* Cersei you are Lee KatEe in this chappy. Ü

MIYOUNG'S POV:                                                                                                             

Going to school today was a bit awkward and different. All eyes at me. All faces are facing at me. And everyone was whispering things I don't even know if they were really meant for me. I know I've covered my face wound with a band aid, so what are they really looking at me for?

"D.O, do I have a dirt or something in my face?" I asked.
He touched my chin and moved my face to the left, then the right.
"No. None at all." he said.
"Then why are the students keep on staring at me?"

"It-is-because-of-me." said a familiar voice. I turned around and was shocked to see Krystal with her friends; Dara, Nana and Jiyeon.

"Krystal." I said softly.
"So you are Miyoung." she said. "Hello." and she gave me the coldest stare and smile she could ever give.

"H-hi K-krystal." I said.

"How did you get this face wound of yours?" she asked while almost touching my face but I moved away.

"I fell on the stairs."
"w-with Chanyeol."

Her face becomes even more evil.
"I'm surprised you're being honest right now. I thought you'd deny it."
"Why would I?"

She smirked. "Because YOU ARE A CHEATER. And people LIKE YOU should not be with Chanyeol."

I just kept silent.

"Don't have big dreams, SMALL girl. You will never have Chanyeol." she added.

IS SHE INSULTING ME? I maybe only towering at 5'2 but I should not be treated small. T.T All the students outside we're looking at us now. Oh, how embarrassing is this. -.-

"Uhm, sorry we're in a hurry, talk to you later." D.O said to Krystal then he pulled my hand. He pulled me away from her..

After walking a few meters..
"Are you alright Mi? Chanyeol's girlfriend has no manners. She should study that." D.O said.

Ex, D.O. Ex-girlfriend.
He doesn't know? So he really is not Colossus. Who could it be? Baekhyun? Suho? Sehun? Or Kai? Well he's not Kai. I've proven that yesterday.

"It's alright D.O. She probably didn't mean to say that anyway." I said.
"What do you mean she didn't mean it? She said it infront of the school body. Then she didn't mean it? Why did she even have to act that way anyway?"
"Hey calm down. Really I'm alright okay. It is because they broke up yesterday."
"They broke up. And she thinks that it was all because of me."
"Hah. She's crazy." D.O said.

I kept silent.
We reached our floor and now nearing our classroom. D.O opened the door and everybody looked at us like we were monsters or something. Man, what's going on again? Do I look like a three-eyed monster to them? Suddenly my hand felt lighter... and I realized our classmates was shocked to see me and D.O entering the room while holding each other's hands. He must have let go of me upon realizing it too.


Recess. Chanyeol's still not here. He must be absent today. Probably feeling bad of his break up from Krystal? Ouch. He must really love her. How lucky Krystal really is. She was right. I will never have Chanyeol. T.T

"Hey Miyoung. So, you and D.O know..with something?" asked KatEe, one of my classmates.
"Oh no. Really. We're only friends. He was just uhm, he just took me away from..Krystal." I said picking my words correctly.
"Why? What for?" she asked.
"Uhm, because..I--"
"Hey KatEe! Wanna come with me at the canteen?" Suho interrupted us. KatEe blushes and said "Sure."
Aish KatEe. She has a big crush on Suho. Lols. Then they walked away and as they walk, Suho turned his head back and winked at me.

He saved me. And Chanyeol. He did that for me not to reveal what happened and to cover the issue. He is an angel. Thank you Suho. :')

WAIT. He knows what happened. Can he be Colossus? Ö

After a few minutes, an announcement was heard in the PA:
'Students may I have your attention please. Gather at the main lobby, ground floor, Tan Yan Kee Bldg for the announcement of exam results and topnotchers. I repeat, gather at the main lobby, ground floor, Tan Yan Kee Bldg for the announcement of exam results and topnotchers. Go after this announcement.'

