Chapter 2

To Love Or Not To Love


Kangin hurriedly went from cutting the vegetables to turning down the heat on the boiling water. Leeteuk smiled at him as he watched the man cook in his kitchen.

“What?” Kangin asked, feeling the others eyes on him.

“N-nothing” Leeteuk said, quickly before looking elsewhere.

Kangin gave a hearty laugh before placing the ingredients into the steaming water and joining Leeteuk at the table.

“So… How did you end up living with so many people?” Kangin asked, wanting to know more about the man sitting before him.

“Everybody asks that” Leeteuk said, letting out a chuckle.

“So?” Kangin asked.

“Well it all started off with me receiving this huge mansion as my graduation present from my father. I never get to see him so I guess he was trying to make up for not being there” Leeteuk explained shrugging “I got lonely living in such a huge house on my own so I contacted my only friend from highschool, Heechul. He was struggling to pay his own rent so he agreed to move in with me pretty quickly.

Kangin nodded, indicating for the older man to continue.

“As for Sungmin Eunhyuk and Ryeowook they were college students looking for a place to stay. I offered for them to stay until there studies were done and they did. By the time they had completed college they decided to stay. I think they became quite attached or something not that I’m saying they’re attached to me because I’m not, I think they are just attached to the house in general, I mean it’s a bit self-centred to just say those three are attached to me. I hope I’m not self-centred person. Do you think I’m self-centred?”

Kangin chuckled slightly at Leeteuk’s rambling “Of course you’re not self-centred hyung”

Leeteuk smiled a bit before continuing “With Dongho I found him on the streets. His parents had disowned him and I offered for him to stay at my place while I tried to contact his parents. I found them and they signed documents making me Dongho’s soul guardian”

“Really?” Kangin asked “You make a good parent.

Leeteuk blushed.

“What about Kevin?” How did he end up living with you?” Kangin asked curiously.

“Well as you probably recognised he’s a foreigner. He came to Korea for work and the guy who was supposed to give him a place to stay changed his mind. I overheard him complaining about it to some lady who owned a shop at the street market and I asked him if he wanted a place to stay and he said yes” Leeteuk explained.

“You have a big heart” Kangin said to Leeteuk with a look of admiration on his face.

“Thankyou” Leeteuk said “Now I want to know more about you”

“Me? Well I moved out of home at 19 and moved into an apartment about a block away from my old place. I moved out here to open my own café and then I met you”

“That’s it?” Leeteuk asked.

Kangin nodded.

Leeteuk sensed Kangin was hiding a lot from him but then he remembered he had only just met the guy so he let it slide.

*At the magic show*

Sungmin, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook and Kevin took their seats as the lights dimmed. Their attention turned to the stage where a creepy looking guy stood there awkwardly. Ryeowook shifted in his seat uncomfortably.

“What’s wrong?” Kevin asked, noticing his hyung’s discomfort.

“That guy is hot” Ryeowook whispered.

“Really?” Kevin asked, laughing.

Ryeowook pouted, lamely punching Kevin’s shoulder.

Kevin was about to retaliate when a voice sounded on stage. The magician was starting off his magic show. The whole room fell silent as he performed amazing acts. Ryeowook’s mind was officially blown.

“This is the last magic trick of the night” the magician announced “And I think I’ll be needing a volunteer”

Ryeowook’s heart raced and he stuck his hand up in the air before anyone else did.

“Meeeeee~!” he squealed, forgetting about his shyness and transforming into an insane fangirl.

“Okay…” he said, scanning the room, his eyes landed on a cute guy who was enthusiastically raising his hand “You, down the front”

He walked off of the stage and held out his hand for the younger boy. Ryeowook excitedly grabbed the y magician’s hand and was led onto the stage.

Once they were both on stage the magician introduced himself.

“My name is Jongwoon but you can call me the incredible Yesung! Who are you?” he said creepily.

“R-Ryeowook” he said, becoming nervous as he looked out into the crowed and was blinded by the lights pointing directly at him.

