Chapter 1

To Love Or Not To Love


Leeteuk felt the rays of light shine upon his face and he cringed as it occurred to him it was morning. He sighed, getting up and heading straight to the bathroom to take a shower.


“Morning Teukie hyung” Ryeowook said.

“Morning Wookie” Leeteuk said sleepily. “My shower didn’t wake me up at all” he added in a whiney tone.

“I think Heechul hyung was going to the new café that opened up down the street. A coffee should wake you up” Sungmin suggested as he squeezed past Leeteuk who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen at the time.

“Coffee…” Leeteuk mused. “Nice thinking Min”

“Thanks hyung but if you’re going to catch Heechul hyung you’re going to have to hurry” Sungmin said.

“Oh… Heechul wait for meee!! I’m coming with you” he shouted as he ran through the halls and to the front door where Heechul was putting on his mittens.

“What are you staring at? Am I really that beautiful?” Heechul asked in a diva-like fashion.

“I’m coming with you to that new café” Leeteuk said, ignoring Heechul’s comment.

“If you have to” Heechul said, walking outside and into his car with Leeteuk in tow.

*Some time later*

“This place is nice” Leeteuk commented as he sat inside a booth across from Heechul.

“Yeah I guess it is” Heechul said, looking down at his phone.

“Yah! Why do you keep looking at your phone! You’re not even listening to me!!” Leeteuk complained.

“Huh? Oh, this guy is supposed to be meeting me here” Heechul said casually.

“So what, you’re just gonna ditch me? I thought we were friends” Leeteuk said while pouting.

Heechul chuckled at his housemate and, he hated to admit it, but Leeteuk was also his friend.

“Sorry Teukie but this guy is kinda important. I hate to say this but I actually think I have feelings for this guy”

“Wow, I can’t believe you of all people are in love” Leeteuk said.

“I didn’t mention anything about being in love” Heechul said, blushing furiously.

Leeteuk was about to say something back when he was interrupted by a slightly stocky guy with muscular arms and the most handsome face he had ever laid eyes on.

“Teukie… TEUKIE!!” Heechul spoke.

“Huh?” Leeteuk asked, turning from the good looking man while wiping the drool that had somehow gotten on his chin.

“What would you like to order? I’ve been asking you for a while now” a deeper voice replied.

Leeteuk turned back to the handsome guy from before and silently cursed himself for staring at the guy without realising he was trying to talk to him.

“J-just a coffee thanks” Leeteuk said.

“Coming right up, it shouldn’t take too long” he said before walking off behind the counter.

“Your face looks like a tomato” Heechul stated, referring to the blush on Leeteuk’s face.

“Shut up” Leeteuk said, covering his face with his hands.

“What’s so great about that guy anyway?” Heechul asked rudely.

“He’s handsome! What about your ex? That weird Chinese guy. He wasn’t that good looking” Leeteuk shot back.

“Zhou Mi? So what? I like Chinese guys, by the way my new boyfriend is also Chinese. But that’s not the point, the point is that you totally like that guy and you’re so cute when you fall for guys”

“Do you think he thinks I’m cute as well?” Leeteuk asked hopefully.

“Well, he is looking at you right now” Heechul whispered.

“Really?” Leeteuk asked, looking over to where the other man stood and sure enough he was staring at Leeteuk.

Leeteuk gave him a smile and he smiled back.

“He totally likes you Teuk” Heechul said to his friend, getting up out of his seat and giving Leeteuk a big hug.

“I never thought I see the day the old man finally gets some action” Heechul said, teasing the slightly older man.

“I’m not THAT old! We’re only 9 days apart you know” Leeteuk said back.

*Meanwhile outside the café*

A guy walked up to the café his boyfriend had told him to meet him at. He looked into the café through the long window and spotted his boyfriend in one of the booths up the back. He was hugging another guy affectionately.

“What? No! I though Heechul loved me” he said to himself in Chinese.

He felt a tear roll down his cheek. At that moment all he wanted to do was run and that’s exactly what he did.

*Back in the café*

“Here are your drinks. Enjoy them” the man said placing the coffees in front of Leeteuk and Heechul.

“Thankyou” Leeteuk said with a smile.

“I’m Youngwoon by the way, the owner of the shop” he said. “You can call me Kangin”

“You own the shop?” Leeteuk asked, surprised because he thought the man was only a worker.

“Yeah I make and serve the coffee and food myself” he said, sounding somewhat proud.

