앖트랔트 (ABSTRACT) New Girl Group from CUBE Entertainment! [Apply Closed]

The door to Abstract's dorm opened, allowing the camera crew to enter into the household. They were led by none other than the redheaded Yang Yoseob, who hadn't hesitated to get involved with the show once he heard that his hoobaes were getting their own reality show. He'd be damned if he were to be left out of it. The baby faced man leaned in close to the camera, flashing a charming smile before he whispered. "Annyeonghasyeo everyone. Yang Yoseob imnida! Can you guess where I am? I bet not...Shall I tell you?" A grin broke out across his face before he giggled deviously. "I'm in Abstract's dorm. Ah, ne. ne. It appears that my hoobaes have gotten the chance to star in their own reality show! But the lazy bums aren't even up yet! Let's go wake them!" He straightened up, then turned, heading down the hallway.

Coming to the first door on the right, he opened it up a bit only to be greeted by toiletries, and dirty clothes overflowing from a small hamper near the shower of a bathroom. A deep red blush rose into his cheeks when he saw a lacy red bra, and his eyes widened as he quickly closed the door before the cameras could see. As a fellow member of Cube, he had to protect his hoobaes' image. "There's nothing interesting in there." He said with a slight smile, turning and heading down the hall. "Let's go see if we can find them in another room." He tiptoed down the hall, opening the next door to find a sleeping Hwe Ji, Sara, and Henriette. A devilish grin broke out on Yoseob's face as he went over to Jump on Hwe Ji's bed. But he quickly whined as he earned a quick slap to the face. "Noona, that was mean..." He muttered, rubbing his cheek.

"Well you should know better than to sneak into a girl's room. What are you? A ert?" The leader scolded quietly as she sat up, hitting him over the head a few times. 

"Aish! Noona! That hurts!" Yoseob whined, putting his hands over his head in an attempt to guard against her blows. Hwe Ji was really scary. 

"Good." She shoved him off of her bed, and cleared before throwing one of her pillows at Sara. "Wake up, Yoseob's here with a camera crew."

"Hmph..urgh...." Sara mumbled, turning over in her sleep. She was utterly uninterested in Yoseob. The prospect of sleep was much more appealing. With a roll of her eyes, she led the camera crews through the door waking everyone up. Everyone opened their eyes, blinking tiredly as they looked between Yoseob, Hwe Ji and the cameras before slowly getting up...Well, all except Ha Yeon and Sara.

Eun Hee, on the other hand, shot up from her bed. She took one look at Yoseob before she shrieked, diving back under her covers. 

"Get out!!!" She shouted, causing Ha Yeon to groan and open her eyes before narrowing them into slits. 

"Shut up!" The black haired girl growled. 

Yoseob watched helplessly as the girls yelled at eachother, and at him. Okay, so maybe he signed up for more than he bargained for. Slowly backing out of the room, and out of the dorm, he decided to wait until things had calmed down a bit.


Dragging Sara out of her bed, Hwe Ji sighed. "Geez, you're more trouble than you're worth!" She whined at the younger girl, turning on the light and grabbing Sara's makeup kit from on top of her shelf. She kept it in a rather odd place. "You're lucky I care about your image." She muttered as she sat on top of the sleeping rapper, starting to apply makeup to her face. Eun Hee burst into the room and glared at Hwe Ji.

"Why didn't you tell me Yoseob was coming this morning?!" She hissed. "He saw me without makeup!" She paused as she saw the scene before her, raising an eyebrow skeptically. "What are you doing?" She asked, crinkling up her nose a bit.

"Taking care of sleeping ugly." Hwe Ji muttered, finishing up with Sara's eyeshadow. "I would've told you if I had known, but I didn't. So, I couldn't tell you. Deal with it. He saw you for all of two seconds. Why do you even care anyways? You like him or something?"

"Wh-What? Me? Like him?!" Eun Hee scoffed and rolled her eyes. "As if." She muttered, crossing her arms. "I like manly guys."

"Yoseobbie can be manly!" Hwe Ji said defensively in honor of her friend. 

"Whatever..I don't like him!" Eun Hee shouted before running into the living room, effectively waking Sara, who groaned, and looked up at the leader, whom was sitting on top of her. 

"Get off of me, fatass!" She said irritably, shoving the older girl off of her. 

