앖트랔트 (ABSTRACT) New Girl Group from CUBE Entertainment! [Apply Closed]

"Everyone ready?" Hwe Ji asked as she sat in her seat, getting the finishing touches on her hair done. She was the final member to get ready, as she had been helping everyone else to change into their costumes, and everything. "We'll be going near the beginning, so everyone ask questions about the choreography if you have questions." She looked around, finding that Sara was the one who raised her hand. 

"Yeah, for Pop Pop Pop, are we doing the Choreography from to video or...?" The blonde rapper furrowed her brow in confusion. She remembered hearing something about the manager recieving a call about the girls having to change the choreo of the chorus. Something about it being too y.

"Ah, the other Choreography, Sara." Hwe Ji sighed, all the girl's sighed collectively. They all unanimously agreed that the new choreography for the song was stupid, and nowhere near as fun as the one from the video. However, it was something that was out of their control, so they had to do what they were told. 

"Lame." Sara muttered.

"I know, I know. Just..." With a sigh, the leader waved her hand dismissively, looking over in the corner to see a rather large piece of toast in the corner. It was only upon further inspection that she realized it was a suitcase. "What the hell is that?" She asked in confusion, furrowing her brow at the offending piece of luggage. She found it to be gaudy, and ridiculous. Who would carry something like that around?

"It was a gift from my fans." Sara said proudly, puffing out her chest a bit. The leader laughed, and shook her head.

"Only you Sara." 

"Unnie, I'm nervous..." Ha Yeon said softly, biting her lip.

"Why's that?" Hwe Ji asked curiously, looking at the younger girl with concern. "Stage fright?"

"A-Aniyo, it's not that...Exo-M's going to be here tonight." She said quietly. It had been a topic of conversation in the group last week about the dating ban. However, the girls had also talked about the guys they had crushes on. The topic of Ha Yeon's crush on Lu Han had come up, and Henriette had asked if Ha Yeon was the girl who everyone was talking about being his girlfriend. Indeed, Ha Yeon had been the girl involved in the scandal, and she'd quickly revealed that she was nothing more than a little sister in his eyes. "What if there's antis out there?"

"Then we'll have to deal with them." Eun Hee nodded, putting her hand on the younger girl's shoulder with an encouraging smile. "Trust me Yeonnie, we'll have more fans then antis. Not all people are crazy." She patted Ha Yeon's shoulder, then went to grab the canes that were propped against the wall near the door, finding that they were white this time around. She handed three of them to Henriette, then went about distributing them to the other girls. She looked around, finding that there was an extra cane, but nobody to receive it. "Yah! Where's Soo Mi?" She asked, looking around for the makane.

"She went to go play with Gongchan I believe." Hwe Ji said with a shrug, it's okay, she knows what time she needs to be back. 


Meanwhile, Soo Mi was indeed hanging around with the boys of B1A4, chatting about nothing in particular to pass the time.

"Soo Mi-ah, wanna play a game?" Gongchan asked lightly, tilting his head to the side. He was quite bored, and they had a bit of time to kill before Abstract needed to be ready to go on stage. He figured they could play a few rounds of dibidibidip before she had to go back to her unnies.

"Hm?" The girl asked lightly, looking over to Gongchan, her eyes wide and curious. "What did you say oppa?" She had been spacing out again and it was obvious. 

Gongchan sighed a bit, poking out his lower lip into a pout. "You mean you haven't been listening to me this whole time?" He asked, faking exasperation. "Aigoo, my rude, rude dongsaeng." He shook his head ruefully, then stood up, grabbing her arm and pulling her up to her feet. "No matter...It's almost time for you guys to go on right? So there's no time...Maybe on wednesday?" He asked hopefully, a bright smile finding its way onto her features.

"Um...Sure." She said with a sappy smile, not quite sure what was going on here, or what she was agreeing too, nevertheless she agreed. He ushered her out of the dressing room, and she looked around curiously before scurrying off to find the other girls in her group. "Eun Hee unnie, give me my cane please!" She called, jogging a bit to catch up with the other five girls.

"Aish! Jung Soo Mi, stop running!" Hye Ri scolded. "You'll fall and break your neck!"

"I will not." Soo Mi pouted, taking her cane, and allowing the stylists to make any last minute adjustments to her costume before the six girls walked casually out to the stage to begin their performances.


"You guys did so good! Unnie is so proud of you!" Hwe Ji cried out in happiness as she ushered her 'children' into their dressing room. "Eun Hee, your high note sounded great in Nothing Lasts, and Henriette, you totally nailed it towards the ending!" She went around praising everyone on what they did good.

"Unnie, you did good too!" Ha Yeon said brightly, her face lighting up when a smile stretched across her young looking features. "You should be giving yourself a pat on the back as well." The girl blinked, looking towards the door when she heard a knock. Ha Yeon got up, and went to open the door, pulling it open and blinking when she saw Lu Han, and a few other Exo-M members standing there. "Oppa? What are you doing here?" She asked in confusion. She had thought that they would be in China right now...

"I came to cheer you on!" He said brightly, "And we're performing with Exo-K tonight as one. So here we are!" He held his arms out to the side, then allowed them to drop, a sweet smile on his face. "You guys did really good, were you nervous?" 