“It must be hard work” Leeteuk said, admiring Youngwoon. “My name is Jungsoo but everyone just calls me Leeteuk, in case you wanted to know” he added awkwardly.

“Your nickname fits you. You seem like a really special guy” Kangin said.

Leeteuk blushed at Kangin’s words while Heechul cursed at his phone in irritation.

“Hee, what’s wrong?” Leeteuk asked in a concerned voice, breaking his gaze from Kangin.

“It’s my boyfriend, he isn’t here yet and I’m getting worried” Heechul said. “Have you seen him anywhere?” He asked Leeteuk and Kangin hopelessly.

“What does he look like?” Kangin asked.

“He looks Chinese” Heechul described.

“Oh, I saw him. He was outside the window. He started crying and just ran off” Kangin said.

“He probably saw me with Leeteuk and thought I was cheating  on him” Heechul said. “I have to go find him” Heechul added, gathering his things.

“Things will work out Heenim” Leeteuk told him.

“I hope so” Heechul said, running out of the café to catch up with the one he loves.

“I hope he finds him. Heechul’s never liked anyone like that” Leeteuk sighed. “I haven’t met his boyfriend yet but I just know they are meant for eachother”

“How do you know?” Kangin asked out of curiosity.

“Umma’s instinct” Leeteuk said seriously.

“What?” Kangin said in between laughter.

“I act like an Umma to all my housemates. It’s just a weird thing I do” Leeteuk explained.

More customers entered through the door and Kangin looked at Leeteuk apologetically. “Sorry I gotta go serve them”

“It’s okay just don’t flirt with them as well” Leeteuk said without thinking, immediately feeling embarrassed after his brain processed what he said.

Kangin scoffed at Leeteuk’s comment and then notice Leeteuk’s embarrassment. Kangin thought the other man looked so cute when he blushed like that.

“I won’t. I’ll only flirt with you, promise” Kangin said with a wink.

Kangin watched Leeteuk blush some more then smiled at him.

“One thing before I take my leave. How was the coffee?”

Leeteuk mused for a second before answering.

“I really liked it. It was smooth and creamy but it still had that strong coffee taste. The best coffee I’ve ever had” Leeteuk said.

“You’re good at describing things” Kangin said surprised.

“I am? Thanks, I guess?”

“Hey, would you be up to coming over to my place tonight? It’s just that I only recently started making this stew and I need someone to give me feedback on it before I can sell it or anything” Kangin asked.

“I-I-I will, yeah!” Leeteuk said enthusiastically.

Kangin chuckled. “Just give me your address and I’ll pick you up after work?”

“Okay” Leeteuk said, grabbing a pen out of his pocket.

He wrote out his address on a napkin and handed it over to Kangin.

“I can’t wait to see what you think of my stew” Kangin said.

“And I can’t wait to taste it” Leeteuk said back.

*On The Other Side Of Town*

“Hankyung?” Heechul called out, desperately searching the town for his boyfriend.

He had already checked the younger man’s apartment and he was currently searching the streets.

“Hankyung please! I love you!” Heechul shouted, getting strange looks form passers-by. “I love you Hankyung” he whispered to himself.

Yes, the great Kim Heechul had finally admitted to himself he was indeed in love and right now he would do anything to find Hankyung.

As Heechul wandered around, hopelessly searching for Hankyung, he stumbled across a park. It wasn’t just any park though, it was the place he and Hankyung had met at a week ago.

*Random Flashback*

Heechul was walking his two cats, Heebum and Champagne (A/N I don’t know if people normally walk their cats on leashes but Heechul does in this fic). Heechul was so busy looking at the beautiful scenery that he didn’t notice a guy sneak up from somewhere and steal one of his cats. When he looked back down he noticed his Russian Blue cat was gone.

“Heebum?!” Heechul screamed in distress.

A guy who was jogging passed stopped.

“What’s w-wrong?” He asked in broken Korean.

“My cat” Heechul said, looking around and spotting a guy running off with his cat. “That guy over there is stealing my cat”

The kind stranger ran after the cat thief and did some random Chinese martial arts moves on him, the guy fell to the ground, releasing the cat. He carefully picked up Heechul’s cat and by the time he looked up the evil cat stealing guy had bailed. Heechul ran over to his saviour and took his cat.

“Heebum I was so scared! But now you’re okay” He said, his cat. He put Heebum back on the leash and put it onto the ground with Champagne.

