Zico's birthday!

My new roommate is him??

You carefully open Zico's bedroom door trying to quiet down the door hinge squicking. You smile as the door reveals the sleeping angel laying perfectly under the covers, his imperfectious face lay unmoving other then his soft breaths. He looks all too peacefull for you not to wake him.

You stealthfully tip toe over to the bedside, leaning down to where you come face to face with him. You have only been this close to his face with yours only once, and that was now a week ago. Suddenly you feel a burst of energy.

"AAAHHHHH ZICO ZICO WAKE UP WAKE UP!" You screamed in his ear, he shot up panting and wide eyed.

"Yah! Why'd you do that? I thought you where getting murdered or !" He placed his hand on his chest and continued panting.

"Sorry but I couldn't just let the birthday boy sleep all day~" You sang smiling. He sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"aish, you're going to give me a heart attack one of these days." He says groggly, you smile widely.

"Well, while you work today I have a few errands to run. I should be home around 3 before you get home." You say smiling and walking out his door.

Right as you closed his door he couldn't help but smile.


"Let's see.....first we have to grab balloons, then presents, then pick up U-Kwon, then grab him his favorite candy from the special store all before the party starts" You say to yourself and smile.

After hours of running around you finally remember something important....you had no idea where you are going. You only knew how to get to your house and Block B's dorm. You look around only to discover you are already completely lost and now is already 4:25.


Zico looked at the clock again, it was now 5 o'clock. He felt his stomach tighten thinking about gangs getting her or creepers touching her or even just looking at her.

The guys burst in threw the door.

"YOOO WHERES THE PARTY AT?" Kyung walked in singing. All the other members are here all except U-Kwon then again, when is he ever on time?

"Do you guys know where _____ is?" Zico asked trying to be cool, but sadly is failing badly.

"Uh, she went to pick up U-Kwon I think isn't she back by now?" Taeil answered.

"Maybe U-Kwon finally got what he wanted" Pyo joked making everyone laugh. Zico felt himself snap finally, rushing over to Pyo grabbing him by the collar.

"Shut up. Just, all of you, shut up!" Zico yelled releasing Pyo's collar and slamming the door behind him.

Zico rushed to his car slamming and breaking everything in his way.

"How could she go for him?????! He's dead." He muttered to him self starting up his car.


Zico searched for hours and hours and couldn't find you, which made his anger worsen and worsen.


You laughed as you entered the house remembering U-Kwon's joke he told you about.

"Thanks for helping me around U-Kwon I appretiate it." You said hugging him goodbye.

"Anytime, well it seems like everyone left and went to bed it is really late. Goodnight"

"Goodnight." You said waving happily as he closed the door behind him. The room was dark and silent, everyone must of left and he must have gone to bed. Suddenly you see the lamp by the couch turn on, luminating a angery glare, you could already tell who's it belong to.

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haroomingkki21 #1
Ohh~ update soon ^_^
Update soon ! Its so amazing your fic !
New reader, And oh Zico. <3
ohe ohe oehehhhhehhe i'm a weirdo..
.......................................Oh my..
Omg!! Awesome :,) Can't stop smiling to myself
I'm so glad that you've updated! :D
new reader (: this story is adorable. update soon? ^-^