“Ryeowook…” he said, seeming to be pondering over the name “You’re unique just like your name. It suits you”

Ryeowook noticeably blushed and looked at his shoes.

“Come on Wookie-ah! Don’t be shy!” he heard Eunhyuk call out from the audience.

Ryeowook blushed even more before Yesung spoke up.

“If you would be so kind as to step into this booth” he said, gesturing toward a large rectangular booth behind them.

Ryeowook nodded and stepped into the booth, his heart started pounding like crazy ‘What if I disappear and never come back?’ he thought, starting to panic.

Yesung covered the booth with a cloth and spun it around a couple of times. Inside the booth Ryeowook gasped as he fell into a secret compartment in the back of the booth. He felt a sense of relief as he realised he wasn’t really going to vanish.

Yesung pulled off the curtain revealing an empty booth to the audience. Gasps were heard throughout the room.

“Yah! What have you done to my friend?!” Sungmin cried from the audience.

“Wait and you shall find out” Yesung said.

Yesung put the cloth back over the booth and spun it around the other way as if to reverse the process. He tapped on the booth once he was done.

“Ryeowook are you in there?” He asked as if he wasn’t sure whether the other boy was still in there or not.

Ryeowook took this as a cue to step out of the compartment so he did. Yesung waited a while to make sure Ryeowook had enough time to escape and once he was sure Ryeowook was out he pulled off the cloth for the final time, revealing Ryeowook.

The audience cheered as Yesung and Ryeowook bowed.


“I still don’t get how he did that. The guy must be Harry Potter” Sungmin concluded as they were leaving the place.

“Sungmin, I told you, there was a secret compartment in the side” Ryeowook told his hyung.

“You were really cool up there Wookie hyung” Kevin said.

“Me? Cool? Sure” Ryeowook said sarcastically.

“You were! And I think the creepy magician like you”

“Don’t be stupid Kevin” Ryeowook said, suddenly getting cold and reaching for his coat but grasping at nothing.

“Guys, have you seen my coat?” he asked.

“You probably left it behind” Eunhyuk said.

“Go get it and we’ll wait here for you” Sungmin said.

“Okay, I won’t be too long” Ryeowook said, turning back into the building.

Ryeowook walked back to the seat he had sat in and as Eunhyuk had predicted his coat was there. He bent down to pick up his coat.

“What are you still doing here?”

Startled, Ryeowook whipped his head around to see Yesung.

“I-I left my coat” Ryeowook answered “What about you?”

“Me? Well my roommate kicked me out because I couldn’t pay the rent. I really need to get a real job, being a magician doesn’t get you much money these days” he answered.

“If being a magician is what you want to do then it is a real job” Ryeowook said.

“Yeah but I’m not the best magician out there. I only ever get performances at the same stupid venue and now I have to sleep here to”

“Y-you can stay with us, I’m sure the house owner won’t mind” Ryeowook said, feeling sorry for the hyung.

“No, I couldn’t. I couldn’t possibly pay rent with this job”

“I’ll help you get a part time job then” Ryeowook persuaded.

Yesung thought about it for a moment and finally agreed because he wanted somewhere warm to sleep at night.


“Why?” Eunhyuk asked as soon as he saw Ryeowook approach them with the magician guy.

“Yesung is staying with us for a while”

“Did Teukie hyung say he was okay with it?” Sungmin asked.

“Well no. I didn’t ask him but you know hyung, he’s a softie and besides Yesung is pretty much homeless at the moment” Ryeowook explained to his hyung.

“You’re right Teukie is obsessed with being an Umma. He’ll take good care of you” Kevin told Yesung.

“Yah, why don’t we go out for dinner now and then go home later” Sungmin suggested.

“I’m in!” Eunhyuk said, eager to fill his starving stomach with food.

*At The House*

“Dongho!! Dinner is ready” Heechul yelled.

He heard footsteps running down the many halls. They stopped once Dongho entered the kitchen and took a seat at the table. Heechul placed a bowl of cereal in front of Dongho and started eating his own.

“Cereal? For dinner?” Dongho scoffed “I want Wookie hyung to cook dinner”

“Shut up and eat. It’s the only thing I know how to make” Heechul said.

