Kevin's past

The Chronicles of Neverland

 AJ was in his cabin, doing some work. He was going over some strategy plans, trying to improve himself in this field. He was too concentrated on it to notice a soft knock on the door.


The knock was repeated a while.


“Umm... young master? I've been told to take some food to you...”


Only then AJ noticed there was someone at the door.


“You may enter.”


It took a bit of time for the door to open and reveal Shinmi with her hands full with plates with food and cups with drinks. He looked up from his desk for a minute, wondering how the girl had managed to knock, leave alone open the door, with so much food in her arms. He wasn't even that hungry, but the cooks were obviously spoiling him. She carefully placed it on the table, arranged everything neatly and bowed to her master.


“I'll come back in about half an hour to collect the empty dishes.”


“I don't think I will take that long to finish, you can wait here.”


“I shouldn't slack off for that long though...”


“Do you have any other tasks to finish?”




“Take a seat then.”


She hesitantly sat in an armchair. AJ realized a bit too late that if she was waiting, he should eat the food immediately. I need a bit rest anyway, he shrugged, went over to the table and started to eat. He wasn't rushing, so it took him a while to finish.


“Okay, I'm done,” he announced and went back over to his seat behind the desk, not taking a look at the fairy. But she didn't get up and collect the dishes. He furrowed his eyebrows and glanced at where she had taken a seat. She was asleep, in an unnatural sitting position, her head almost hanging in the air, the back of the armchair being her only support.


He got up again and went over, intending to wake her up. He leaned over and hesitated. She must have been exhausted to fall asleep like this. He completely forgot about his initial intention and studied her face. Her expression was not peaceful even in her sleep. She looked so fragile, so vulnerable, so weary. He unconsciously reached out his hand to put a strand of hair out of her pale face, but he stopped a few millimeters away from her face, somehow afraid to touch her. What the hell am I doing? he asked himself when he realized his position and straightened up, clearing his throat.


He heard a whimper, which caused him to jump slightly, still affected by the odd emotions he had when he was studying the fairy. He put on an uninterested expression, only to find out she has not woken up yet. He let out a sight of relief. What's wrong with me? She's just a servant...


After a few minutes, which was enough for AJ to somehow get himself together, she slowly woke up, getting surprised she had fallen asleep. She got up immediately and started collecting the dishes.


“I'm so sorry, I...” she glanced at AJ, who pretended to be concentrated on his work. “Are... you angry?”


“Oh? Uhh, n-no, it... could happen to anyone. Just... finish your work and leave...”


“Yes, young master!”


She quickly collected everything and rushed out of the door. AJ sighed. Am I just pitying her? he asked himself, knowing deep inside it was probably not a fully correct guess.




“Oh, Dongho, you came?” Hoon greeted the (un)expected visitor. The mentioned one just smiled and seated himself on the couch in the living room.


“Good thing you're here,” Soohyun came into the room and sat down next to him. “I've thinking a lot about what happened... you know, how they captured you.” Dongho just nodded. “Do you have any idea who... or why-”


“Well, I do and I don't,” he answered. “It's obvious that because I'm a famous figure here and I, we could say, help the good, the evil ones are going to hate me. This means there would be a lot of people wanting to get rid of me. The king as well, actually. But not even a fool would try to go against the king openly. But I would never expect for them to attack me so bluntly. But no, I don't know who exactly it is. There's a lot of people who could be the mastermind behind this scheme.”


“It was unexpected,” Soohyun agreed. “But it's making me worried. They will try again...”


“At least I know I have you by my side,” Dongho said. “All of you really didn't let me down.”


At the time Kevin came downstairs and to the living room as well. He sat down as well, oblivious to Dongho's thoughtful stare. He sensed the awkwardness and noticed it.






“Oh, right, Kevin. You never really told us... why did you come here to this part of Neverland?” Kiseop, who had been quiet for the whole time, with a sudden question. Kevin made no response. “Umm, is this a too private question, you don't-”


“No, Kiseop. It's actually a very good question,” Soohyun said and eyed the male fairy. “Why did you come here? Why did you want to fight the pirates? And what were you doing in that cabin?”


Dongho just smirked and watched them silently, curious what Kevin will say.


Kevin was hesitant. “Well... I...”


“I don't think it's something you would need to hide,” Dongho commented.


“You know something?” the boys asked with wide eyes.


“Well, I've heard something, and imagined the rest. I think I won't be far from the truth. There are stories being told. About different fairy towns. About the Raindrop Town.”


Kevin nodded. “I guess I can trust you guys, right?” Everyone nodded. So Kevin started telling his story.


A chaos. That was it. Fairies running everywhere, attempting to save themselves, chasing after the last drop of hope they had left. Pirates, with their weapons in their hand, laughing evilly, harshly capturing everyone they got they hands on. Smoke, blood, and the sea salt, those were the scents that were lingering in the air.


Little Kevin hid in a hollow in a trunk of a tree. He could not be seen from the outside and if someone didn't know the place, they wouldn't find it, but his heart was still racing crazily. A few minutes ago, he had just witnessed something terrible, something he could never have foreseen. He had watched his own parents stand up for him, protect him, only to be killed by the merciless pirates. He however had no time to mourn, he had to run away. So he managed to hide.


