A shocking confession

The Chronicles of Neverland

“Princess, the king asked for you,” a maid notified Namjung.


“Oh, okay. Thank you, Suji-yah,” she smiled at the girl. I wonder what it is grandfather wants to tell me... She left right away, going to see her grandfather. She was brought in by one of the guards and noticed an unfamiliar man dressed in expensive clothes.


“Good morning, grandfather.”


“Oh, you're here, Namjung-ah. This is Hwang Sisuk, a diplomat from our neighboring kingdom, the Blaq kingdom (note: I'm really random with the names of kingdoms and captains in this story, right? :D). And this is my beautiful grand-daughter.”


“Oh, hello. Nice to meet you.”


“Nice to meet you too, princess. You are really as beautiful as the rumors say.”


“Namjung-ah. The reason mister Hwang is here today is... I would like to arrange a marriage for you and the prince of the Blaq kingdom.”


Namjung was utterly shocked. “What?”


“As you already know, you are my only grandchild. And you also know you cannot rule Neverland. What happens when I'm gone? Namjung-ah, the best solution is for you to marry this prince, let the two kingdoms join together and you'll live a happy life, stay here and Neverland will be in good hands at the same time.”




“I'm sorry, I have never asked you to do anything for me, but I'm doing this for your good.”


“Princess, the king of the Blaq kingdom would like to arrange a meeting for both families, especially for you and prince Park Sanghyun.”


Namjung was speechless, she didn't know what to do. She just went through the little conference, but didn't concentrate much. She loved her grandfather and didn't want to disappoint him. He also was reasonable. What would happen to Neverland? But she really didn't want to marry a prince who she didn't know. She never really thought of marriage. But she was the same as every young girl, dreaming of the perfect prince in shining armor, who she will love dearly. Although this one was a prince, the saying did not have to be taken so literally. It didn't mean he would be the right one for her. Should she give in and marry him, for her grandfather's sake? For the first time in her life, she hesitated whether to carry out his request. After she returned to her room, she let her tears fall down. She looked out of the window, eyeing the Neverland landscape she could see. Neverland, oh, Neverland, what is your future?




“Jaeseop-ah. I'm in need of your help in something,” Captain Mordney said, looking intently at his son.


“Not interested,” AJ grimaced.


“What did you say? Kim Jaeseop. I am your father, how dare you talk to me like that?”


“I told you. I have no interest in your filthy plans. Whatever it is.” AJ really didn't care what his father was doing. And he wouldn't waste his energy on whatever it was if it wasn't really necessary. On top of it, he didn't like when he was told what to do.


“I don't care. You are going to be a good son and do what you're told.”


“Really? Watch me leave,” he answered swiftly and left his father's cabin, knowing the fact the captain will throw a fit the few next days, but decided to just cope with it.


“That little..!”


“Calm down, Captain, I'm sure he will change his mind eventually,” his subordinate told him.


“He's not supposed to be rebelling against me right now! Oh well, you're right, it's a matter of time.”




AJ left his father's cabin and shook his head. He peeked outside the ship, and saw a familiar figure walking on the pier, towards the ship. Oh, what is she doing here again? he thought and hid behind two barrels of whiskey, not being in the mood to see the girl. She got on the ship and was looking around. She was already close to the place he was hidden at. She can't see me, he thought happily, enjoying the fact that he tricked her once too.


“Young master, what are you doing here?” was the sentence that crushed his great plan.


“Hush,” he motioned to Shinmi, who was looking down at him with a plain confusion in her face, but was late, because the next thing he heard was...


“Got ya! You thought you could hide from me?”


Hyona leaned over the barrels and pulled AJ's ear.


“Ahh, it hurts! Shinmi! Get this crazy woman off me! It's an order!”


Shinmi blinked, being even more confused and not sure what to do. Of course she knew what the relationship between the two was like. They would argue and tease each other and fight to no end. But she has never been brought into their immature fights. Regardless, she hesitantly put an arm on Hyona's wrist, noticing a really pretty bracelet there, gently stopping her.




Hyona stopped and smirked. “It's nothing. At least you're nice and obedient, unlike someone. By the way, thanks for helping me find him.”


“Umm, I..”


AJ didn't know why, but he didn't like the two girls together.