"Ah me? Aniyo...Well...Maybe a little." A soft blush tinted the girl's cheeks, and she looked away, glancing at her unnies in the mirror next to the door. Sure enough, the other five girls were all behind her, looking between her and Lu Han.

"Well, aren't you going to invite them in?" Sara's voice came from behind her, and the everyone chuckled awkwardly, not quite sure how to react to having the source of a scandal in their dressing room. Should they allow Lu Han to come in? Or not? Everyone unconciously looked to Hwe Ji, and she found herself squirming a bit, not liking the fact attention was being focused on her. She shrugged, turning back to the mirror she was sitting in front of, attempting to get off her stage makeup. This exchange all happened within the time frame of a few seconds. 

"Ah right! Come on in!" Ha Yeon said, stepping aside, and allowing the boys into the dressing room. She noticed that they tended to shuffle around awkwardly, not quite sure what they should do. "Kris, Lu Hannie, Lay...oppas, please take a seat, we're not going to attack you with makeup or anything." The three boys sighed a bit, and nodded in relief, sitting down on the couch in the room. 

"Ugh! I hate this stuff!" Hwe Ji seemed to shout, throwing the tissue she was using down in exasperation. She absolutely hated stage makeup, finding it too difficult to get off. She'd only succeeded in smudging it, and coming to look like a raccoon. 

"Want some help?" Eun Hee asked, already in her normal clothes, but her makeup still on her face. 

"Please." Hwe Ji sighed, turning in her seat to allow her best friend to go to work with her makeup removing skills. She was still in her stage outfit, unaware of the man gazing at her exposed legs. 

"Kris!" Lu Han hissed, smacking the younger male's arm, drawing the taller boy's attention. "Stop staring." He mouthed, causing the leader of Exo-M to blush faintly, grumbling something in an attempt to defend himself. 

I'm sorry this chapter took so long, I've been kinda busy lately. -shrugs- Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy it. The next chapter will probably be the beginning of their reality show. I don't know what to put them on though...Making the Artist? Sesame Player? What do you guys think? 

Also here are the links to the performances if you're curious (in order): 1 2 

Let me know if you want to know the breakdown of lyrics! Also, I'm looking for a new coauthor for my apply fic, Erebus, because I seem to have hit a wall with it. Please contact me if you're interested. -bows- Thank you.

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Next Chapter coming up soon guys! (120722)


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2NE1GG #1
Chapter 3: I love it! too bad I can't apply cause its closed... :(
LoL poor Seobie
Our girls aren't exactly morning people, I see.

BTW Messaged you^^
Lol! Yoseob is so cute! I feel bad for the girls. :3 Especially Hwe Ji who gets woken up by someone jumping on her bed. But I guess Yoseob got taught a lesson by a slap. :3 All the girls seem so cranky. Btw, I messages you all the things I want in my room. :D Update soon! Wonder what will happen in the tour and wonder what they will find. ;D
I like how you get all these great comments and I'm here like
Okay yeah
Making the Artist sounds guud.

Btw toast luggage <333333
I think you should go for a reality show, so the fans can know the real Abstract. Like you can still add all the friends, crushes and siblings but, try to explain more about who they actually are. Hope that helps! By the way, I nearly screamed at all the lovey dovey parts! Soo cute! >_<
I almost forgot to answer your questions.

Well, a reality show would give the readers and the "fans" a chance to get to know the girls better. And rookie groups usually do have reality shows at this time for that very reason.

However, variety shows are always fun to read and can be a perfect time to reveal trivia about the girls. Ideal types, crushes, funny stories, siblings etc. As well as reveal the relationships between Abstract and some of the other idols they know and maybe progress some relationships.. Whether it's shown on or off stage in the story it's always exciting for readers to see.

But my vote is for reality show. Unlike a variety show, it could be an on-going thing that could spill over into other chapters. Plus, it's also a good way to reveal things and it's still so early on there's no need to progress relationships and such already. Also, if you wanted you could have an episode of the reality show follow the girls on their first appearance on a variety show.

Hope, I helped. And if you see any spelling on grammar mistakes in my comments, sorry I'm on a tablet.
I'm commenting for both chapters since aff decided to eat my comment on chapter one. =_=

Chapter One: (I'm just writing my thoughts from when I first read the chapter)
Firstly, I love our maknae.
She seems so pure, like a baby Seohyun.
I wish we could've seen a little more of HaYeon in this though. But I'm sure we will later.
But I'm curious about Hwe Ji and Hyuna's relationship.
Clearly, our leader doesn't like her but it didn't seem like Hyuna had any malicious intent toward her.
Was Hyuna just playing nice because others were around? Or is it a one-sided rivalry?

Chapter Two:
HaYeon + Thunder = Hilarious siblings.
"Yah! I'm a man!" <--- Best line ever.
I'm a glad we got to see a little more of her this time round.
I'd kill to live close to BEAST.
Abstract members are some lucky girls.
So far, I love the dynamics between Eun Hee and Hwe Ji.
They seem like the perfect best friends and Hwe Ji seems to really be looking out for Eun Hee.

Loved both chappies.
Good job!
Harhar. Sara shares a room with Hwe Ji. Icwudt.
Toast luggage. 4ever waiting for that. OTL.