
The Day I Became A Superstar

As I was running to school late, I saw three guys in the front of the school gate. They looked like they were hiding something mysterious. My curiousity had me go over and peek in the corner of the school buliding. Just as I popped my head out to have a closer view, all three of them had disappeared. I looked down on the floor and found cigarettes. A hand grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"Miss. Ahn, may I ask what you are doing here instead of being in class?", our principal Mr. Shi asked.

He looked down at my hand and saw the cigarette I had found.

I waved my hand 'no', "Aniyo! Mr. Shi, I really wasn't smoking."

He told me to follow him to his office to discuss.

"I am truely not a smoker! Check my breath, it doesn't even smell like smoke either!", I blew at his face.

Just then, someone came inside the room.

"Ahem.", he cleared his throat.

"Oh, student body president. Please come in.", Mr. Shi welcomed.

The student body president walked to the desk and it turned out to be L.Joe. He had in an envelope thick as a hardcover textbook.

"I brought in the assignment you asked for.", L.Joe handed.

The principal's eyes widened, "Why, I didn't know that it would be this much paper to fill out."

I was watching the whole scene, and Mr. Shi didn't seem to have any attention to me anymore. L.Joe gave me a wink all of a sudden. He looked at me secretly and I saw his finger pointing towards the door. Oh that's right! I can just leave now. :DD As quiet as possible, I tip toed to the door and gently turned the doorknob without making any slight sound. The principal was still focused on the files and I left the room! -phew- It was just in time when the bell rang, the period had ended and I headed to my next class.


-After School-

The members and I were planning to go out to eat until our manager scooted us into the van.

"Aww, why are we here? I'm hungry!", Miyoung pouted.

"You have other schedules to take care of. We will go order something on our way.", she responded.

As we were heading to our next schedueI, I surfed the internet on Nana's laptop and found us on the k-charts.

"Oh! We're top #2!", I spoke.

"Really??", Eunkyung asked. She looked at the screen and we high fived.

"Unni.", Nana said to Suhee, "Since we are already top #2 on the kpop list... How about we go somewhere fun later??"

"Hmm, until you score first.", she responded.

"Bwoh? But we gave in our best efforts to get to rank #2. Com'on pleasee.", I whined.

The light turned red and Suhee unni turned to face us, "No."

We arrived at the Music Bank and had to perform our new ablum single 'Cheater'. When we had finished, I was sweating a whole lot. Someone handed me a bottle of water.

"Gomawo.", I said. I looked up and saw L.Joe. *Why do I always meet him everywhere I go...?*

"You did a really good job up there.", he started a conversation.

"Hehe.", I put up a pease sign.

"Well.", he stood up, "I'm next to be on stage."

"Good Luck!", I shouted.

He waved his hand as he was leaving the room.


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Chapter 9: I just found this now. Please update soon :D
naaatchan #2
No problem ^^
I'm looking forward .
No problem:D Best wishes on your story<3
naaatchan #4
They always meeting like that~
Uptade soon :]
naaatchan #5
So cute XD Uptade soon :3
naaatchan #6
Uptade soon ^^
Looks interesting!
naaatchan #8
Just reading I felt tired D: asdfgh~
Can't wait to
naaatchan #9
Looks so interesting!
Please uptade soon ^^