Oppa!” he could hear a very familiar voice and he knew it was calling for him. It made him forget his fear and the danger he was in and he immediately started crawling out of his hide-out. But before he could do anything, he saw the little girl being lifted by a pirate and being carried away. Kevin knew that he was too late. A little boy like him could do nothing against all the pirates surrounding the place. He had no choice but to stay hidden and watch his little sister being taken away. “Oppa! Oppaaa~” she whined, but he could do nothing, not even call out her name. He could only swear he was going to save her. One day he certainly was.


“So I've attempting to find any trace since then, with no clue. But recently I got a tip from one of my friends. He said that the pirates had probably moved somewhere into this area. Somewhere near.”


“That's crazy,” Hoon was bewildered. “Why do they do that?”


“You don't know? This is how they capture fairies and other 'weaker' races to have them serve them,” Dongho explained.


“Kevin,” Soohyun said. “We'll help you if you need us.”


“I'm in,” Dongho agreed. “There's never enough excitement.”




AJ left his cabin and smiled when he saw the morning sun. On days like this, everything seemed strangely peaceful. He was walking on the board of the ship, greeting his subordinates. Then he spotted Shinmi cleaning the floor. He froze and just watched her for a while, spotting a few pirates come closer to her and making stupid jokes and bothering her. AJ suddenly felt the urge to go over there, but he was distracted by something hitting his head softly.


“What are you looking at?”


“When things are looking relatively peaceful, you always come to bring me out of it,” he smacked the person's forehead. “Really, thanks, Hyona-yah,” he said sarcastically.


“I knew you would be happy to see me!” she said teasingly. “Did you know there was a fair in the harbor? Yah, come to have a look with me!”


“A fair? Umm...” he scratched the back of his head.


“I knew it, you have no plans! So you're going, uh? I have no one to go with~”


“Why do you want me to go if you're so mean to me?”


“You're even meaner!”


“I'll be glad to annoy you then!”


“Fine, follow me!”


AJ just thought it would be easier to give in for once. He didn't really dislike Hyona, it was just that she was constantly bugging him about something and then suddenly getting mad and screaming and hitting... he sometimes didn't even understand why. But when she started getting annoyed, it made him annoyed too and she was even more angry then and... One moment, they would talk normally, the other, they would fight. But sometimes, when she forgot to act mean, she could be quite a sweet, bubbly girl.


They arrived at the fair and Hyona started looking around, excited from every little thing she saw. She spotted a stand with jewelry and admired the beautiful accessories. One bracelet, not really expensive, just a simple design with a few decorative pebbles in it, caught her eye. She ran to AJ and pulled his arm.


“Ah, wae??”


“Buy this for me. Please?”




“Please? I'm broke!”


“So what?”


“You're really mean! It's freaking just a simple bracelet, you can't even do that for your... friend?”


AJ sighed. This girl's temper. Okay, he had plenty of money anyway.


“Just once, arasso?”


Hyona's eyes sparkled when she heard him agree and she leaded him to the stand. However, the bracelet was not there anymore.


“Ahjumma, you have sold the bracelet in just a few minutes?”


“Oh, I'm sorry, sweetheart, I'm afraid I have.”


Hyona pouted and started walking away. AJ caught up with her a moment later.


“Why such a gloomy expression?”


“You don't understand it! And it's your fault, if you hadn't resisted for so long-” She suddenly felt her hand being lifted and when it have been released, she found another beautiful bracelet on her wrist. She gasped.


“But how did you-”


“No need to say thank you, kid. I know you weren't going to anyway,” AJ smirked. “I gotta go now, but enjoy yourself here.”


Hyona stood there for a while, studying every detail of her new bracelet. AJ had never given her anything. She actually really was broke, but the main reason she wanted him to buy her the bracelet was because she just wanted to have something from him. She didn't think it would work out. But it did. This bracelet might not be as pretty as the first one, but it was even more precious because it was chosen and bought by AJ.


WAE is everything I write now becoming so long? I feel like writing a book, not a fanfiction. Lol. But! Some romance (kind of) finally after all the adventure.

Anyway! I lost some subscribers and then I magically gained some :D Thank you guys! And thanks to elisoniackibumster and dzgiirl96 for their comments. 

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Chapter 20: aj is really really reaaaaaallllly in love!
poor guy!!!!
Chapter 18: nice to see you again, lady :)
and welcome bad xD
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
Chapter 18: omo omo omo :D u've finally updated!!! :D authornim ur awesome. <3 and how's college life? hope its fine ^^ i'll be waiting for an update soon <3
All the best for ur college life!!! :D next time when u r totally free, I hope u can update cuz ur story is AWESOME :)
Chapter 17: good luck with college!!
Chapter 17: u moved to dorms?

and good luck with collages!! ^^b
Chapter 16: Woah!
I never realized that my comment was that huge! O.O"
Sorry! :3
Chapter 16: poor pirates... all three of them T.T
Now... What happens? :/
Hyuna is under lost boys's control now and soon, Aj will come to rescue, I hope...

Well *sheepish grin* hope u'll able to update soon! :3

And the last para caught off guard!! :3
I mean, the part chap ends and a/n starts! :3

It kinda make me crack up :P