Chapter 10

To Love Or Not To Love

“Wookie ah~ We’re home” Leeteuk called out as he entered his home.

Ryeowook popped out from the kitchen and gaped at his hyung.

“Yah hyung. What’s with all the people?” Ryeowook asked.

The seven boys in question stood by the door uncomfortably, rubbing their frozen limbs trying to keep themselves warm.

“You guys can come in and sit down if you like” Leeteuk suggested.

“Thankyou Leeteuk-sshi” Kiseop said gratefully, taking a seat along with the others.

“Teukie hyung, who are they?” Ryeowook asked again.

“They were out in the cold, they were having a tough time so I let them stay with us” Leeteuk said, shrugging a bit.

“You don’t know who they are hyung! They could be murders!” Ryeowook accused frantically.

“How do you know? They could be nice people who just want a place to stay out of the cold!” Leeteuk said back.

“Guys, guys! Quit arguing” Yesung said, entering the living room.

“Hyung?” Myungsoo asked, looking up at Yesung.

“Myungsoo ah? W-What are you doing here?” he asked, taken aback by his old friends sitting on the couch.

“We escaped the castle! We’re free” Sungyeol said happily.

“And Leeteuk-sshi gave us a place to stay hyung!” Woohyun added.

“What about you, how did you end up here?” Sunggyu asked.

“R-Ryeowook saved me” Yesung said deeply.

“Saved you? From what?” Ryeowook said from the door.

“From the boss” Yesung replied automatically.

“Who’s the boss?” Leeteuk asked nosily.

“We don’t know his name but he kidnaps people and forces them to serve him in many ways. Sungyeol and I were only his cooks but Kiseop, Yunho, Jaejoong, Woohyun and Myungsoo all had it worse. They were his slaves and as for Yesung he performed magic for the boss. The boss got all the money Yesung earned” Sunggyu explained.

“That’s horrible!” Ryeowook exclaimed.

“I know Wookie, but we’re all past that now” Yesung said.

“Sungie, I feel so sorry for you. I-I-I didn’t know” Ryeowook said.

“Wookie” Yesung said reassuringly, wrapping his arms around the younger man securely.

Ryeowook succumbed to his lover’s gentle embrace and sighed.

“I just don’t want you being hurt” he said.

“I know” Yesung replied.

Kangin clasped his hands together and everyone looked to him.

“I’m starving and I bet you guys are too! Who’s up for some food?” Kangin spoke.

Everyone nodded in agreement and Kangin and Ryeowook went to make some food.


“This place seems awfully quiet” Kai Tong commented as they walked through the halls of the castle.

“Everyone is probably sleeping” Show Luo said.

They approached the door to Show Luo’s room and he jiggled around his keys, trying to find the right one.

Once he found the needed key he flung the door open. His eyes flickered around the room once and then he kicked the wall.

“What’s wrong?” Kai Tong asked.

“ing Kiseop that er! He’s not here!!” Show Luo shouted, his voice echoing throughout the small room.

“Kiseop?” Kai Tong asked, confusion lacing her tone.

“He’s my best slave!” Show Luo complained, kicking the wall again and, this time, making a hole in the poorly made wall.

“Show, be careful” Kai Tong scolded.

Show Luo didn’t listen to a word his new co-worker said and stalked out of the room and down the halls. He checked every single room in the castle and nobody was there. They had all escaped while he was gone.

“They’re all gone!” Show Luo shouted.

“Then what do we do now?” Kai Tong asked.

“We find them all and make them pay” Show Luo said darkly.


“Hyukkie, you did great!” Sungmin said enthusiastically, patting his companion on the back.

“Thanks Minnie” Eunhyuk said, sounding quite out of breath.

“Yah! You did awesome dude!” a stranger congratulated, coming right up to Eunhyuk.

“Umm.. thanks?” Eunhyuk said in a questioning tone.

It’s not that Eunhyuk didn’t recognise him. Of course he recognised the man, he was one of the boys who bullied him and beat him up while the teachers weren’t present.

“Don’t mention it buddy” he said, lightly punching Eunhyuk on the shoulder and walking off.

“Who was that Hyukkie? I thought you said you had no friends” Sungmin said.

“He wasn’t my friend Min, he used to beat me up” Eunhyuk said.

“So he was just acting friendly to you because of your awesome popping skills?” Sungmin asked with a frown.

Eunhyuk nodded sadly.

“What a loser” Sungmin stated “Why don’t we go over to the punch bowl? I’m thirsty”

“Yeah okay” Eunhyuk said, following his bunny friend.


The house, to put it simply, was utter chaos.

Jaejoong and Yunho were playing tag with Dongho, running through the house and occasionally knocking things over. Kevin, Ryeowook, Yesung and Heechul were having a karaoke competition singing loudly into their microphones. Kyuhyun was trying to teach the art of StarCraft to Kiseop, Kyuhyun originally came to see Sungmin but his cute lover was out with Eunhyuk. Sungyeol and Myungsoo were in their room listening to music with the volume turned right up and Sunggyu and Woohyun were watching some sort of action movie on full volume, competing with the karaoke machine and the music flowing down from upstairs.