Dongho pouted before stuffing the cereal into his mouth.

*At Kangin’s Place*

“Here it is” he said, placing a bowl in front of Leeteuk “I call it Kangstew”

Leeteuk smiled, showing his dimples. Kangin swiftly turned around, obviously being affected by Leeteuk’s amazing smile, and served himself some of his stew. He took a seat in front of Leeteuk.

“I will eat this well” Leeteuk said politely before trying a spoonful of Kangin’s stew.

Kangin watched Leeteuk eat with anticipation.

“Yah! Quit staring at me while I eat, I can’t think straight” Leeteuk complained.

“Mianhae” Kangin said, turning his head away from his hyung.

Leeteuk took another small spoonful before deciding he liked it. He took a couple of gigantic spoonfuls, filling his mouth until it was hard to swallow. Kangin turned around to face Leeteuk again. He gave his usual hearty chuckle at the peculiar sight.

“Don’t forget to swallow Leeteuk hyung” he joked.

“But it’s so good” he said in between bites.

Once Leeteuk had finally swallowed Kangin smiled at him goofily.

“What?” Leeteuk asked, feeling embarrassed.

“N-nothing. How was it?” Kangin asked.

“Hmm.. well It wasn’t too salty and it had a hint of sweetness but it also had this special taste” Leeteuk described.

“Not as special as you” Kangin said.

Leeteuk blushed and continued to eat the Kangstew.

“What is that taste anyway?” Leeteuk asked curiously.

“It’s a secret” Kangin teased.

“Come on! You can tell me” Leeteuk whined, pulling a puppy dog face.

“I have a secret sauce” Kangin admitted, falling for Leeteuk’s aegyo “I call it Kangsauce”

Leeteuk nodded in approval “It’s tasty”


“Wanna watch a movie?” Kangin asked, walking into the living room and laying on the couch.

“I guess” Leeteuk said, following Kangin into the lounge room.

He walked across the carpet and tripped over a rug, not noticing it was there. He fell right on top of Kangin.

“L-L-Leeteuk” Kangin breathed, before changing their position so he was on top.

Kangin brushed his lips against Leeteuk’s plush ones and received a moan in response. He took this as a sign he should continue so he slowly stuck his tongue into the older man’s mouth. Leeteuk opened his mouth obediently. Kangin deepened the kiss and ran his hands up and down Leeteuk’s body. Leeteuk moaned and kissed back, nibbling Kangin’s bottom lip.

Once they were out of breath Kangin took Leeteuk’s shirt off. He at Leeteuk’s neck, running his hands all over his bare chest.

Kangin went for the zippers of Leeteuk’s jeans, looking up at him as if to ask for permission.

“Only if you take yours off first” Leeteuk said, trying to sound innocent but failing.

“Okay then” Kangin said, stripping down to his underwear in two seconds flat.

“Woah” Leeteuk said, looking up at the younger guy.

“Now it’s your turn” Kangin said seductively.

Leeteuk blushed, letting Kangin undo his pants. Kangin gawked at Leeteuk’s legs, they were the iest legs he had ever laid eyes on. Kangin felt up his hyung’s legs, stopping when he reached Leeteuk’s bulge.


They both looked up toward the rooms entrance and there stood a girl with a stunned expression.

Kangin jumped off Leeteuk and put his clothes back on. Leeteuk just lay there unable to move at that moment.

“Umm… may I ask what on earth you were doing on top of some random guy?” she asked, surprised and concerned.

“I-It’s not what it looks like, he fell on me and…” Kangin explained “Soobin, he’s not just some random guy” Kangin said, getting over the panic “His name is Jungsu and he is very… Leeteuk” he added, laughing a bit.

“He’s special?” she asked, looking over to the still half Leeteuk on the couch.

Kangin nodded and Leeteuk decided to put his clothes back on.

“Jungsu, but you can call me Leeteuk” he said, approaching the girl and offering her a hand.

“Oh so you ARE special. I’m Soobin, Kangin’s sister” she said, taking Leeteuk’s hand and shaking it.

