
I don't care if they see

I AM SOOOOOO SORRY THAT I HAVE NOT WRITTEN ANYTHING. I have been so mad because i had a chapter all ready and than my computer decided to shut off and everything was lost. So here is something as i get the ball rolling again! --Declan.



He is so short compared to me. I bet that I tower over him by at least two feet, if more. 

We are sitting on my sofa, him snoring on my shoulder. I am actually shocked that he was able to force himself to stay awake as long as he did. 

Gosh, he is so cute, like a young girl. A sweet innocent child that is aging on schedule in a perfect way. Does that sound odd? Of course is sounds a bit off. Who thinks about young children? My mouth waters as my head spins with naughty thoughts of what this young child looks like. I doubt he is anything like Dae. Dae is large and strong, he even looks it. GD is smaller and more gentle. I have kissed his soft mouth, become one with him for a moment. And I did like it. Oh, yes, I really did. I touch my mouth with my thumb and glance down at his sleeping face. Would he care if I did it again? He is in another realm right now, of course he would not really mind, but that is taking advantage of the disadvantaged.

"Will you wake up for me?" I whisper in his hair, wondering if he will. 

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Gtop moments will be soon


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pollbaby #1
Chapter 9: I'm completly stuck at this story! it's amazing! had to say this before i keep on reading!
Chapter 8: are you still alive? O.o
PLS UPDATE SOON WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU coughscoughscoughs oopsss, sorryy ._.v
Chapter 12: I love keep it going :)
Chapter 12: Where do you get all the pictures from? Especially the one for the foreword :D
Keep up the good work
Hwaiting :)
TOPgirl #6
hahaha "my body is ready" love it so far
LovesAsianDrama #7