What comes first?

Love's Signs

"Wake up girl... Wake up, wake up, wake up girl ......" The sound of your alarm woke you up. You turned it off and you went to do your daily routine. You took your shower, ate breakfast, brush your teeth and left the house for school. After arriving, you immediately proceeded to your first period class. You were rapidly walking towards your classroom without realizing that something had fallen from your notebook. Dongho picked it up. Apparently he was behind you and you didn't notice it. He flipped the picture and read what was written.

"CN Blue - My favorite band. 
 Hope to see them soon! :)"
He went to the classroom and slumped in his seat. "So, she likes boy bands? Then this'll be perfect." He whispered. 
"Mworago?" You said. You heard Dongho was whispering something.
"Ah? Nothing." He replied.
"Tch. This guy..." You rolled your eyes. You paid attention to your teacher but couldn't help noticing Dongho. It seems like he's thinking deeply about something.
"Yah. What's bothering you? Yah Shin Dongho." You said in a low tone.
"Eh? Nothing! Why do you ask?" He was startled at your question.
Your classes for the morning session had ended. You went to the cafeteria to eat lunch. You seated at the side part of the room. You were about to eat your food until you heard some girls screaming. You turned your head to see what's happening. Turns out that a group of boys had entered. And Dongho belonged in it.
"Oh my gosh! Aren't they handsome?!?!" "Oppa! Look here!" The screaming almost made you deaf.
"What's up with these guys anyway? They're just a bunch of pretty faces." You grumbled as you started opening your lunch box. You were about to chow on your food until someone grabbed it. You looked up to see who it was. It was Shin Dongho. Again.
"Yah! Give it to me! I'm freaking hungry you know?!" You shrieked.
"Aniyo. I'm eating your lunch since you dropped mine yesterday." 
"Bwoh? Yah! You-" You were about to say something but he started gobbling your food.
"Shin Dongho! Jinja!" You reached for your lunch box. But it was too late. He ate all of your kimchi. 
"Yaaah! You'll pay for this!" You clenched your fist and threw it towards his face but he caught your hand in time.
"Before you get angry at me, take this. You like boy bands, right?" He said as he handed you a ticket for a concert. You gasped. Your anger turned into happiness.
"Omo! How did you know?!?!?! Is this for real??? Kamsahamnida!!!" You hugged him. 
"Y-yah, what are you doing? Get off me before someone sees us!" He said nervously. You saw him blush. You were blushing too because you felt your cheeks burning.
"Ah. Mianhae. It's just that I haven't really attended a concert before." You hung your head low. Dongho chuckled.
"Meet me at the park. 8:30 tonight. I don't like waiting so be there on time. Araso?"
"B-but Dongho-ssi!" You had plans for tonight with Alexander but it was too late to tell him. He already left the cafeteria. You sighed. What should you attend first? Your "date" with Alexander, or the concert with Dongho? 
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Pweassee Update this <3 <3 So awesome :) Though Dongho being like that is common in fanfics I really really really liked this story and I wish they would just realize that they loved each other :) Pwease update soon :) I already subscribed
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 19: NOOOOOOO!!!! UPDATE SOON UH!! >~< will be waitinggg!!! Do mot disappoint meeeeee kkay? Thanks for the awesome storyy! Just update soon!
LovexTaemin #3
Chapter 19: Pls update sooooooon ;; w ;; ♡
Veebi1264 #4
Chapter 17: Update soon :)
Chapter 17: Wawawa ! New reader here . :) Dongho is cheesy in some ways . :D He and Min Jee just have to admit their feelings . =) Good thing , Dongho is not so rude like their first meeting . I think his face will be a punch bag . Kekeke . x) Pity Xander . ^^ Update soon , authornim ! Looking forward for your updates ! XD
Chapter 17: forever 21? reallly? lol exceptfor the fact that it's all girly, the clothes are expensive too! haha nice update. Dongho's feelings are slowly showing up :3
update soon! :D
Chapter 16: Who was the person who called Dongho?! Aodjaldns update soon mysaranggg
NiTeuk #9
update soon please.