Leeteuk was sitting in the midst of it all wandering when things got so hectic in his life.

Just then the doorbell rang and Leeteuk stood up and walked towards the door. Who could it be? It couldn’t be Sungmin and Eunhyuk; they wouldn’t be back for ages. And it wasn’t Kangin; he would have just walked straight in without bothering to knock. So was it Heechul’s boyfriend, Hankyung?

Leeteuk opened the door and came face to face with an annoyed looking chubby man and a tired looking woman.

“Is there something wrong?” Leeteuk asked innocently.

“We just moved in across the road and my wife hasn’t got much sleep and isn’t feeling well so would you mind quietening the party down just a little?” the man asked.

“Party? I’m not having a party” Leeteuk chuckled a little “But I’ll tell everyone to quieten it down if you like. I’m Park Jungsoo by the way but you can call me Leeteuk”

“Nice to meet you Leeteuk. I’m Shindong and this is my wife Nari” the man said, extending a hand.

Leeteuk shook his hand and also shook his wife’s hand.

“Teukie ummaaaaaaaaaaa~” Dongho’s voice sounded through the house as he bounded up to the doorway.

Leeteuk hushed the teenage boy, noticing Nari cringing at the noise. She must have a headache, Leeteuk thought.

“What’s wrong baby?” Leeteuk asked.

“Jaejoong fell over and hurt his knee and Yunho and me don’t know what to do” Dongho said in a distressed voice.

“Okay, I’ll be right there to help” Leeteuk said, turning to his new neighbours.

“Sorry about everything but I got to go” Leeteuk said, bowing slightly.

“Yah Teukie!” another voice called out.

Leeteuk sighed and turned around once again.

“Yes Chullie?” he asked in an almost exasperated voice.

“The new guys in the living room won’t turn down their movie and the new guys upstairs won’t turn down their music” he complained.

“Maybe we should all just go to sleep” Leeteuk suggested.

“What? Why?” Dongho whined.

“Because we’re making far too much noise and you have vocal lessons tomorrow so you need some sleep”

“Okay umma!” Dongho said, skipping off to his bedroom.

“Now you go tell everyone to get to sleep” Leeteuk said to Heechul.

“Fine” Heechul huffed, hurrying off to tell everyone to prepare for sleep.

“Sounds like you have a lot to deal with” Shindong commented.

“Yeah well, I can’t say I didn’t bring it upon myself” Leeteuk joked “Anyway I better get going”

“It was very nice meeting you Leeteuk-sshi” Shindong said, bowing.

“It was nice meeting you too Shindong-sshi and Nari-sshi” he said, also bowing “Feel free to visit whenever you like”

“Will do” Shindong said before walking back over to his home across the street.




“Eunhyuk, I’m just going to the bathroom. Okay?” Sungmin said as the two stood to the side of the dance floor.

Eunhyuk nodded “I’ll be waiting here for you”

Sungmin smiled and walked off, leaving Eunhyuk alone.

“Eunhyuk, my friend!” the man from before said, walking up to Eunhyuk with a bunch of his friends.

Eunhyuk felt intimidated and looked away from the larger, much taller men.

“Eunhyuk don’t be like that” another spoke “I thought we were best friends”

“Can you please leave me alone” Eunhyuk pleaded.

“No way! Where’s the fun in that?” the first man said.

“C-Come on guys. We’re grown men now. Aren’t you a little more mature than this?” Eunhyuk said, afraid of what his old highschool bullies were going to do to him.

“We are plenty matured, you’re the one that still needs someone to hold his hand. You were afraid to come to the reunion alone, weren’t you? Afraid of what we would do to you” the third man said.

“Well you should have been afraid” the main guy added before grabbing Eunhyuk by the collar and dragging him outside where nobody would witness what was about to take place.

He shoved Eunhyuk onto the dirty pavement and the three men began kicking him harshly.

“P-Please, j-just stop” he pleaded, his eyes beginning to water as the pain and memories of highschool resurfaced.

“Did you say kick harder?” one of them asked.

“N-No, please d-don’t” Eunhyuk said, his voice becoming husky.

“Guys, I think he wants us to kick harder” the man from before said.

Eunhyuk closed his eyes, ready to embrace the brutal impact but it never came. The sharp pain to his ribs never came.

Eunhyuk opened his eyes to see his saviour pounding his fist into one of his attacker’s face.

“You wanna get punched in the face too?!” he shouted.

The two remaining men scattered away, afraid of receiving the same fate as their leader.

“Are you alright?” his hero asked, turning to fully face him.

Eunhyuk’s eyes widened as his highschool love stood before him, his hand extended toward Eunhyuk to help him up.

“D-Donghae?” he asked, blinking a few times to make sure he was really standing in front of him.

“E-Eunhyuk, I’m so sorry for not being there for you in highschool. It was foolish of me to leave you for some ” he finally said.

“W-Why Donghae? Why did you do it? I thought we would be together forever” Eunhyuk said.

It finally hit him. What Donghae did to him really hurt his heart, the day after Donghae broke it off with him he had caught Donghae with some annoying girl. Eunhyuk was heartbroken and never talked to Donghae since.

