Chapter 5

To Love Or Not To Love


Heechul’s heart began to race “Hankyung!”

“Hankyung isn’t going to hear you” Kai Tong sang.

“W-Why? What have you done with him?!” Heechul shouted, anger bubbling through his veins.

“Let’s just say I took care of him for now…” Kai Tong said.


“What do you mean you took care of him?” Heechul asked in a frightened voice.

“I had my friend knock him unconscious and take him to my apartment” Kai Tong explained.

“Y-you kidnapped him?” Heechul asked with disbelief.

Kai Tong nodded “Now, where was I?”

Kai Tong pulled out a knife from her trench coat and cut into Heechul’s arm. Heechul cried out in pain at what the woman was doing to him. Kai Tong laughed at the man’s pain.

“That should teach you for messing with my Han Geng”

*That Afternoon At Home*

“Yesung, are you alright? You seem a bit down” Leeteuk asked.

“I’m fine” Yesung said, wiping tears from his eyes as he entered the living room.

“No you aren’t. If you don’t wish to talk to me about it, at least talk to Ryeowook about it” Leeteuk said.

“I-I will” Yesung said.

Leeteuk gave Yesung a reassuring smile before looking down at his watch.

“Holy crap! I’m late to pick Dongho up from school!!” Leeteuk panicked.

Yesung smiled at the older man “I guess you better go then”

“Right! I’ll see you when I get back” Leeteuk said, running out of the house and making his way to the school.

Yesung sighed and fiddled with his fingers. He just couldn’t tell Ryeowook what was bothering him, it was hard. The truth was, Yesung never did have a home and he was never homeless either. He had lived in that auditorium that he performed in for his whole life. His boss, who no one knew the name of, had him enslaved. He worked as a magician and was never paid a thing. He slept in a cage and the boss never fed him. His life was miserable and difficult before Ryeowook had set him free. But the thing that was really bothering him was that the boss would find him sooner or later. The boss was a smart man and he had tricks up his sleeve. Yesung was afraid of what the boss could possibly do to harm Ryeowook. He was going to keep his Wookie as safe as possible, even if it means he has to sacrifice his happiness.

*At Seoul Airport*

“Mimi~ My suitcase is too heavy” Henry complained.

“I’ll take it for you” Zhou Mi said, taking the large suitcase from the small boy and carrying it for him.

“Yah, do you think Han Geng will be happy to see us?” Henry asked.

“Of course he will be, he loves his little cousin” Zhou Mi said, patting Henry on the head reassuringly.

“That’s why I love you Mimi. You always listen to my nonsense and make me feel better” Henry said, looking up at the older man.

“You know why I love you Henli?” Zhou Mi asked.

“No, why?” Henry asked.

“Because your so cute when you’re worried” Zhou Mi said, chuckling at the younger one’s adorable facial expression.

Henry laughed and Zhou Mi called a taxi.

“Can you please take us to this address?” Zhou Mi asked, handing the driver a piece of paper with Hankyung’s address on it.

The taxi driver nodded and the car began the trip to Hankyung’s home.

*At Kai Tong’s Holiday Home*

Kai Tong had grown bored of scarring Heechul’s skin with her knife and stuffed a sock in the man’s mouth so that he couldn’t yell out to anyone and left him in the closet. She had made her way to the place she was staying at and walked through the doors to find her friend tying up Han Geng to a chair.

“Good job Show Luo” she said, nodding in approval.

Show Luo looked over to Kai Tong and smiled “Where’s my money?”

“Right here, right here” she said, taking a stash of money out of her pocket and placing it into the older man’s hands.

Show Luo clutched the stash to his chest and smiled at the younger woman.

“He’s all yours” he said, before grabbing his coat and leaving.

Kai Tong walked over to Han Geng slowly, brushing her fingers against his face.

“You’re all mine now Geng. Face it we were meant to be” she whispered coldly.

“What have you done with Heechul?” Han Geng spoke, opening his eyes.

“Your awake? Glad you decided to join me” she said with a wicked grin.

“I’m not kidding Kai Tong, where is Heechul?” Hankyung said in a deep voice.

“Only time will tell Gengie and in the meantime why don’t you have a little fun with me?” she purred.

Hankyung struggled away from the girl but he couldn’t move an inch. Kai Tong placed her lips roughly against Hankyung’s and Hankyung tried to move his face away but she had a strong grip on his face, her long nails digging into his skin.

Once she broke the kiss she smiled smugly. Hankyung looked away from her in disgust.

“Gengie, didn’t you like it? I thought you liked me. Well don’t worry because once Heechul is out of the picture I’m sure you will love me” she said, walking out of the room and locking the door on the way out.

