Keep My Secret Please

The Day I Became A Superstar

I was sitting in my room alone thinking about what I've caused to everybody. *Why do I have to be so stupid?!* All my schedules were clear from the scandel that had occured. All because of me...

Suddenly I heard a thump. I turned around to see someone had broken in from the window. *Oh my gosh!!*

"Somebody help me!!!! A broke in!!!!", I yelled at the top of my lungs.


My heart nearly skipped a beat from fright until I noticed who it was.


"It's just me!!", L.Joe brushed the dust off his jacket.


I sighed in relief, "You nearly scared me to death!"


"I came here to apologize.", he spoke.


"For what?"


"It's all my fault that we are in this trouble. I was the one who asked you out.", he admitted.


"Ani. If it were someone to blame, it would be me. I shouldn't have gone out.", I rejected.


We had been arguing the whole time for the past five minutes. Yeah, it was that lame.


I heard a click and then relized that the members were back.


"Oh gosh! You better go before we get in trouble!!", I shooed him.


He tried reopening the window, but it was stuck at the moment. I quickly pushed him inside my closet and just in time when Nana came in.


"Hey, so how's it going?", she asked casually.


"Y-you k-know. F-fine.", I stuttered.


She looked at me with a suspisous look on her face. I slowly stopped leaning against the closet door to make it look less obvious, but it just caused more problems. L.Joe slipped out and Nana's eyes were just about to pop out.


"I-it's not what you think it is!", I said.


dropped open, but I quickly covered it making her muffle.


"What's going on?!", SuHee asked from the other room.


"Oh, It's nothing!! I just fell from the top bunk!", I yelled.


Nana finally calmed down and whisphered, "What are you doing here L.Joe?! Don't tell me that you guys are really dating."


"We are not!", I responded.


I started explaining about what had happened and Nana seemed to understood, but I still wasn't sure if she believed us.


"So... will you keep this a secret?", L.Joe asked.


Nana nodded, "I was going to keep this a secret anyways. I was just curious if you guys were actually dating."


L.Joe and I sighed in relief.


"You have to leave sooner or later.", Nana pointed out to L.Joe.


"Oh right!", he swiftly opened the window and jumped down landing perfectly on his feet.


*So the window wouldn't budge opening before but now it does? ==*


"You know all this is pretty hard to be trusted.", Nana commented.


I bit my lip, "Yeah, I wouldn't believe myself if I were you either." I shrugged.


Hey guys!! So I know it has been forever, but I finally managed to update~ I even revised all the other chapters a bit, but it will still take me a while to write the chapters. Thank you for waiting patiently this whole time!! I LOVE YOU~ <3

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Chapter 9: I just found this now. Please update soon :D
naaatchan #2
No problem ^^
I'm looking forward .
No problem:D Best wishes on your story<3
naaatchan #4
They always meeting like that~
Uptade soon :]
naaatchan #5
So cute XD Uptade soon :3
naaatchan #6
Uptade soon ^^
Looks interesting!
naaatchan #8
Just reading I felt tired D: asdfgh~
Can't wait to
naaatchan #9
Looks so interesting!
Please uptade soon ^^