“So Soobin why are you all the way here?” Kangin asked his younger sister.

“I’d like to talk to Kangin in private, if that’s alright” she said, shooting Leeteuk a glare.

“O-oh, okay” Leeteuk said, starting to head toward the kitchen.

“No” Kangin said, gently grabbing the older man’s arm “Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of Jungsu”

Jungsu looked at Youngwoon surprised and Soobin just nodded.

“Well I come here to see how you were doing” she finally spoke.

“I’m fine. I opened a café like I said I would and I-I really think I’m a lot happier here then I was at home”

“It’s great that you’re doing alright. But for me it’s different” she sighed “Mum got taken away and is being looked after. She hasn’t been the same since dad passed and you left”

Kangin was just as shocked as Leeteuk was.

“I-Is she okay?” Kangin asked, trying to sound as strong as he could in front of Leeteuk.

“Physically yes but mentally not so good. At first she just didn’t come out of her room but then she started seeing things and talking to herself. After that she attempted suicide”

Leeteuk watched as his dongsaeng’s lip quivered. He slowly moved closer to Kangin and rubbed the stronger man’s broad back.

“Teukie its all my fault” Kangin said hysterically.

Leeteuk enveloped Kangin into a warm hug and Soobin looked upon the scene. She was sure this guy could make Kangin happy and she really wanted this for her brother.

“Youngwoon” she said, using his real name “This isn’t your fault. I understand why you left, it was your way of dealing with it and umma’s way of dealing with things was to hide away from the world, she took it upon herself oppa”

Kangin looked up at his sister, his eyes glazed over, on the brink of tears.

“I know, but if I never left…” he trailed off.

“If you never left the same thing would have happened” Soobin said.

“I’m really missing them both” Kangin sighed.

“That makes two of us. Listen if you’re missing Umma I can take you with me to visit her tomorrow?”

“N-no it’s alright” Kangin said, becoming frightened at the idea of seeing his mother in that sort of state.

“I understand but  you’re gonna have to visit her sometime” she told him “Anyway I brought cookies” She said while putting on a fake smile.

“Homemade?” Leeteuk asked curiously.

At that Kangin chuckled, forgetting the previous conversation “Are you kidding me? She can’t cook let alone bake”

Leeteuk gave Kangin a dimple filled smile and Kangin gave him an eye smile back.

“Yeah I guess I didn’t receive appa’s cooking talents” Soobin said, not noticing her brother and Leeteuk sharing loving smiles.

“Your father cooked too? I’m sure he would be proud of you for opening the café” Leeteuk commented.

“I hope so…” Kangin said, his train of thought running to his father…


“Youngwoon, appa’s home!” a man called out as he entered his home as he got back from work.

He heard small footsteps run down the hall towards him. He was greeted y his six year old son latching onto his legs. He smiled at his son and ruffled his hair.

“How was school?” he asked.

“It was cool Appa! I learnt how to write my name” the younger said excitedly.

“Really? You’ll have to show me sometime” he said, giving his son an eye smile.

“Where’s Umma?” he asked.

“She’s putting aegi Soobin to bed. Appa, can I ask you something?” Youngwoon said, tilting his head.

“What is it my racoon?”

“When can I be a chef like you?”

“Whenever you want to son” Youngwoon’s father replied.

‘When I get older like you I’ll be one?”

“Of course and a damn good one at that” he told his son with encouragement.

*End of Flashback*

Kangin hadn’t noticed it but while he’d been thinking of his father a tear fell down his chubby cheeks. His sister didn’t notice but Leeteuk wiped away his tear with care and Youngwoon gave a lopsided smile to the older man.

“Time for cookies guys” Soobin announced, once again unknowingly breaking Kangin and Leeteuk’s loving gazes.

*Meanwhile at home*


“Seriously?” Heechul complained.

He paused his computer game and trudged through the halls to Dongho’s room. He swung the door wide open without knocking only to come face to face with a hurricane.

Dongho was running around in circles throwing things across the room all the while giggling like a crazy person on crack times ten.

