
Its been a while since I updated this fic. Just 4 years omygod I really really am sorry. And I believe as much as I promised that I will finish this fic, I think I can’t. I wrote this when I was 16 years old, and now I am 22. I just lost track of the story. I actually have saved drafts of the story on my phone but my phone was stolen from me back in college 2013. I am now a college graduate and will study for medicine maybe next year (haven’t figured out that much yet) but yeah adulting is the main reason why I was not able to finish this fic. I’m still a kpop fan (so much tho!) that I think I can’t let this story hanging forever because I still know how it feels to be a fangirl haha.

I reread the story and somehow I got back to the story plot that I was thinking of.

  • The last chapter I wrote was as if there’s something’s happening on monday. That was supposed to be like the debut of chanyeol and d.o. as well with kai sehun baekhyun and suho. Well literally EXO. I was even thinking then that D.O got his braces, Chanyeol on the way to his dentist, so is the other members as well. In my country, having braces looks cute and its like you are an it-person if you have one so I thought they’ll be debuting with braces and they will be performing during freshmen welcoming party. It actually makes me cringe hahaha I wrote so much fluff lol but im proud of my 16-year-old self because I think I did wrote well, having subscribers wanting me to update. I really am sorry for years of waiting that you probably wont see this anymore.
  • Sulli and DO will break up due to DO’s busy schedule and Sulli’s having a hard time coming back and forth as well. D.O then will spend a lot of time with Miyoung and will fall for her first.
  • Chanyeol’s falling for Miyoung as well and confessed, but having Krystal ruin everything around, Miyoung and Chanyeol’s relationship kept secret that D.O. is their bridge and the one that helps in fixing the relationship whenever there are fights. Imagine the hurt but selfless love D.O offers.
  • Krystal doesn’t stop on getting Chanyeol back and found out that they are together, Krystal does whatever it takes to make Miyoung’s life miserable that Miyoung decided to stay away from Chanyeol.
  • And yes Miyoung is so broken and get to spend time with D.O and actually starts to love his bestfriend but is repressive about it because Sulli is her bestfriend too, that’s against the sister code, like you don’t steal your bestfriend’s boyfriend.
  • I haven’t really figured out then who will end up with Miyoung, but the polls has 40 votes for Chanyeol and 18 votes for Kyungsoo hahaha.
  • Sehun btw is Collossus and he has a secret crush on Miyoung, I actually forgot what he’s role will really be but in Miyoung’s heart its just between Chanyeol and D.O.
  • Chanyeol doesn’t stop on getting Miyoung back by using D.O as well as bridge and communication. When D.O is finally on his nerves that he cant take it anymore, that he falls for her bestfriend everyday and also lead some other guy for her and it hurts, he accidentally confesses to Miyoung.
  • Miyoung on the other hand, got an answer to her repressed feelings and thought, she’s safer in the arms of her bestfriend, the person she knew for a long time, the one she spends the happiest memories with. And it doesn't matter what people will think. So she chooses DO. Of course she get to talk to Chanyeol and Sulli first before going to DO.
  • Just imagine the Miyoung x DO scene where Miyoung says "I choose you. I have already chose you even before but i was afraid. I love you DO, and thank you for loving me selflessly."
  • Chanyeol was miserable but he was mature enough to accept. Seeing Chanyeol hurt makes Krystal realize she’s being selfish and would actually just want happiness for Chanyeol. She moves out of town.
  • EXO band continues and Chanyeol and Miyoung remained friends. Baekhyun being there for Chanyeol during the moving on process, actually opened a door for Baekyeol to happen. Now that's a Derpy Love.
  • The End.

I knew back then I wanted Chanyeol and Miyoung to end up together, but maybe ive grown up and believed that love is not always rainbows and butterflies but sacrifice and letting go. Oh gosh wait didn’t I tagged fluff in this story? Why is the ending and moral of the story like this? Hahahaha. So I actually added Baekyeol on a purpose. Lol.

I hope I was able to give a good closure to this story^^ Thank you!

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Why still no updates? I'm still waiting. ;;
Kyungsoo1231 #2
Chapter 28: WOW! Your story is jjang! Please update it A.S.A.P! I love your storyyyy so much! This is the best story i ever know!! Fighting!!
Chapter 28: Omg girl! This is so amazing story ^^ My Chanyeol feels are so aedesfrssfffdff now. He is my UB. <3
I stayed awake for whole night bc I couldn't wait to read next chapters, but now I ended all ~so sad T.T~.. Pls update it as soon as you can. I'll be very happy. ^^ Thank you once again for that wonderful fanfic. :)
Update~! love this story <3
Chapter 28: I am so dying for a comeback...

Actually i think i died waiting already -.-
soooyeon #6
Chapter 28: NONONONO... YEOL.. ajshajshja ugh... and D.O too.. i dunno who.. T-T


Chapter 28: Waiting for your fanfic to update is just like waiting for Exo's comeback lol curious tho about the next update
Chapter 27: I JUST--CHANYEOLLLLL!! cliffhanger
Hi there guys! I really appreciated your comments I know how excited all of you are. :)) I'm sorry for being a late author HAHA. I had summer classes, I hope I can update tomorrow. :)

@creepyeolie :D I hope I won't make you wait again for ages, just a few weeks. :D

@Yue-sama why did you change your username? :p

@OhSehunnie *catches baekhyun* I wont bring baekhyun back anymore he's mine now. =)))

@baekororo just hang in there okay =)))

soooyeon #10