“T-that’s okay” the man attempted to say.

Heechul smiled at him. He knew that accent. The man was Chinese, just like his last boyfriend. Heechul inwardly smirked at himself and his obsession with dating Chinese guys.

“To make it up to you you’re taking me out for dinner” Heechul announced narcissistically.

“How is that YOU making up for ME” he asked, now twice as confused as before. 

“Just shut up and take me to dinner” Heechul said.

“Okay but only because you are pretty” he said.

Heechul felt himself blush at the Chinese man’s comment.

Kim Heechul does NOT blush!

*End Of Flashback*

The sound of sobbing came from a park bench on the other side of the tree, snapping Heechul from his thoughts.

“Hannie?” he asked, running around to the other side of the big oak tree to see Hankyung choking on his own tears.

“G-go away Heechul” he said.

“I know you saw me in the café before Hannie. It wasn’t what it looked like he was just my friend” Heechul explained, taking a seat next to Hankyung.

“How ca-can I be sure?” Hankyung stuttered.

“Hankyung, would I really cheat on you with someone that bad looking?” Heechul joked.

Hankyung laughed a bit before looking Heechul in the eyes. He really wanted to believe Heechul but he wasn’t sure. Heechul still hadn’t told his he loved him, heck he hasn’t even told Hankyung he liked him.

Noticing a change in Hankyung immediately, Heechul spoke up.

“Look Hannie, I’m not good at expressing my feelings but my ugly friend did point out one thing, that I love you Hankyung, a lot”

Hankyung smiled. “I love you too Heenim”

Heechul smiled back and Hankyung pulled Heechul into Hankyung’s mouth, fighting for dominance over the kiss. Hankyung allowed Heechul to take control of the kiss and once they had ran out of breath Hankyung walked Heechul home.

*That Night*

“You should wear this top with these jeans and this jumper” Kevin said to Leeteuk who was fretting over what to wear to Kangin’s place.

“That’s a jacket Kevin” Leeteuk said, chuckling at his housemates misuse of Korean.

“Does it really matter hyuuuung?” Kevin whined.

Kevin was a foreigner who moved here from the states to work. The guy who offered him a place to stay changed his mind at the last minute. He had no place to stay and Leeteuk being the friendly and kind guy he is let him stay in his spacious home.

Leeteuk chuckled. “Are you sure Kangin will think I look good?” Leeteuk asked, suddenly becoming serious.

“Yes, you’ll look gorgeous, trust me” Kevin said.

“I trust you. You always wear the best outfits” Leeteuk said.

“Thanks. Go get dressed now” Kevin said, rushing Leeteuk to the bathroom so he can get changed in privacy.

*Meanwhile Downstairs*

“Why are you so mean?!” Dongho complained.

“It’s not my fault you can’t play video games” Eunhyuk teased.

“I hate you hyung” Dongho said, sticking out his tongue.

Dongho was a seventeen year old boy, the only one of the houses occupants who still goes to school, he was kicked out of home by his parents because he acted childishly and came across a little rude at times. His parents were strict and didn’t want to put up with him anymore and that is when Leeteuk found him. He was sobbing on the streets and Leeteuk asked him where his parents were. Dongho explained everything to Leeteuk offered Dongho somewhere to sleep. Eventually Leeteuk met with Dongho’s parents and they agreed to sign papers stating that Leeteuk was now Dongho’s legal guardian and ever since then he has been happily living at Leeteuk’s home with the others.

As for Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Ryeowook they were all college students looking for a place to stay while they study. After two years they finished college and got jobs nearby. They ended up staying with Leeteuk in the end, not wanting to leave their newfound family.

“It’s our turn now guys” Sungmin said, grabbing the game controllers from Eunhyuk and Dongho.

“You’re going down Min” Ryeowook said, receiving a controller from Sungmin.

*Ding Dong*

“I’ll go get it” Dongho said, jumping off the couch and running toward the front door. He opened it and looked at the man curiously.

“Who are you?” Dongho asked.

“My name is Kangin. I’m looking for Leeteuk” Kangin said.

“He’s upstairs getting ready for his date. You can come in if you want” Dongho said, tugging on Kangin’s sleeve and pulling him inside towards the loungeroom, not giving Kangin a chance to reply.

“Guys this is Kangin” Dongho introduced happily.

“Hi” Kangin said, surprised at the amount of people in this large house.

