Chapter 6

He Doesn't Know

A/n: So... Hi there.

I...Don't know what to say. Or how to thank you guys. Wanna know what's up?

I FINALLY GOT 100 SUBSCRIBERS!!! (But not for this fic.) XDD

*cough* Well, it probably doesn't seem like a big deal to many of you, but for me, it's just... ; u ;

I just joined AFF recently, and... wow.

I just...



I'll shut up now.


The next few days drifted by quickly, and before Jiyong knew it, a week had gone by. Their individual schedules had been so hectic, that there wasn't ever a time when all the members were together. A little part of his mind was slightly thankful; he wasn't in the mood for being around awkward members and unresolved tension. 

He was beginning to forget the incident already, until one late night, while composing a new song in the living room of their dorm, Seungri stumbled in through the door, in tears. Jiyong, who was alarmed, immediately rushed to the maknae's side, thinking, and worrying, that Seungri was sick, or hurt, or 'oh my God, what if he's dying'

He did not, however, expect Seungri to pull him into a tight hug. 

"Hyung, she... We're... We're through." He stuttered through sobs, unable to form coherent sentences. Jiyong just shook his head, and rubbed soothing circles on the maknae's back. He didn't need any more words to know what had happened, and what the maknae was trying to say.

"Shh... I know, Seungri, I know." Was all he said, and they just stood there, in an embrace, until they both awkwardly pulled apart after what seemed like forever, and Jiyong internally mourned at the loss of contact between them. 

He watched the retreating male's back.

He knew it was wrong, but deep inside, he felt quite pleased.


"Hey, what's up with the maknae?" Daesung spoke, spitting out bits of cereal, and droplets of milk, all over Seunghyun, who grunted.

"Chew with your mouth closed, Dae. That's just disgusting." Daesung snorted, but obeyed, nonetheless. Jiyong sighed in relief; at least the previous events seemed to have gone with the wind, and was now forgotten. 

Hmm, that seemed kind of...Cool. He'd have to add that in a song soon, he thought. They'd have to be singing in some desert, in a black-and white mv with--

"Um... Ji?" 

"Yes, Bae?" 

"Stop your imaginary beard. It's...creeping me out." 

"Sorry." They ate their breakfast, and pretended as if nothing happened. 

'What's wrong with imaginary beards?'  Jiyong scowled, as he shoveled more food into his mouth.

"The maknae's not up yet?" Seunghyun grunted as he yawned, and stretched. He groaned when his back cracked. Daesung wrinkled his nose.

"Eww, hyung. That sounds unhealthy." 

"Shut it." And so he did. Why was everyone picking on him recently? 

"No, hyung. Seungri's still asleep, I guess." Youngbae answered his hyung, while washing the dishes. Jiyong barely managed to save a certain plate from plummeting towards the ground, and towards its unfortunate death by breakage. Jiyong frowned at Youngbae, with a 'GTFO' expression on his face. Youngbae smiled, dried his hands, and walked out of the kitchen like a boss.

Sometimes his clumsiness had its advantages, especially when it came to doing the chores. He smirked to himself.

Meanwhile, Jiyong felt slightly worried at the maknae's behaviour. And at the time which, currently, seemed to move faster and faster. 

"But... We have a radio show at one o'clock! And it's twelve-thirty! What kind of peson sleeps until twelve. freaking. thirty?" He pulled at his own hair in frustration. Daesung balanced a tall stack of plates on his arm, five glasses in one hand, and three saucers, some chopsticks, and a spoon in the other.

Jiyong groaned when he heard the distinct sound of a plate breaking. Well, there goes their china. And he liked that one, too. 

"Apparently, our maknae is the kind of person." Seunghyun replied. Jiyong rolled his eyes.

"You don't say, hyung." 

"Shut it, I'm older than you."

"Cheeky, aren't we?" 

"Skinny ." 



"Ice cream-head." 

"You did NOT insult my hair!" Seunghyun gasped, and stood to his feet, glaring daggers at the leader, who glared back from across the table.

"Yes I DID. Problem?" Seunghyun growled, and was about to make a silly retort involving another lame insult, when Youngbae yelled from afar.

"Just wake him up already!" Seunghyun snickered as Jiyong, as the leader, stomped grumpily over to the maknae's room.

"Yah, stop your grumbling already. It's your duty, yeah~?" Jiyong scowled, and slammed the door. 


Jiyong eyed Seungri, who was sprawled on his bed, with the blanked piled up at his knees. 

The youngest member was in a wife-beater, and shorts, which exposed his toned and slightly tanned arms and legs. His lips looked so plush, moist, pink, and... 

'What, kissable? Go on, Jiyong. He's a heavy sleeper; he won't notice!' A small voice at the back of his head snickered in a condescending tone. Jiyong blushed at his own thoughts.

What made his chest clench painfully, though, were the red linings under the maknae's eyes, and the much darker cirles around his eyes. Had he cried himself to sleep? The thought itself made Jiyong want to cry, too. He shook his head of any unnecessary thoughts, and shook Seungri awake.

"Seungri... Seungri, wake up." He made sure to be gentle, and brushed his bangs out of his face. Seungri groaned sleepily, and rubbed at his eyes. Jiyong chuckled at how cute the other was being. 

"Hyung....What time is it?" He yawned. 

"It's 12:35. You have twenty minutes to get ready." Jiyong smiled at the maknae, whose eyes widened considerably (Jiyong was quite surprised at how large they went; he thought they'd pop out of their sockets.) in panic. 


They were at the studio, recording for Sukira, and one of the MCs, or interviewers, asked Jiyong, 

"What do you think about homoual relationships? You are aware that fans make 'pairings', and 'fanfiction' about Big Bang, right?" Jiyong nearly choked on his spit; What kind of a question was that

"I... Think it's quite wrong... I mean, we're all men, right?" He chuckled, and everyone followed suit, taking it lightly. Jiyong, however, was nervously thinking of how to answer.

"Yes, I guess you're right... Homouality is, after all, taboo..." The lady said disapprovingly, and Jiyong felt a lump in his throat. If only she knew that he was one of those considered as 'taboo'. He gulped.

"Well, if I imagine me and my members, I guess it's kind of disgusting... I mean, I can't think of my dongsengs that way, so I can't really comment much on that topic." He laughed lightly, and everyone burst out laughing, though he didn't know why. 

"Haha, I guess so, too. I can't imagine, either." She chuckled. Jiyong chuckled too, albeit quite nervously. The rest of the interview went smoothly, though Jiyong didn't notice a certain male looking at him the whole time. 


"Aghhh... I'm so tired, I just wanna sleep. Forget about eating." Daesung groaned, and made a dash for his and Youngbae's room. Youngbae followed him, just as tired. Seunghyun dragged himself exhaustedly to his room, leaving Jiyong and Seungri alone. Jiyong suddenly felt his heart beating faster, and his face heating up. He eyed the youngest, who was in front of him. 

"So... Aren't you tired too, maknae?" He said, attempting some random conversation. However, it came out somewhat awkward-sounding, in his own opinion. Seungri was silent, and didn't reply. He walked past Jiyong, but paused when they were side by side, their elbows brushing against each other. Jiyong felt a tingling sensation where their skin made contact.

Seungri leaned near Jiyong. His warm breath ghosted against Jiyong's neck, and his lips were near his ear. