
SCLP (Sweet Candy Lollipop) Girl group *apply closed*


"C'mon, lets go" Euncha said, "I thought the recording room was that way" Hyo pointed north. "Not it is that way" Jimin pointed south. "I remembered it was that way" Hyea pointed east. "No that way" Yurii pointed west. Euncha felt dizzy, "Hey! the others are there already, lets go now! NOW WHAT WAY IS RIGHT?!" EunCha asked. "That way" The girls pointed in several directions. "Uh!" 


"Where are they, we'll be late for recording" Thessa said walking around in circles. "Hey relax, they'll be here, hopefully" Jo said. "Oh no, someone call them" Hyun Jae said. "On it" Thessa pulled out her phone. 

Ring ring

"yoboseyo" Jimin answered sweetly. "Stop acting so sweet MinMin, Where are you guys?" Thessa asked. "We're on our way, just wait." Jimin ended the call. 

"Well?" Jiyoung asked. "Their on their way" Thessa said in relief


"Who was that?" Eun cha asked. "Hanabi, they are waiting for us, I told them we're on our way." Jimin saluted. 

"LIAR!" Jo said. Jo nodded to the others, who are taking a rest from walking around. Jimin smiled, "They are worried" 


EnuCha rolled her eyes, "C'mon, lets go, we don't want them to wait for us any longer"

"Ok, unnie" Jimin saluted.  The others jumped up. then Jimin saw Yesung "Sungie!" Jimin waved and ran to him. "Jimin, I thought you were going to record," "We were, but we got lost, can you help us go to the recording room?" Jimin smiled. Yesung nodded and patted Jimin's head "I would love too" 


The others copying Jimin and Yesung for fun, "Hahaha" EunCha laughed at Hyo and Yurii. Hyea laughed too, and couldn't stop laughing even thought Jimin was already facing here with a annoyed look. 


"Let's go" EunCha pulled Hyea, 


"Where are they!" Jo sounded, Hyun Jae was blowing her bangs, Jiyoung, bitting her nails. "Hey unnie, your might eat your nail polish" YaJun told Jiyoung. "Oh, I forgot I had nail polish" Jiyoung looked at her messed up nails, "I have to do it all over again" Jiyoung's shoulders deflated, "I thought they are coming?" Jo asked Thessa. Thessa scratched her head "That's what Jimin said" 

Jo scratched her head. "Are they here yet?" Manager asked. The girl shook their heads "Where are they, If they don't come, we might delay the recording" 

"They'll be here," Jiyoung said, "Hopefully"


"We are here" Yesung showed them the door. "Thanks Sungie" Jimin smiled and hugged Yesung. "WOOT!" The girls wooted when they saw Jimin hugged Yesung. "So sweet hope Thessa will do that to Sungmin." Hyo smiled and looked like an angel. "No, hope Hyun Jae will do that to her monkey" Eun Cha said.

"Ehem" A voice said, the girls looked behind, "Oh, Thessa,,,, Hyun Jae" Eun Cha said. They havent seen those two look so annoyed. The girls just innocently smiled


"Sorry we were late, we got lost" Jimin begged, EunCha,Yurii,  Hyea and Hyo were on their knees infront of the others. "It's ok right? Cause they are here now" Jiyoung smiled at the others. 

"Ok, let's start recording" The manager said. The girls stood up and went to the recording room



surprized to see the poster changed? me too,,The quality ... ,, lol :) I'm going on a trip to Thailand so I might not be able to update, I'm taking a vacation for threee weeks, hope I can update if there is wifi on the fancy hotel im staying

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awww.. it's the end?<br />
Hhahaha Sequel~ LOlness!<br />
I enjoyed it!<br />
scandal with EUNHYUK~ wooohoooooo joke only LOL sorry crazy girl here~!! <br />
SEQUEL~<br />
Thank you for updating!!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. The end? ): I enjoyed it so muchh~ (': Thank you <3
hyeamazing #3
Whoa~ It's the end? XD It was a bit weird.. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it ! ^^
OMG! Yurii :( I miss my character :( I don't have any y picture of her. :(
OMG. :) I read from the start again just to remind myself of the story. hahaha Kekeke I miss this!<br />
<br />
I miss everything here in Asianfanfics. :))
hyeamazing #6
Aww, byebye Hyo T__T<br />
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The poster is awesome! :D
Byebyee Hyo unnie! ;^;<br />
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:( omo~ waeyo~ <br />
Hyo unnie will leave the group?<br />
That's sad~<br />
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And Nice POSTER! although I got confused why my last name was Jang :D ..Jang Hyun Jae? I applied for Kim Hyun Jae.... Well that's ok.. it's still nice :D right?<br />
<br />
<br />
thank you for updating~<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. Hyo is going to be gone now? :c aiyaaa.
YIKES!!!<br />
update soon!! <3 the CHAPPIES!!!<br />
hehehehe YeMin Couple!!! SO CUTE!!!!<br />
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Hehehehe can't wait for more~~~ <br />
ohh sorry don't have any contacts w/ her..<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!