Teaser 03: Lead Vocal

앖트랔트 (ABSTRACT) New Girl Group from CUBE Entertainment! [Apply Closed]

And we're back once again with the newest member- What's that? Oh? Well, ladies and gentlemen, it would seem that we will be revealing two girls today! The first girl we have here goes by the name of Jang Eun Hee. She's a Canadian girl, with a very angelic looking face! Ah, look at her, isn't she pretty!? However, seeing all the pictures of the members, doesn't it make one wonder what their concept is? Aigoo, I can't wait to find out either!

Eun Hee smiled before she turned off her TV, getting up from the couch, and suiting up in her sweatsuit. She plugged her earbuds into her ears, and made her way outside to catch what would probably be the last bus she'd ever be able to ride alone without being bothered. This was a huge step for her. She'd been working for so long for this, and it was finally here. Her debut! She smiled at the thought as she closed her door, locking it behind her.

She started her music, then took off at a light jog. This was the perfect warm up before she made her way to the practice room to start dancing. It was only when she climbed on the bus that she realized that she hadn't  eaten yet that day. She pursed her lips in thought. She didn't feel particularly hungry..And she was only going to practice for a few hours...So surely it couldn't be too much of a problem. Besides, she had put on a little bit of weight because of all the celebrating with the others. So, it she found it to be somewhat of a good thing. 

She stopped at the bus stop, finding that the bus was already conveniently there. She grinned, and jogged a little faster so that she wouldn't miss it, grabbing the rail right before the ahjussi behind the wheel went to grab the lever to close the door. He saw her and smiled a bit. "Ah, just in time miss." He said lightly. "Please take your seat." She smiled, and bowed in thanks before paying the fare, and going to sit in the back.

Staring out the window, she didn't even realize that she had lost track of where she was until the bus driver stopped in front of the SM building. "Aish!" She hissed to herself quickly scurrying off of the bus. How had she been so stupid to forget that she was on a bus? She hailed a cab, and slipped inside, giving the man directions to the CUBE building. Her phone began to ring, and she picked up, holding it up to her ear only to get an ear full from Hwe Ji.

"YAH. Where are you? You know you should've been here half an hour ago! We have practice! You can't just slack off!"

"Yeah..Yeah I know...I'm sorry unnie. I'll be there soon, okay?" Eun Hee sighed into the phone as she ran her hand through her hair.

"You'd better be." 


Just like that the line was dead.

Congratulations to pheonixtechnician! I really loved your character, and I'm already plotting big things for her. That leaves 3 more people. But I shall be closing the application because I have everyone I want already. So, I should be revealing the last 3 members very soon! Are you anticipating it?

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Next Chapter coming up soon guys! (120722)


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2NE1GG #1
Chapter 3: I love it! too bad I can't apply cause its closed... :(
LoL poor Seobie
Our girls aren't exactly morning people, I see.

BTW Messaged you^^
Lol! Yoseob is so cute! I feel bad for the girls. :3 Especially Hwe Ji who gets woken up by someone jumping on her bed. But I guess Yoseob got taught a lesson by a slap. :3 All the girls seem so cranky. Btw, I messages you all the things I want in my room. :D Update soon! Wonder what will happen in the tour and wonder what they will find. ;D
I like how you get all these great comments and I'm here like
Okay yeah
Making the Artist sounds guud.

Btw toast luggage <333333
I think you should go for a reality show, so the fans can know the real Abstract. Like you can still add all the friends, crushes and siblings but, try to explain more about who they actually are. Hope that helps! By the way, I nearly screamed at all the lovey dovey parts! Soo cute! >_<
I almost forgot to answer your questions.

Well, a reality show would give the readers and the "fans" a chance to get to know the girls better. And rookie groups usually do have reality shows at this time for that very reason.

However, variety shows are always fun to read and can be a perfect time to reveal trivia about the girls. Ideal types, crushes, funny stories, siblings etc. As well as reveal the relationships between Abstract and some of the other idols they know and maybe progress some relationships.. Whether it's shown on or off stage in the story it's always exciting for readers to see.

But my vote is for reality show. Unlike a variety show, it could be an on-going thing that could spill over into other chapters. Plus, it's also a good way to reveal things and it's still so early on there's no need to progress relationships and such already. Also, if you wanted you could have an episode of the reality show follow the girls on their first appearance on a variety show.

Hope, I helped. And if you see any spelling on grammar mistakes in my comments, sorry I'm on a tablet.
I'm commenting for both chapters since aff decided to eat my comment on chapter one. =_=

Chapter One: (I'm just writing my thoughts from when I first read the chapter)
Firstly, I love our maknae.
She seems so pure, like a baby Seohyun.
I wish we could've seen a little more of HaYeon in this though. But I'm sure we will later.
But I'm curious about Hwe Ji and Hyuna's relationship.
Clearly, our leader doesn't like her but it didn't seem like Hyuna had any malicious intent toward her.
Was Hyuna just playing nice because others were around? Or is it a one-sided rivalry?

Chapter Two:
HaYeon + Thunder = Hilarious siblings.
"Yah! I'm a man!" <--- Best line ever.
I'm a glad we got to see a little more of her this time round.
I'd kill to live close to BEAST.
Abstract members are some lucky girls.
So far, I love the dynamics between Eun Hee and Hwe Ji.
They seem like the perfect best friends and Hwe Ji seems to really be looking out for Eun Hee.

Loved both chappies.
Good job!
Harhar. Sara shares a room with Hwe Ji. Icwudt.
Toast luggage. 4ever waiting for that. OTL.