“I’m Sungmin. This is Eunhyuk, that over there is Ryeowook and the boy you just met is Dongho” Sungmin said.

“Do you all live here?” Kangin asked.

“Yeah. Leeteuk’s house is really big and he was kind enough to give us a place to stay” Sungmin explained. “So I guess you’re the guy Teukie hyung is going crazy over”

“H-he’s going crazy over me?” Kangin asked, feeling touched.

“I’m home essss” Heechul’s voice boomed through the halls.

“Yah! Heechul hyung stop cursing we have company” Eunhyuk called out.

Heechul walked into the living room and stopped when he saw Kangin.

“Wait, what did I miss” Heechul asked.

“You’re that guy from the café. Did you find your boyfriend?” Kangin asked.

“You have a boyfriend? Why didn’t you tell us?” Ryeowook asked.

“I do and I didn’t tell you guys because do you really expect me to tell you guys everything? And I found him and everything is fine but more importantly, why are you here?”

“I’m taking Leeteuk to my place and cooking him dinner. I-I need someone to give me feedback on my food”

“Suuuure that’s why. Where is Teukie anyway?” Heechul asked.

“He’s just getting dressed, he’ll be down in a second” Kevin answered as he walked down the stairs.

“You live here too?” Kangin asked.

“Yeah, my name is Kevin. I’m from USA, nice to meet you Kangin” Kevin said.

“Nice to meet you too” Kangin said warmly.

“Teukie hyung, your boyfriend is here!” Dongho said as Leeteuk entered the room.

“Dongho he is not my boyfriend” Leeteuk said, trying to cover his blushing face with his hands.

Kangin laughed. “You look great” he complimented.

“T-thanks” Leeteuk said as he nervously approached Kangin.

“Well, are you ready to go?” Kangin asked.

“Yeah, I’ll see you guys when I get back, yeah?” Leeteuk asked.

“Actually Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Kevin and I are going to see a magic show. We got free tickets” Ryeowook explained. “So we’ll probably be back after you”

“Oh okay. Well I hope you four have fun” Leeteuk said.

“Wait, does this mean I’m stuck with Dongho?” Heechul asked.

“I’m afraid so” Leeteuk asked in mock devastation. “But seriously though take good care of baby Dongho”

Dongho ran up to Leeteuk and gave him a bone crushing hug. “Don’t leave me with the scary hyung!” Dongho whined.

“Heechul isn’t scary. He just has a temper. So be a good Dongho while I’m gone, Arasso?”

“Okay” Dongho said, giving Leeteuk one last hug before going back to playing video games.

“Well I’ll see you all later. Oh and Heenim are you alright?”

“Yeah I found him and explained everything. Thanks for believing in me Teukie” Heechul said, for once sounding grateful.

“You’re welcome and if something happens with Dongho just call my cell” Leeteuk said.

“Okay, okay! Just leave you Ajumma!! You know you want to” Heechul said.

Leeteuk chuckled “Okay, I’m leaving! Bye guys” Leeteuk said before finally leaving with Kangin.


I hope the first chapter was okay and I hope it isn’t moving too fast. :3

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ally-chan #1
Chapter 13: oh my^^
update soon~
aegyo-maknae-ricky #2
Henry Is so funny, update soon.
aaaw Henry so cute!!!!!! Gotta Love Him! <3
TT^TT They tried so hard to escape...and then became one big happy family...and then they got captured again...only this time, all of them did...TT^TT
Lol, Henry is crazy XD hahaha Luv him

This is NOT crap by any means.

Please update again soon!

Lol, I just realized I typed in almost the exact same thing "aegyo-maknae-ricky" did...XD hahahahaha
Marry me
aegyo-maknae-ricky #6
AHHHH!!!! NO!!!!! Why did they have be to captured when they were being a big happy family :( update soon, please.
____ING CLIFFHANGER. I'm sorry. I'm just mad that Show Luo and Kai Tong got them again. But now they kidnapped everyone! D:
Just subscribed to your story an I absolutely love it! XDDD <333 Love how there are so many different characters together, like a family :'D Anyways on your latest chapter Show Luo and Kai Tong are soo T__T** EVERYONE GET YOUR GUNS OUT CAUSE ITS TIME FOR WAR! XDD Hehe please update soon! ^^
LOL very typical Heechul :D But NO Kai Tong and Show Luo get them D: They just lost their freedom T__T But a very great chapter :) Im so happy that you update and hopefully you update again soon :)