YaJun and Taemin

SCLP (Sweet Candy Lollipop) Girl group *apply closed*

Practice at inkigayo was starting, SCLP was going to practice their debut song

Everyone was nervous, they were going to perform on stage for the first time.

"YAH~ SHINee's Taemin is going to dance with you on stage, Sungmin cant come so Thessa, you need to dance with Taemin

Then, without thinking, "BUT THESSA DOESN'T'T LIKE TAEMIN, I DO!" Yajun said, then when she realized what she said, she cupped .

The other girls giggled, "Let Yajun dance with Taemin, she knows the steps"

Their manger shook his head, "Thessa dance with Taemin but at the instrumental part you can make faces, and act funny and cute as possible, this is Inkigayo"

They all nodded, 

"Alright, Taemin come in here" the manager said

"He is here?" Yajun asked. Hyo came to her and patted Yajun's shoulder, "Good luck"

Jimin winked at Yajun, "Remember, Thessa unnie is going to dance with Taemin" Jimin whispered.

"Ok! Start!" Your manager said. Soon, the girls practiced without Taemin so Taemin could see the steps.

After that, Jimin pointed at Yajun, "Let Yajun teach Taemin the steps of the boy"

"Wae?" Yajun was stunned.

"Alright, Yajun, teach Taemin the steps" Your manager said. Yajun nodded and went to Taemin, with a red face she taught Taemin the steps.

Euncha forgot to dance and watched Taemin and Yajun.Hyea called EunCha, "Hey, let's practice" 

"huh? What? Oh!" EunCha went to to the middle, the bridge was EunCha's leading dance.

Hyun Jae and Yurii looked at Yajun and Taemin and just danced without looking at the mirror, but they bumped into each other


! YURII!!" The dance manager called, "AGAIN! FROM THE TOP!"

All the girls sighed and did it again. They couldn't help but look at the YaMin couple. "AIGOO!! SO CUTE!" They all said


Mianhae for the short and boring update, I've been busy with school and martial arts., *sigh* I hope I can update soon

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awww.. it's the end?<br />
Hhahaha Sequel~ LOlness!<br />
I enjoyed it!<br />
scandal with EUNHYUK~ wooohoooooo joke only LOL sorry crazy girl here~!! <br />
SEQUEL~<br />
Thank you for updating!!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. The end? ): I enjoyed it so muchh~ (': Thank you <3
hyeamazing #3
Whoa~ It's the end? XD It was a bit weird.. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it ! ^^
OMG! Yurii :( I miss my character :( I don't have any y picture of her. :(
OMG. :) I read from the start again just to remind myself of the story. hahaha Kekeke I miss this!<br />
<br />
I miss everything here in Asianfanfics. :))
hyeamazing #6
Aww, byebye Hyo T__T<br />
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The poster is awesome! :D
Byebyee Hyo unnie! ;^;<br />
<br />
:( omo~ waeyo~ <br />
Hyo unnie will leave the group?<br />
That's sad~<br />
<br />
And Nice POSTER! although I got confused why my last name was Jang :D ..Jang Hyun Jae? I applied for Kim Hyun Jae.... Well that's ok.. it's still nice :D right?<br />
<br />
<br />
thank you for updating~<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. Hyo is going to be gone now? :c aiyaaa.
YIKES!!!<br />
update soon!! <3 the CHAPPIES!!!<br />
hehehehe YeMin Couple!!! SO CUTE!!!!<br />
<br />
Hehehehe can't wait for more~~~ <br />
ohh sorry don't have any contacts w/ her..<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!