"Always the charmer." Hwe Ji sighed. "You could thank me for doing your makeup, you know." However, when she was met with the grumbles of a grumpy blonde rapper.

Soon enough, the members of Abstract, were assembled in the living room. They had managed to chase out Yoseob and the camera crew for long enough to make themselves presentable. Soo Mi looked around, seeing that everyone was ready before she decided to go open the door. "Come on in!" She said brightly, stepping aside for them to enter the apartment once again. "Welcome to our dorm guys!" 

Henriette looked up, and smiled at the cameras. "Wahhh, Annyeonghaseyo!" She said to them, standing up and bowing a bit. The other girls followed her lead, bowing, and greeting the cameras. 

"Hey guys, we're Abstract! Welcome to our dorm! It's the first day our reality show, which nobody told us about." Hwe Ji sighed and shook her head, then put on a bright smile, despite how early it was. " Well, I guess we can start with a tour of the dorm...Is everyone okay with that?" She asked curiously, looking around to gauge the other girl's reactions. Seeing that they all seemed to be okay with it, she grinned and started to walk towards the hallway that housed the rooms. "Well, let's go then!"

I'm really really sorry this is so short, and that it took so long. I got busy. u___u

But anyways, I'm going to do the next couple of chapters as a tour of everyone's rooms. 

So message me what things you want to be found in your rooms. They can be as normal, or as weird as you want!

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Next Chapter coming up soon guys! (120722)


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2NE1GG #1
Chapter 3: I love it! too bad I can't apply cause its closed... :(
LoL poor Seobie
Our girls aren't exactly morning people, I see.

BTW Messaged you^^
Lol! Yoseob is so cute! I feel bad for the girls. :3 Especially Hwe Ji who gets woken up by someone jumping on her bed. But I guess Yoseob got taught a lesson by a slap. :3 All the girls seem so cranky. Btw, I messages you all the things I want in my room. :D Update soon! Wonder what will happen in the tour and wonder what they will find. ;D
I like how you get all these great comments and I'm here like
Okay yeah
Making the Artist sounds guud.

Btw toast luggage <333333
I think you should go for a reality show, so the fans can know the real Abstract. Like you can still add all the friends, crushes and siblings but, try to explain more about who they actually are. Hope that helps! By the way, I nearly screamed at all the lovey dovey parts! Soo cute! >_<
I almost forgot to answer your questions.

Well, a reality show would give the readers and the "fans" a chance to get to know the girls better. And rookie groups usually do have reality shows at this time for that very reason.

However, variety shows are always fun to read and can be a perfect time to reveal trivia about the girls. Ideal types, crushes, funny stories, siblings etc. As well as reveal the relationships between Abstract and some of the other idols they know and maybe progress some relationships.. Whether it's shown on or off stage in the story it's always exciting for readers to see.

But my vote is for reality show. Unlike a variety show, it could be an on-going thing that could spill over into other chapters. Plus, it's also a good way to reveal things and it's still so early on there's no need to progress relationships and such already. Also, if you wanted you could have an episode of the reality show follow the girls on their first appearance on a variety show.

Hope, I helped. And if you see any spelling on grammar mistakes in my comments, sorry I'm on a tablet.
I'm commenting for both chapters since aff decided to eat my comment on chapter one. =_=

Chapter One: (I'm just writing my thoughts from when I first read the chapter)
Firstly, I love our maknae.
She seems so pure, like a baby Seohyun.
I wish we could've seen a little more of HaYeon in this though. But I'm sure we will later.
But I'm curious about Hwe Ji and Hyuna's relationship.
Clearly, our leader doesn't like her but it didn't seem like Hyuna had any malicious intent toward her.
Was Hyuna just playing nice because others were around? Or is it a one-sided rivalry?

Chapter Two:
HaYeon + Thunder = Hilarious siblings.
"Yah! I'm a man!" <--- Best line ever.
I'm a glad we got to see a little more of her this time round.
I'd kill to live close to BEAST.
Abstract members are some lucky girls.
So far, I love the dynamics between Eun Hee and Hwe Ji.
They seem like the perfect best friends and Hwe Ji seems to really be looking out for Eun Hee.

Loved both chappies.
Good job!
Harhar. Sara shares a room with Hwe Ji. Icwudt.
Toast luggage. 4ever waiting for that. OTL.