Students from different rooms went out of the corridor, making the whole campus noisy and full of chattering like 'Oh no, did I pass?' 'I think I failed' or 'I need to pass! Ohmygod.'
Chin and I walked together. I saw the 5 boys walking too but without Chanyeol. Where is he really? He should be here at this very moment. T.T
We arrived at the lobby and many students where crossing their fingers, saying their prayers and mantras.

"Are you nervous?" Chin asked.
"No not really. Chanyeol believed that we will pass, so I do too."

Chin smiled. I am a straight A student. So I dont really worry for my grades much. I worry for my ranks.

Then the results where flashed in the big screen. Different people's names are written. KatEe ranked first in the English subject. Wow.

Then the ranks for the over-all exam results were flashed.
1st - Kang VeYah
2nd - Choi JuSone
3rd - Hwang YuMi
4th - Lee KatEe
5th - Park MiYoung
6th - Shin DongHo
7th - Kwon YeLi
8th - Cho ShaLin
9th - Kim NiHyo
10th - Hae ChinYe

I got 5th. Great! The last time I was 6th. Wow. Chin ranked 10th!
"Chin you ranked 10th! That's great!" I said.
"I didn't expected this!" Chin said and I hugged her.
"Things come when they least expect it." I said.
"Hey look." she said. I let go of her and looked at the screen. The 2nd slide was flashed, where the top 11-20 is written.

CHANYEOL RANKED 19th. Followed by D.O on the 20th. Ohmygash this is..unexpected.

Suddenly my phone vibrated in my pocket.

*1 new message*
'Where are you? It's me Chanyeol.




How do you like it guys? :) I miss being in here! :)

Omygod I'm so so so0oooooo sorry for the super late update. We had our preliminary examinations. Izz so huuurrddd :( Next week is still exam week. So..expect a late update again. :(

Sending my apologies to all of you.. especially to creepyeolie. Guys please bare with my tardiness in updating. -_______- Keep tuned please? :)



PPMNSTR nah. It's fine =))))))) ooooooh. Val is it? =))))))))) I didn't do it on purpose okay? I swear to you. HAHAHAHA :P

soshified100 hahahahaha. Yeah she did. :D What if I add Minho here? Lols.

starrfire96 still haven't figured out when will I reveal Colossus. -_______- Hehe. And hey! I missed you! See you soon in inbox or in chatbox again in facebook, okay? :)

Oh, hi to my new reader, chipgautruc! :)


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Why still no updates? I'm still waiting. ;;
Kyungsoo1231 #2
Chapter 28: WOW! Your story is jjang! Please update it A.S.A.P! I love your storyyyy so much! This is the best story i ever know!! Fighting!!
Chapter 28: Omg girl! This is so amazing story ^^ My Chanyeol feels are so aedesfrssfffdff now. He is my UB. <3
I stayed awake for whole night bc I couldn't wait to read next chapters, but now I ended all ~so sad T.T~.. Pls update it as soon as you can. I'll be very happy. ^^ Thank you once again for that wonderful fanfic. :)
Update~! love this story <3
Chapter 28: I am so dying for a comeback...

Actually i think i died waiting already -.-
soooyeon #6
Chapter 28: NONONONO... YEOL.. ajshajshja ugh... and D.O too.. i dunno who.. T-T


Chapter 28: Waiting for your fanfic to update is just like waiting for Exo's comeback lol curious tho about the next update
Chapter 27: I JUST--CHANYEOLLLLL!! cliffhanger
Hi there guys! I really appreciated your comments I know how excited all of you are. :)) I'm sorry for being a late author HAHA. I had summer classes, I hope I can update tomorrow. :)

@creepyeolie :D I hope I won't make you wait again for ages, just a few weeks. :D

@Yue-sama why did you change your username? :p

@OhSehunnie *catches baekhyun* I wont bring baekhyun back anymore he's mine now. =)))

@baekororo just hang in there okay =)))

soooyeon #10