What to do?

Why do all leave me?

Thanks Jonghyun she came five minutes late, she been scolded and told that if it happens again, she would be fired. She changed into work clothes and started.

- Hyung's back, it came from Taemin who had just come out from the bathroom. His hair was still wet and he had towel around his neck.

Jonghyun heard rapid footsteps when he took off his shoes. He knew that all four would stand there curious. He was right.
- How did it go? Asked Onew. Jonghyun did not answer but walked slowly past on.
- It was not a good, what happened, she was very angry? Asked Minho
- Yes or no .. I don´t know, she seemed more frustrated, said Jonghyun and sank into the couch. He explained what had happened that evening but the more he thought about it the less he understood. The boys looked bewildered.
- I will not give up, said Jonghyun and stood up,
- Where do you think your going? Asked Key.
- I shall force the truth out of her, Jonghyun said firmly.
- You'll don´t do that, it came from both Key and Minho who pulled him down on the couch again.
- But .. Jonghyun started.
- Give her a few days .. a day at lest, said Taemin after seeing Jonghyuns gaze.
- Both of you are tired and frustrated right now and it would not lead to anything good if you pusch her in a corner, went Taemin without caring about Jonghyun look.
- Oh, our little Taemin is getting big, said Key.
- Okay then, muttering Jonghyun and rose.
- Where are .. started Key.
- Get in the shower if it is allowed, hissed Jonghyun. He went into the bathroom and ripped off his clothes. He stepped into the shower and flush cold water to try and get something else to think about but he could not get Mees face out of his mind.



Jonghyun trudged off Mees front door, the clock was around 10 and no one opened the door. What he thought was weird. He then came to thought that Mee is only 17 so she's in school at this time.
- How dumb I am, said Jonghyun and just when he was turning he saw Mey who was soo tired. Her eyes felt heavy and she just had a major shock when she saw Jonghyun there.
- What are you doing here? She asked, leaning her hand against the gate.
- I should probably say the same, should not you be in school, said Jonghyun. She just muttered something and walked up the path.
- Will you not answer me?
- What I am going to do is go to sleep a few hours, she said and walked up the worn stairs that Jonghyun was standing on. He saw how exhausted she was. He was not going to mess with her, not so much anyway. He took the keys out of her hand.
- What are you doing? She asked. He unlocked the door without a sound.
- What do you think at you doing? She asked, and slapped him on the arm but was about to fall over in the process.
- Protest is not now, he said, gripping her by the waist so she would not topple over. He opened and the door squeaked.
- I can take care of myself, she said, and stood before him. She did not want him to see everything.
- And it makes you so good, he just said and kissed her forehead before he moved her aside. He strode into the hall and took his shoes off smoothly.
- Why are you doing this to me? Come it from her.
- Why do you make it sound so awful? he said and took her bag from the shoulder. She took off one shoe with a little hardship, Jonghyun took hold of her other foot and she gasped.
- Let me go, 'she said, waving the arms. Jonghyn took a firmer grip on the foot and took off the shoe while Mee was about and insulted him. He could se the support stocking on her feet because they had a bunch of these at home so he understood what it meant but he said nothing. The most important thing now was to get her into bed. Then he could try to figure out the next step.
- Who do you think you are? She hissed as he pulled off her jacket.
- You know exactly who I am, sweetie, Jonghyun said with a smile as he drew his finger across her lips. She stood as if petrified, she believed that the heart would jump out of the chest on her.

Jonghyun grabbed her and lifted her easily in his arms. She was much lighter than he remembered. He took her up the stairs and into her room. He laid her down in bed and tucked her. Mee who had gone out already in his arms did not protest anymore.
- Sleep well my angel, he said, and left the room.

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I like it ;-; update asap <3 ;;