SungMin problem

SCLP (Sweet Candy Lollipop) Girl group *apply closed*

Thessa was arguing with her manager "But You said you are not going to pick someone we like" Thessa said

"You like Sungmin?" the manager asked

Thessa blushed and looked at the girls smiling behind her. 

"No"  Thessa said. "Ok then, Sungmin is in" The manager said

"But" Thessa said. The manager and the girls looked at her.  Thessa noticed, "Darn, if i say Yes they will know, if I say No, we are going to be the couple" Thessa thought

"No" Thessa said

"Alright, you two are the couple" The manager said. Thessa blew a raspberry, "We are really going to be partners"


Later Sungmin came in "So who's idea it is for me to be the leading man?" Sungmin asked. All fingers pointed at Thess, "WHAT?!?" Thessa looked at the girls. 

"So you do like me? Don't you?" Sungmin asked. Thessa looked away "No! It is manager's fault" 

"Alright girl's shooting time" The director said. The girls read their scripts,

Soon shooting was starting, 

Later they were taught the dance steps, The girls were tired. "that was tiring" EunCha wiped her sweat out 

"I know"  Jimin fell on the sofa

"Girls, more practice" The choreographer said

The girls went back to the dance floor and practiced the dance, most of them forgot some steps but manage to get it right on the last practice for the day.

"Time for the couple parts" The director said. Thessa gulped as the oher girls squealed, watching.

"For this scene Sungmin is going to hold you in his arms and you just have eye contact with him, soon you two are dancing" The direct said

Thessa and did what the direct told. she was growing red of the girls squealing in the back. They made the eye contact then a dance


"That was hard" Thessa sank ont he sofa, she turned to the girls, "What are you guys looking at?" She asked.

"You and Sungmin oppa are so cute" Hyun Jae said. Thessa blushed.

"Can't wait to see the kissing scene" Jimin smiled. Thessa sank down "No way" She thought


sorry for the super late update~~ My computer isn't fized yet and I am forced to use this slow one,,, 

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awww.. it's the end?<br />
Hhahaha Sequel~ LOlness!<br />
I enjoyed it!<br />
scandal with EUNHYUK~ wooohoooooo joke only LOL sorry crazy girl here~!! <br />
SEQUEL~<br />
Thank you for updating!!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. The end? ): I enjoyed it so muchh~ (': Thank you <3
hyeamazing #3
Whoa~ It's the end? XD It was a bit weird.. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it ! ^^
OMG! Yurii :( I miss my character :( I don't have any y picture of her. :(
OMG. :) I read from the start again just to remind myself of the story. hahaha Kekeke I miss this!<br />
<br />
I miss everything here in Asianfanfics. :))
hyeamazing #6
Aww, byebye Hyo T__T<br />
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The poster is awesome! :D
Byebyee Hyo unnie! ;^;<br />
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:( omo~ waeyo~ <br />
Hyo unnie will leave the group?<br />
That's sad~<br />
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And Nice POSTER! although I got confused why my last name was Jang :D ..Jang Hyun Jae? I applied for Kim Hyun Jae.... Well that's ok.. it's still nice :D right?<br />
<br />
<br />
thank you for updating~<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. Hyo is going to be gone now? :c aiyaaa.
YIKES!!!<br />
update soon!! <3 the CHAPPIES!!!<br />
hehehehe YeMin Couple!!! SO CUTE!!!!<br />
<br />
Hehehehe can't wait for more~~~ <br />
ohh sorry don't have any contacts w/ her..<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!