“Eunhyukkie, I-I… My friends didn’t like you and when they found out that I was dating you they didn’t want to be my friend so I thought if I dumped you and went out with Hyuna everything would be fine. I’d have my friends back, my father would accept me and I could still be your best friend. B-But you stopped talking to me Eunhyuk… I understand why you did though. I made a stupid decision, an unforgivable decision… I just wished you could forgive me monkey” Donghae explained.

“Fishy… I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately. How much I miss your stupidness and hyperness. How much I missed creating havoc and your place. How much I miss your mom giving us lectures about why we shouldn’t dig holes in the front lawn. I miss the times we shared together a lot but all that still doesn’t hide the fact that you dumped me for some Hae. Do you know how long I cried? Do you know how many times I locked myself in my room and refused to come out?”

“Hyukkie… I-I’m so sorry. I love you, you know that?” Donghae said meaningfully.

“Y-Y-You love me?” Eunhyuk asked.

Donghae nodded “A lot and I know you may not love me back but I just wanted you to know”

“Hae, I don’t know what to say. I thought you would already have a wife and children..”

Donghae shook his head “No monkey. I waited for you and I’ll wait for you as long as it takes”

Eunhyuk looked shocked. He had no idea the fish felt this way about him. He thought he had tossed these feelings aside when he left but he had these feelings all along. But he always loved Eunhyuk, he was just too much of a stupid teenager to realise them.

“Donghae, you don’t have to wait at all. I love you too” Eunhyuk said, wrapping his arms around his fishy tightly.

Donghae returned the hug and gently kissed Eunhyuk’s plush lips.

“Did I miss something here?” Sungmin asked as he walked outside.

“Go back home Sungmin” Eunhyuk said into the kiss.

“But why? How are you going to get home?” Sungmin asked, narrowing his eyes.

“I’ll find my way” Eunhyuk said.

“Fine, but when Leeteuk hyung asks where you are I’ll tell him you sold yourself into ion” Sungmin challenged “I think we all know hyung would have a freak out and come running to find you and when he did he would give you a huge lecture and you wouldn’t be allowed to watch television for a whole week!”

“You wouldn’t dare” Eunhyuk said.

“I would” Sungmin said back.

“It’s alright Eunhyuk, we have all the time in the world to see each other” Donghae said.

“Is this the crush you were talking about at home? The one who dumped you?” Sungmin asked, inspecting Donghae.

“He is, but he apologised and I forgave him” Eunhyuk said, holding Donghae’s hand in his.

“That easy?” Sungmin asked.

“Min, it’s more complicated than it looks” Eunhyuk said.

“I know, I know. I just don’t want you getting hurt” Sungmin said.

“Thanks Minnie” Eunhyuk said, hugging his sweet pumpkin friend.

“Eunhyuk, may I have one dance before you leave?” Donghae asked.

“Course you can! Sungmin, do you mind waiting a few minutes?” Eunhyuk said.

“I’ll be waiting in the car” Sungmin said, smiling at his best friend.

“Thanks hyung!” Eunhyuk said, running off with Donghae to the dance floor.


“So… where do we start searching?” Kai Tong asked.

“We disguise ourselves and go out into public. We are sure to spot them sooner or later, then we follow them. We tease them a little, make them afraid, make them feel like something is about to go wrong. Then we snatch them up, along with anyone else who is with them and torture them” Show Luo said darkly.

“Sounds like a good plan to me” Kai Tong said, smiling at her boss.


A/N Sorry if this chapter , I just haven't had much inspiration!! And the house is so full now, so much havoc :O And there is finally Eunhae^^!!!! *happy dance*  Anyway, subscribe and comment peoples~

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ally-chan #1
Chapter 13: oh my^^
update soon~
aegyo-maknae-ricky #2
Henry Is so funny, update soon.
aaaw Henry so cute!!!!!! Gotta Love Him! <3
TT^TT They tried so hard to escape...and then became one big happy family...and then they got captured again...only this time, all of them did...TT^TT
Lol, Henry is crazy XD hahaha Luv him

This is NOT crap by any means.

Please update again soon!

Lol, I just realized I typed in almost the exact same thing "aegyo-maknae-ricky" did...XD hahahahaha
Marry me
aegyo-maknae-ricky #6
AHHHH!!!! NO!!!!! Why did they have be to captured when they were being a big happy family :( update soon, please.
____ING CLIFFHANGER. I'm sorry. I'm just mad that Show Luo and Kai Tong got them again. But now they kidnapped everyone! D:
Just subscribed to your story an I absolutely love it! XDDD <333 Love how there are so many different characters together, like a family :'D Anyways on your latest chapter Show Luo and Kai Tong are soo T__T** EVERYONE GET YOUR GUNS OUT CAUSE ITS TIME FOR WAR! XDD Hehe please update soon! ^^
LOL very typical Heechul :D But NO Kai Tong and Show Luo get them D: They just lost their freedom T__T But a very great chapter :) Im so happy that you update and hopefully you update again soon :)