Bye Hyo

SCLP (Sweet Candy Lollipop) Girl group *apply closed*

After the girl's goodbye stage, it wasn't that good in the dorm, Hyo's personality changed differently. She became more and more different. The girls too noticed. During practice hours, she is the last one to master the dance. When she get's scolded by their manager she just awkwardly laugh.

 "Hyo has been acting way too different already" Jimin said. Hyea nodded, "I don't mean to be rude but, she keeps messing up our practices, we need to prepare for our next album" 

EunCha entered the room and knew what they were talking about, "You know Hyo, she may be a slow learner but she is ok, when you get to know er her?" EunCha was unsure.

"Speaking of Hyo, where could she be?" Jiyoung asked. They all shrugged.

"Even manager is upset about Hyo, Hyo just um, I don't know is unusual" Thessa said

Jimin nodded, "She sometimes talk to herself and say weird words" Jimin said

"I know, but she is kinda sweet" Jiyoung said. Yajun nodded, "She buys me ice cream everyday" Yajun grinned. HyunJae laughed, "She buys me too"

"And we both love coffee" EunCha smiled

"Guys, take a look of this" Thessa said while she was on the internet on her Ipad. The girls went to her and their eyes widened at the news: SCLP's Hyo leaving

"WHAT?! This can't be true! When is this?" Jimin asked adn looked at the date and time

"Just now" HyunJae whispered.

"Scroll down" Jiyoung said as she read.

Lately, just after their goodbye stage, Lee Hyojin began to change, the company gotten tired of her immarture behavior and decides to get her off SCLP just to protect the other girls. 

Hyojin then replied: "If it is for the good of the company, I will be willing to get out, but it is a pain for me to leave, but even though I am leaving the SCLP, I might be still going to go in the other entertainment activities, thank you"

The member just gave a warm smile and understood.

After the girl's read it someone entered the dorm, it was Hyo. The girls ran to her, "Was the news true? You're out?" Jimin asked. Hyo slowly nodded and went to her room to pack. HyunJae went to her, "Are you sure? This isn't a prank or anything right?" HyunJae asked.

Hyo shook her head, "Mianhae dongseang, but unnie have to go" She said. Hyun Jae sighed and watched her

"I told you before to act more mature" EunCha said. Hyo looked at her, "Sorry unnie"

Jiyoung went in the room, "But we are still friends, right?" 

Hyo gave her a small smile, "Of course we are, friends forever"

They all smiled, "We will miss you!" They grouped hug and shared the moment together before saying goodbye to Hyo.


Soooo sorry for not updating, I had trouble, I wasn't able to contact Hyo aka teentop4ever. I made a new poster, and the poster is like the album cover for their album :) keke

can u guys please send me the pictures I asked for, please

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awww.. it's the end?<br />
Hhahaha Sequel~ LOlness!<br />
I enjoyed it!<br />
scandal with EUNHYUK~ wooohoooooo joke only LOL sorry crazy girl here~!! <br />
SEQUEL~<br />
Thank you for updating!!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. The end? ): I enjoyed it so muchh~ (': Thank you <3
hyeamazing #3
Whoa~ It's the end? XD It was a bit weird.. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it ! ^^
OMG! Yurii :( I miss my character :( I don't have any y picture of her. :(
OMG. :) I read from the start again just to remind myself of the story. hahaha Kekeke I miss this!<br />
<br />
I miss everything here in Asianfanfics. :))
hyeamazing #6
Aww, byebye Hyo T__T<br />
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The poster is awesome! :D
Byebyee Hyo unnie! ;^;<br />
<br />
:( omo~ waeyo~ <br />
Hyo unnie will leave the group?<br />
That's sad~<br />
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And Nice POSTER! although I got confused why my last name was Jang :D ..Jang Hyun Jae? I applied for Kim Hyun Jae.... Well that's ok.. it's still nice :D right?<br />
<br />
<br />
thank you for updating~<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. Hyo is going to be gone now? :c aiyaaa.
YIKES!!!<br />
update soon!! <3 the CHAPPIES!!!<br />
hehehehe YeMin Couple!!! SO CUTE!!!!<br />
<br />
Hehehehe can't wait for more~~~ <br />
ohh sorry don't have any contacts w/ her..<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!