“Don't you have some tasks to do?” he snapped at the fairy, with his tone much more hostile than he intended.


“Ah, yes, young master. I'm sorry.” Shinmi hurriedly left the two pirates alone.


“So... what are you doing here again?”


“Just because! Why were you hiding? Is this how you treat your guests?”


“You invited yourself and without even telling anyone, and you still call yourself a guest?” He sensed another fight coming.


“A guest is a guest!” she raised her voice and swung her arm. He saw it coming and dodged.


“How dare you dodge?” she seemed to get even more angry and attempted to hit him one more time. He caught her wrist in mid-air, holding it firmly over their heads. He also noticed she was wearing the bracelet he had bought for her the other time. Why was she sometimes nice and then it always became like this?


“What's wrong with you?” he asked in a serious tone and looked into her eyes. As soon as their eyes met, she dodged with her gaze.


“What do you mean?” Her tone was not angry or hostile anymore, she seemed to have gone to the defensive mode.


“Why do you keep fighting? Ani, why do you keep coming to see me if you hate me so much?”


The atmosphere was heavy and too much for the girl to keep her calm and pretend to be cool. Tears slided her cheeks. She awkwardly attempted to wipe it away with her left hand, since her right arm was still being held in the air.


“I'm really tired of all this, why do you always get so angry without a reason? Why do you keep hitting me? Why-”


“Because I like you!”


His grip loosened with shock and Hyona's arm lifelessly dropped by her side. She realized what she had said. She was looking to the ground now, tears still flowing.


AJ didn't expect this at all. He stood awkwardly, looking at the crying girl, having no clue what to say. He though of some past moments and it made sense to him now. Somehow.


Hyona sobbed for the last time, wiped away her tears and raised her head, forcing her lips to form a grin.


“So, even if you don't want to now, you'll be mine!” She laughed. “It's just a matter of time.”




“But now I have to go, you know, my dad's surely searching for me already. Remember, from now on, I'll follow you wherever you go. Be prepared!”


Without giving any chance to AJ to say something, she ran away. She was embarrassed. But, on the other hand, it was already out, so she should muster her courage and finally pursue him properly. Maybe it was good that she spilled it out. She wouldn't do anything to make him hers. Great, she told herself as she continued sobbing, now I will follow him everywhere and make sure he falls for me. He will, with time. He has to.




Meanwhile, Eli was also discussing something with his father.


“Captain Mordney attempted to kidnap Shin Dongho a while ago. What do you think about it?”


“Well, it seems like a smart move. If he gets rid of Dongho, then... but... it seems like an impossible task to do,” Eli pondered.


“And he failed,” Captain Hook nodded. “But what would you say if we tried it our own way?”


Eli looked up, meeting his father's challenging look. “Whatever father needs me to do, I will try my best.”


“That's my son. Great then, any propositions?”

So, the kingdom next to Neverland is the Blaq kingdom. Lol... it feels random. I wondered which group to use, I didn't want to use Infinite nor EXO in case one day I decide to make a sequel with one of these groups (because they would fit.... Infinite 'cause of Paradise and EXO... is fantasy-like enough). So I chose MBLAQ. Yay, Thunder is the prince! I don't know why, I just thought he would fit the best. Even if I'm not even sure if he will actually be in the story. Maybe he will just be mentioned and that would be all, maybe he will have a short cameo. But really short, so don't get excited.

Thanks to kpopmusiclover, BluePhoenix and PrivateLovestoryxxx for the comments! :)

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Chapter 20: aj is really really reaaaaaallllly in love!
poor guy!!!!
Chapter 18: nice to see you again, lady :)
and welcome bad xD
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
All the best for ur college life!!! :D next time when u r totally free, I hope u can update cuz ur story is AWESOME :)
Chapter 17: good luck with college!!
Chapter 17: u moved to dorms?

and good luck with collages!! ^^b
Chapter 16: Woah!
I never realized that my comment was that huge! O.O"
Sorry! :3
Chapter 16: poor pirates... all three of them T.T
Now... What happens? :/
Hyuna is under lost boys's control now and soon, Aj will come to rescue, I hope...

Well *sheepish grin* hope u'll able to update soon! :3

And the last para caught off guard!! :3
I mean, the part chap ends and a/n starts! :3

It kinda make me crack up :P