
Love's Signs

The class went on until the bell rang.

"Okay class, break time." Seongsaengnim said. The students bid goodbye to their teacher and left the classroom.

"Ugh, I can't believe I'm in the same first period with that Dongho guy. I just hope second period would be better." You muttered. You got bored and went strolling around your new school until you reached the garden. You saw Vicky sitting on the bench and you were about to approach her but you saw her doing something fishy. She was putting some liquid to her lunch. Or someone's lunch. Then you heard her speak.

"Let's see if you won't regret ditching me, Shin Dongho. Bwahahahahaha!" She said with her signature evil laugh.

"Oh God. Could that liquid be poison?!?! And did she said Shin Dongho? Ugh. This boy. Jinja." You said under your breath.

You were about to tell her to stop whatever she's doing but someone arrived. It was Dongho.

"Hey. Aren't you the one who went into my house? How dare you appear in front of me." Shin Dongho coldly said.

"M-mianhae oppa. I really regret doing that to you. Will you accept this as a token of my apology?" She handed the lunch box with poison. You gasped and waited for what will happen next.

"Tch. I don't accept tokens from lowly people. Now out of my sight, stupid girl." He hissed.

"Oppa! How could you forget our past? Our sweet past?" Vicky said, tearing up.

"Bwoh? What past? Yah. Have you forgotten that I have dumped you? There us no us, you babo." 

"But oppa, give me another chance. Please. I will stop nagging if you take this lunch box!" She whined.

Dongho rolled his eyes. "Aish! Ara ara! I'll take it. Just stop bugging me already!!!!"

"I'll stop only when you eat it in front of me." She smirked.

"Mworago??? Aish!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay I'll do it! Just make sure you stop pestering me!"

"Sure oppa. This will be the last time that I'll be bothering you." Vicky evilly grinned.

Dongho was about to eat the food until you stepped out and stopped him.

"Yah Shin Dongho! Stop!" You shouted. Vicky was surprised at your sudden appearance.

"Well, if it isn't this Min Jee girl. Why do I always meet you at the most inconvenient time?" He mockingly said.

"Yah. If you don't want to die, then stop whatever you're going to do!"

"Min Jee-ah! Stop interrupting and go away!" Vicky looked at mee with burning eyes.

"Why should I listen to you? Babo. I'm eating this. I'm hungry anyway." Dongho was about to put the food in his mouth until you pushed him so that he'd lose grip of the lunch box. You pushed him hard that you're now both on the ground and you're on top of him. You stared at his dark brown eyes, which made your cheeks turn into tomato red. You quickly stood up and brushed your uniform.

"Yah! What did you do that for?!?!?!?!? Aish!!!!!!! You stupid girl!" 

"Be glad that I did that, 'cause if I didn't, you'd be dead right now! You stupid boy!"

"Bwoh? What makes you think that I'd die if I eat that?"

"Because -" You paused, looking at Vicky, who was now flaming up.


"Because I wanted to take revenge! Happy now?! I put poison in the food so that you'd regret dumping me!!!!!!" Vicky blurted out.
You were stunned by Vicky's words. Dongho was surprised too.
"Tch. How lame of you to do that. Whatever, I'm leaving." He left as if nothing happened.
"Vicky-ah! How- Why?" You asked her, completely clueless of what's happening.
"Let's talk about this later, okay?" She said as she left the garden. You stood there, still not recovering of what happened.
After standing there for a few minutes, you finally left and proceeded to you second period. You entered the classroom and again, introduced yourself. You sat at the empty chair at the back of the classroom.
"So tell me what really happened a while ago." A voice suddenly said. You turned your head to the side and saw Dongho.
"You again? Ugh. I can't believe this." You rolled your eyes.
"Yah. Tell me why did you do that!" Dongho said in a low voice so that no one could hear.
"Haven't you heard Vicky? She said she wants to take revenge. Are you deaf or something?" You replied.
"Of course I heard that. What I'm asking is, why did you stop me from eating it? I thought you hated me. Unless you've developed some feelings for me." He smirked.
"Bwoh? Tch. This guy. Jinja! So what if I did that? Why don't you thank me instead?!" You sneered.
"Whatever." He retorted bitterly.
"Do I hear somebody talking at the back?" The teacher glowered at Dongho.
"It wasn't me seongsaengnim. It was this new girl beside me." He said coolly.
"Seongsaengnim! It wasn't me! It was him!" You gritted your teeth.
"Enough. Stop fighting like kids. Now let me continue what you've interrupted." The teacher resumed discussing.
"Babo." Dongho said.
"Tch. You're a dim-wit too." You answered back.
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Pweassee Update this <3 <3 So awesome :) Though Dongho being like that is common in fanfics I really really really liked this story and I wish they would just realize that they loved each other :) Pwease update soon :) I already subscribed
NicLuvGuiLun #2
Chapter 19: NOOOOOOO!!!! UPDATE SOON UH!! >~< will be waitinggg!!! Do mot disappoint meeeeee kkay? Thanks for the awesome storyy! Just update soon!
LovexTaemin #3
Chapter 19: Pls update sooooooon ;; w ;; ♡
Veebi1264 #4
Chapter 17: Update soon :)
Chapter 17: Wawawa ! New reader here . :) Dongho is cheesy in some ways . :D He and Min Jee just have to admit their feelings . =) Good thing , Dongho is not so rude like their first meeting . I think his face will be a punch bag . Kekeke . x) Pity Xander . ^^ Update soon , authornim ! Looking forward for your updates ! XD
Chapter 17: forever 21? reallly? lol exceptfor the fact that it's all girly, the clothes are expensive too! haha nice update. Dongho's feelings are slowly showing up :3
update soon! :D
Chapter 16: Who was the person who called Dongho?! Aodjaldns update soon mysaranggg
NiTeuk #9
update soon please.