New Beginning

Thinking Of Your Love
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You have cooked the dinner and have set it on the table. You went to Seunghyun who is at the living room. You push his wheelchair to the dining table then you get Hanna who is on her stalker. You put Hanna on the baby’s chair at the dining table. You sit in front of Hanna. Then you noticed Seunghyun was staring at you. You look at him.

“You.. you cook all of this?” He said looking at all the dishes on the table.

“Yup. Why? Is there any problem?”

“’s quite  a lot..”

“Well, you need to eat healthy food. So, you better finish everything.” You said.

You look at Hanna and get her food.

“Hanna-ya..let’s eat, okay?”

You gives a pecked on her cheek and start to feed her. You glanced at Seunghyun sometime to see whether he is eating or not and luckily he is eating. You keep on feeding Hanna and do some baby talk with her. As always, she responded to you with her talks too. You keep doing that although you realized that Seunghyun are still keeping his eyes on you and Hanna. You do feel awkward but you can do nothing. You take a spoonful of food and wanted to feed Hanna but suddenly she spurt out everything inside . She seems happy doing that and she keep giggles all the way long. You look around to the messed she have made. You pretend to be angry at her but she keep on giggling. Happy with what she have done.

“Yaaa, Choi Hanna! What a naughty girl.Eomma feed you but how could you..”

Hanna look at you with her round eyes and smile. She pointed at Seunghyun with her tiny fingers.

“What now? You want your appa’s food? Aishh..”

Then you noticed Seunghyun keep smiling so wide to himself.

“Wae?” You look at him asked him. “Oh!” Then you remembered you have said something that you shouldn’t. Appa.. He might not like it.

“I don’t know why.. makes me feel so good when you call out her full name.. Choi Hanna.. And for pointing me as ‘appa’..” He paused a bit. “I don’t know that word making me feel that I have responsibility over her.. But it makes me feel like she is part of me too..” He said full of careful.

“Sorry Seunghyun but even if you denied it for thousand years, Hanna is yours too. That’s the fact you have to accept.”

“I regret for not loving her from the behinning.. I regret everything..” His voice sounds sad.

You wanna respond to that but Hanna keep on playing with the messed she have made.

“Hannaaaaaaaaaaaa…” You sounds nagging at her.


You look at Seunghyun again. “Thankyou for choosing to stay here. I am so happy. Hanna-ya..”

Hanna quickly respond to Seunghyun by looking at him with a wide smile showing her pink gummy.

“I am sorry for what I have done to you Hanna-ya. I promise I will be a good appa for you..”

Then Hanna keep her baby talks with her loud voice. She seems so happy.

As for you, you don’t know what to say. You just wish whatever it is, as long as you stay here with him, he wont do anything like he did before.




You sit on the couch and Hanna sit next to you. You play with Hanna and talk to her. You just love talking to her. Although she might respond with something that you could not understand but it makes you happy.

“Hanna, it’s already time to sleep. But why you didn’t look sleepy at all?” You pinched her nose lightly.

“She usually sleep at this time?” Suddenly Seunghyun’s appeared at the living room with his wheelchair.

You nodded lightly at him.

“Can I join you guys?”

His question is weird. This is his house. Why he asked your permission to join you and Hanna? You thought to yourself after nodding at him.

“Hanna is so beautiful…” He said while looking at Hanna.

“Yeah~ I feel blessed enough when I gave birth to her, she is as healthy as the other baby..”

Seunghyun smile widely while still looking at Hanna in such distance.

“May I ask you..why ‘Hanna’?”

“Err..I know you might be thinking how lame I am if I tell you that actually I name her Hanna because she was the first to my everything. I know it’s funny to you if I said that you are actually the first guy that I..kissed and you know….” You said that in a very low tone. “So that is why I named her Hanna. Lame right?”

“Aniyo.. it’s pretty. Like her. Like you.. I should have try to treat you well since the beginning..” He sighed. “Thankyou for taking care of her while I’m being such a jerk, Yiyoung..”

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FannyChoi #1
Chapter 9: Back here again after 10 years . And still want to smack the hell out of Seunghyun lol
Chapter 38: :D .. I really liked this chapter.. but seunghyun need to suffer a little more..
Ohsnapitsnina #3
Read this story back in 2013.. 5 years later, never fails to make me get in my feelings or make me cry. Love this story!!
Lolypop123 #4
Chapter 65: Glad he change for the better :3
cicibear #5
Chapter 65: I've read this story over and over again, specially everytime I got bored. Thank you authornim :)
imey95 #6
Interesting story
foreveryeol #7
Chapter 24: I hate leeteuk.. Who is he to ask yiyoung to leave top? Im getting too emotional