*At School*

“Dongho ah! I’m so sorry I was late” Leeteuk said in a hurry.

“It’s okay umma” Dongho said, opening the door of the car and hopping in.

“No, it’s not okay. I’m always late for everything and I should learn how to be on time” Leeteuk scolded at himself.

“Oh, umma I was wandering if I could get vocal lessons” Dongho said as Leeteuk began to drive.

Leeteuk stepped on the brakes hard as he came across a stop sign and Dongho held onto the back of the seat for dear life. Leeteuk turned around to face Dongho.

“Singing lessons? I never knew you had an interest in singing” Leeteuk said.

“I do now, so how about it? Please” Dongho asked.

“I don’t see why not” Leeteuk said.

“Umma, go!” Dongho said, as the stop sign changed to green.

Leeteuk’s foot hit the accelerator and the car lurched forward, causing Dongho’s seatbelt to strangle him.

“Are you alright back there?” Leeteuk asked.

“Just fine” Dongho said sarcastically.

“By the way, when do the lessons start?” Leeteuk asked.

“I was hoping I could start today” Dongho said.

“Today?!” Leeteuk asked loudly, narrowly missing a car that was passing by.

The person from the other car beeped their horn and shouted out rude comments to Leeteuk and Leeteuk ignored them.

“Well, I’ll have to get you to these lessons then, won’t I?”

*At Hankyung’s House*

 “Are you sure this is the place?” Zhou Mi asked as he knocked on the door for the fifth time.

Henry nodded “It’s exactly the same as the last time I visited”

“Maybe he isn’t home” Zhou Mi said, giving up on Henry’s cousin.

“What? So you’re telling me we came all the way to another country just so we can give up?” Henry asked “I’ll just call him on my cell phone”

Henry pulled his phone from his pocket and dialled his older cousin’s mobile number.

*Back At The Holiday Home*

Hankyung could feel his phone vibrating in his pocket. He was desperately attempting to answer it, which was proving to become a task since his hands were tied up. Then he remembered what he had learnt in martial arts classes. His teacher was very wise, in fact he was the Kung Fu master and he had taught Hankyung to move things with his mind.

Hankyung closed his eyes and concentrated and soon the ropes untied himself. He picked up his mobile and answered it.

“Hello?” he asked.

“Han Geng? This is Henry! I’m here to visit you, surprise!!” his younger cousin said through the phone.

“Henry? Oh my god! You won’t believe where I am. You remember my highschool girlfriend Kai Tong, right?” he said.

Henry nodded, but then realised Han Geng probably couldn’t see him so he said a quick “Yes”.

“She kidnapped me and now I’m stuck in her house. She also kidnapped my boyfriend and she is holding him hostage somewhere, most likely in the mall. I’m fine but I would really like it if you could find my boyfriend and save him” Hankyung rushed.

“Really? Y-you really think I can do it?” Henry asked.

“Of course you can Henry. You are brave” Hankyung said “His name is Heechul and last time I saw him he was waiting out the front of the bathroom”

“Got it. You can count on me Han Geng! I hope you get out of there all right” Henry said, before Han Geng hung up the phone.

Hankyung put his phone back in his pocket and high kicked the door down. He crept through the house and made his way out. That Kai Tong was going to pay!

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ally-chan #1
Chapter 13: oh my^^
update soon~
aegyo-maknae-ricky #2
Henry Is so funny, update soon.
aaaw Henry so cute!!!!!! Gotta Love Him! <3
TT^TT They tried so hard to escape...and then became one big happy family...and then they got captured again...only this time, all of them did...TT^TT
Lol, Henry is crazy XD hahaha Luv him

This is NOT crap by any means.

Please update again soon!

Lol, I just realized I typed in almost the exact same thing "aegyo-maknae-ricky" did...XD hahahahaha
Marry me
aegyo-maknae-ricky #6
AHHHH!!!! NO!!!!! Why did they have be to captured when they were being a big happy family :( update soon, please.
____ING CLIFFHANGER. I'm sorry. I'm just mad that Show Luo and Kai Tong got them again. But now they kidnapped everyone! D:
Just subscribed to your story an I absolutely love it! XDDD <333 Love how there are so many different characters together, like a family :'D Anyways on your latest chapter Show Luo and Kai Tong are soo T__T** EVERYONE GET YOUR GUNS OUT CAUSE ITS TIME FOR WAR! XDD Hehe please update soon! ^^
LOL very typical Heechul :D But NO Kai Tong and Show Luo get them D: They just lost their freedom T__T But a very great chapter :) Im so happy that you update and hopefully you update again soon :)