A EXO SleepOver

Our FanGirl is a Gumiho: EXO's "Special" FanGirl

You and Kris silently got out of the van as you waved goodbye to SeHun and ChanYeol and everyone else drove off. Kris looked back at you and you smiled at him, he rolled his eyes before walking into the kitchen. "I could probably just live here myself." he mumbled taking a sip of his water and you gulped thirsty. Kris saw your thirsty face and shoved the water in your hands. You looked up at him surprised, "Are you going to drink it or not?" you smiled and took a long sip of it then looked at him happily. "What now?" he asked and you giggled lightly.

"We just had a indirect kiss oppa~" you cooed and he choked turning red.


"Kiss~ Kiss~" you puckered your lips and made kissing noises. His face turned crimson red before shoving your face away and walking off awkwardly. Ah! It's hot in here, I should turn on the AC. Ugh what's wrong with you Kris! he mentally hit himself and you glared stomping a foot while crossing your arms. "Hmph! I was just joking!" you looked around and gasped before following after him. "Oppa where you going!" you asked as Kris sighed and turned to look at you.

"Where else? To practice, don't bother me okay?" you nodded and saluted. He rolled his eyes as you went to go sit down on the blue bench. Kris ignored you and Mama. You perked up and jumped, this was your third favorite song. The first was Angel, second was What was love . Kris looked back at you and smiled unconsiously. He started dancing and you looked t him wide-eyed and amazed. Kris kept on checking up on you and smirked as he saw your dazed fangirl expression, "Like what you're seeing?" he joked but you nodded your head innocently.

You were so into it that you started to dance like him, though they were total fails. It ended up more like a awkward Hot Issue dance. Kris chuckled when he saw you and you pouted when he stopped. "Why'd you stop?" you asked and he laughed even more.

"Because it pains me to see someone dance as horrible as you." you pouted and he blushed a little the coughed nervously.

"Can you teach me then!" you eagerly asked and he sighed. It was going to be just a regular dance tutor Kris thought and nodded. "Fine but this is making up for leaving you on the boat." you smiled and nodded.

"I forgave you anyways oppa, I always will." Kris looked at you shocked and touched. Never will find a fangirl like her. Kris sighed and awkwardly went closer to you. "What part do you want to learn?" you thought about it for a second then nodded your head.

"I want to learn the part where your like running or something while turning your head and all that stuff!" you excitedly clasped your hands and jumped. He sighed then nodded at such a simple task. Kris first showed you how it was supposed to look then step-by-step of how and where to put your arms into the right direction. You huffed, you never danced besides for in your room which were just random arm waving. Suddenly you sat on the ground and pouted, "Ah~ I don't want to dance no more! It's to hard!"

Kris sighed and shook his head, "Aish, what can of fangirl are you that you don't even want to learn your oppas dance?" Kris teased but you looked down in shame then stood up.

"Arasso, I'll try again but it's so complicated! I probably look like a fool and it's embarassing oppa." he sighed then smiled at your perseverance.

"Okay, good. Now put your arm to the right." you accidently stuttered and put your hands to the left. Kris groaned and walked towards you. You panicked and froze, your body tensed up when you felt his arms wrap around you and you in air. Kris didn't notice your red face and moved your body to the right. "Why are you so tense?" he asked frustrated.

You looked up blushing your faces only inches away from each other. Kris breathed in deeply as he stared into your honey coated pupils. She's so pretty, wait no! What am I thinking! Ugh she's so close to! I knew this was a bad idea. Omo omo! What is she doing! Why is she coming closer! Kris closed his eyes and waited, he didn't feel anything and felt stupid. Suddenly he heard the door open, "Yah! Kris what are you doing?" he heard Xiu Min yell and groaned. He put his hand over his chest feeling his heart, Badump Badump it quickly beated as he stared at you. He shook his head and sighed.

"What are you guys doing here?" Kris finally asked not noticing he was still holding you. ChanYeols face fell as he saw you in Kris's arms.

"Tae Lee!" Sehun shouted and you perked up and ran to him.

"Oppa!" you cheerfully yelled, "What are you doing here!"

Kris made another groan, Did they not just hear what I said? SeHun smiled at you warmly, "We wanted to also er...practice." he lied.

LuHan heard him and sighed, "What are you talking about? You and ChanYeol were arueing about Tae Lee not being safe and what ever and rushed over here. The only reason why we came was because we couldn't trust you guys. So I guess were having a sleep over!" you clapped your hands.

