Falling in Love with the Aliens?

The Aliens
Venus got really mad again and asked, " Stop Kissing me! Your stealing my first kiss! Why can't you use powers instead for a punishment?!" While Cherry Enjoyed the Kiss! Venus Said " YAH! Stop kissing him Cherry! " But Cherry ignored her. Venus just forget about it. Then she asked, " So you're the one that kissed me? " Then here comes the moment. It was. . . . .Kai who kissed Venus. And D.O who kissed Cherry. Wow I think Cherry kissed D.O too long. While Venus kept on hitting Kai. Kai got really annoyed. So he asked her to stop. She barely stopped. So Kai kissed her again. But know Venus enjoyed it. Know FINALLY Cherry stopped kissing D.O . And Cherry was in shcok she actually kissed him that long! The other members got mad and wanted to steal Venus's kiss but they couldn't. Then everyone started to get mad and V&C was scared! So they went to another room and hide. While EXO was arguing in the other room, V&C was in the window room. Then they heard a knock as if someone was throwing a rock at it. They looked outside and saw B.A.P waving them to come down. V&C then quietly sneaked out of the house and followed B.A.P! B.A.P leads them to a Beautiful garden name NU'EST Garden. They were playing around for a while and EXO found out. Then they started looking for V&C. They found them in NU'EST Garden and got mad. they try to pull the girls home but the girls keep rejecting and wanted to stay longer with B.A.P . That got D.O and Kai in a total Angry Bird mode.  Then Kai and D.O started to complain to B.A.P . They think that B.A.P tried to steal their " Girls ". V&C said that they weren't, they're just having a fun picnic, That calm Kai down a little but not D.O . D.O then try to start a fight but Cherry calm him down and say if he doesn't stop, she's going to leave him and go with B.A.P


Chapter 2 Completed. (: Tomorrow I'll Write another Chapter ^^ Hope Your Enjoying it so far. Black is for Vanya ( But Nhi wrote some of the parts in it By computer but Vanya just writes it down in the paper ). And Turqoise (?) is Nhi ^^ ( For most of the part, Nhi wrote it but Vanya just writes it down. )

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@nurul_athie Thank You So Much!
nurul_athie #3
I like it very much...
@BxRandom Yay! Glad You Liked it!!!
BxRandom #5
Thanks ! The first chapter is nice and the fact you wrote together this way is nice oo :)
And yeah, this is definitely easier to read with darker colors ;)
@BxRandom. There you go! There is a darker color as your request ^^ Hope you like it! Thank you!
BxRandom #7
Maybe you should use different colors, I mean darker, like gray and black, those are too 'clear' and it makes it hard to read, I didn't even try even though I would like. Because yeah, lights colors + a cursive font don't really make it easy and pleasant :(
Just use darker colors okay ? I really want to reat this ;)