Inkigayo: Thessa and Taemin?

SCLP (Sweet Candy Lollipop) Girl group *apply closed*

It was finally time to get on stage in Inkigayo. Every one was nervous. Everyone finished practicing and perfected it. 

*Good thing, I'm not dancing with Sungmin or I'll turn red as a tomato!* Thessa thought.

Yajun deflated *I wish I could dance with Taemin* 

"Ok, SCLP,! You're next!" The stage director said.

All the girls and Taemin nodded. They all went on stage with Thessa and Taemin in the middle. The music played and all the girls looked daring. 

Jimin noticed Yajun looking at Thessa and Taemin, *She might mess up! Wait! I might mess up!* Jimin thought as she went next to Hyo and to the middle to do her rap. After Jimin's rap, EunCha made her rap with a very daring and seductive look. And Jo next with the last rap of the song

After, Jiyoung came to do her solo part of the song, where the dance is pushing Thessa and Taemin away and doing a y walk to the center stage.

After Jiyoung, Hyea came up front with her high parts. Yajun lead the last part of the dance and ended with their pose. EunCha making a gun figure with her hands and placing the tip on her chin, Jimin who is standing with her back on front and looking back at the audience with a cold glare,

Hyo looking at the side and putting her hands on her waist, Hyea sitting on the stage with a powerful pose, Jiyoung who posed with chest out, chin up, and but out, which showed her perfect figure, Hyun Jae, still looking cute and innocent, Yurii, who looked really hot with her fit outfit. Jo and Yajun who was sitting on stage too, Jo was behind Yajun 

And Thessa whose hands are wrapped on Taemin's neck.

After the crowd went wild. The girls went backstage to their waiting room. 

"That was tiring" Jimin said

"I know" EunCha fell to the couch


Girls, can you send me another picture, I'll make another poster for this, can you give me 2 pictures, one hto and y and the other, cute and cudly? Just post it on my wall [private]

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awww.. it's the end?<br />
Hhahaha Sequel~ LOlness!<br />
I enjoyed it!<br />
scandal with EUNHYUK~ wooohoooooo joke only LOL sorry crazy girl here~!! <br />
SEQUEL~<br />
Thank you for updating!!<br />
Hwaiting!!<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. The end? ): I enjoyed it so muchh~ (': Thank you <3
hyeamazing #3
Whoa~ It's the end? XD It was a bit weird.. But nevertheless, I enjoyed it ! ^^
OMG! Yurii :( I miss my character :( I don't have any y picture of her. :(
OMG. :) I read from the start again just to remind myself of the story. hahaha Kekeke I miss this!<br />
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I miss everything here in Asianfanfics. :))
hyeamazing #6
Aww, byebye Hyo T__T<br />
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The poster is awesome! :D
Byebyee Hyo unnie! ;^;<br />
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:( omo~ waeyo~ <br />
Hyo unnie will leave the group?<br />
That's sad~<br />
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And Nice POSTER! although I got confused why my last name was Jang :D ..Jang Hyun Jae? I applied for Kim Hyun Jae.... Well that's ok.. it's still nice :D right?<br />
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thank you for updating~<br />
<br />
<3 a Lotz!!
Aww. Hyo is going to be gone now? :c aiyaaa.
YIKES!!!<br />
update soon!! <3 the CHAPPIES!!!<br />
hehehehe YeMin Couple!!! SO CUTE!!!!<br />
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Hehehehe can't wait for more~~~ <br />
ohh sorry don't have any contacts w/ her..<br />
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<3 a Lotz!!