"Yay!" you turned to SeHun. "Oppas was worried about me!" you hugged him tightly making him blush red. ChanYeol sighed angrily, I was worried about you to.  He pouted and trudged next to a irritated Kris. ChanYeol looked at Kris then back down.

"What Yeol-Chan?" Kris asked not even looking at him and taking a sip of his water.

"Why were you holding Tae Lee?" Kris choked and spit out the water turning red.

"Wh-What! I wasn't holding her!" he protested and ChanYeol scoffed.

"Yes you were, don't lie. Why were you holding her?" ChanYeol asked and Kris raised a eyebrow.

"Why? Do you like her?" for a moment ChanYeol paused remembering your angelic face he smiled and nodded.

"I think I do, why do you like her?"

"Of course not, she's a nuisance."

ChanYeol stared at you for a moment then nodded his head slowly, "Don't change your mind then, I call dibs." Chanyeol patted his shoulder then ran to you.

Kris stared at him blankly for a moment then at you, your face was so angelic to him. He could feel his heart beat accelerate again. "I don't think I can promise that Yeol-Chan." he breathed deeply trying to control his feelings.

You smiled at ChanYeol and sighed making a yawn, "I'm tired. Oppas! Good night kiss~" you puckered your lips and LuHan who was infront of you flinched opening his eyes widely as the rest of EXO ran away. You quickly jumped on top of him and made kissing noises.

"Oppa~ Good night kiss~ Please? Buing Buing~" you put your fist near your cheek and cutely smiled. LuHan turned red and groaned.

"Yah! Get off!" he said trying to push you away but you still layed on top of him.

"No! Not until I get my good night kiss! I'll sleep ontop of you if you don't give me one!" You leaned down your lips pink and puckered. LuHan's eyes widened even more in shock, he closed his eyes preparing for your wet kiss. He peeked one eye open seeing you were being carried away by a angry SeHun and ChanYeol. We almost kissed! Badump Badump he felt his heart beat faster and he grabbed his chest It's just beating out of shock, right? He got up from the ground and shook his head. Shivers running down his spine. "I almost got kissed by a gumiho." he shivered again and looked around. "Where'd they take her?"

You made grabby hands and huffed crossing your arms as they pulled you up stairs, "Why can't I have atleast a goodnight kiss!" you huffed again and ChanYeol rolled his eyes. They opened the door to your new room and you gasped surprised. It was so pretty, quickly you ran up and saw doll toys everywhere. You giggled and looked at them pleased, "Did you buy this for me?" you asked and they nodded making you jump with joy.

"It's only because you'll have to sleep in here. It was SuHo hyungs idea, you should thank him." SeHun smiled at your happy face and sighed tired.

"Get some rest, were going to bed." Chanyeol hesitated then closed the door. You smiled in glee then panicked, "Oh no I'm alone! And it's dark! Ahg, ottokae~" you whined and ran to the bed. You shuttered in the darkness the white moon lighting your room a little. "If I go out now then I'll get in trouble! I'll just wait, when they fall asleep I'll sneek out."

After a hour

You snuck out quietly and easily making your way down stairs. You put yourself between who knows who and smiled snuggling in the blanket. The warmth from them was unbelievable and you happily fell asleep.

Please vote on who you want her to end up sleeping with!

Who do you want her to sleep next to? (The most votes and second most votes are the chosen ones!)">http://Who do you want her to sleep next to? (The most votes and second most votes are the chosen ones!)

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Kyaaa, this story screams cuteness <3 I need more of this! I'm shipping gumiho with Sehun, Chanyeol, Luhan and Kris for now. In the future, perhaps TaeLeexEXO.

More! MORE! MORE! Gumihoooooo <33 xDD
Tough_Pandas #2
Wow~ Interesting! Update Soon <3
EXOPhoReal #3
Yay it's so good! I was looking for something different! X) I love Tae Lee's character she's so cute lol <3 I like ChanLee and SeLee or TaeYeol and TaeHun update quickly!
LovleyU-Kiss #4
Oh it's so cute! Lol Tae Lee teasing Channie~
@ChinkyDubu I ship them all to, though I want her to have a moment with LuHan~ TaeHan or LuLee <3
Sorry about that!
Here's the corrected ones.

ChinkyDubu #6
Wow! It's so good! Please update and I voted~ Ugh you deserve more subscribers! Already shipping TaeYeol and TaeHun <3 or ChanLee & SeeLee~ Also love Kreases nickname for ChanYeol! KrisYeol <3 Lol fangirling.
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Do credit us!
