugly thing,
I said that I adore you for writing fics so cute.
Oh!! poor, poor K, twice in the car,
do not you make me mourn?, right?
ismary666 #9
Chapter 15: Will R accept go to prom with k?, Awwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!, K will suffer?,I go to mourn: |
ismary666 #10
Chapter 14: A cut is accidental, but if K suffers, oh! So if it will be painful, because the pains of love always hurts like hell, I say: (