“When Teukie complains to me every night about you being energetic before bed I didn’t expect this” he said to Dongho who completely ignored him and continued spazzing about.

“ Dongho you’re seventeen years old” Heechul shouted, growing irritated.

Dongho stopped what he was doing and looked at his hyung.

“What are you trying to say?” he asked.

“What I’m trying to say is Leeteuk lets you get away with acting like a two year old kid but you’re not Dongho. Now go to sleep” Heechul said.

“O-okay hyung” Dongho said, not knowing what to think of Heechul’s outburst.

Heechul sighed “Do you want me to read you a story?” he asked, feeling a bit bad for getting mad at the boy.

“B-but only Teukie umma reads me stories” Dongho said, a little unsure about the idea.

“Come on, I’ll read you the story of ‘Cinderella’” Heechul said, grabbing said book from the shelf.

“But ‘Cinderella’ is a girl book hyung”

“It is not!” Heechul said, taking a seat and opening the book.

“Once upon a time in a faraway land there was a princess and her name was Cinderella” Heechul read. “Oh, hello. My name is Cinderella” Heechul said in a girly voice.

Dongho giggled at his hyung’s impersonations throughout the story and soon he was asleep.

“Yah, getting you to sleep wasn’t that hard” he whispered,  slowly leaving Donho’s room.

*At some random pizza joint*

“Hyung are you gonna eat the rest of that?” Ryeowook asked, looking at Yesung’s plate.

Yesung shoved the whole thing into his mouth before he could answer.

“Sorry Ryeowook, all gone” he said teasingly with his mouth still full.

Ryeowook pouted and heard his own stomach growling.

“Why don’t I go get you another slice?” Yesung suggested upon hearing Ryeowook’s hungry stomach.

“I-It’s alright” Ryeowook said shyly.

“No its not, you’re still hungry” Yesung said, getting up to go and get his dongsaeng another piece.

“Oh mah gawd Wookie. It’s so obvious you’re into him” Sungmin said.

“You like him? He seems like a nutcase” Eunhyuk commented.

“He can’t be more of a nutcase then you” Ryeowook said, sticking his tongue out at his hyung.

“Were you guys talking about me?” Yesung asked, creepily appearing from nowhere.

“N-no” Ryeowook said.

“Suuure. Here’s your pizza cutie” Yesung said, placing the plate in front of the younger guy.

Ryeowook just blushed and took a bite of pizza.

Yesung couldn’t help but think the other guy was adorable, he didn’t usually fall for people just like that but this guy was unique, everything about him was. Yesung was going to enjoy living at this new place…


Finally some Yewook~ *dances* ~Wow, Fantastic Baby~ o.O Anyway I hope this chapter was good^^

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ally-chan #1
Chapter 13: oh my^^
update soon~
aegyo-maknae-ricky #2
Henry Is so funny, update soon.
aaaw Henry so cute!!!!!! Gotta Love Him! <3
TT^TT They tried so hard to escape...and then became one big happy family...and then they got captured again...only this time, all of them did...TT^TT
Lol, Henry is crazy XD hahaha Luv him

This is NOT crap by any means.

Please update again soon!

Lol, I just realized I typed in almost the exact same thing "aegyo-maknae-ricky" did...XD hahahahaha
Marry me
aegyo-maknae-ricky #6
AHHHH!!!! NO!!!!! Why did they have be to captured when they were being a big happy family :( update soon, please.
____ING CLIFFHANGER. I'm sorry. I'm just mad that Show Luo and Kai Tong got them again. But now they kidnapped everyone! D:
Just subscribed to your story an I absolutely love it! XDDD <333 Love how there are so many different characters together, like a family :'D Anyways on your latest chapter Show Luo and Kai Tong are soo T__T** EVERYONE GET YOUR GUNS OUT CAUSE ITS TIME FOR WAR! XDD Hehe please update soon! ^^
LOL very typical Heechul :D But NO Kai Tong and Show Luo get them D: They just lost their freedom T__T But a very great chapter :) Im so happy that you update and hopefully you update again soon :)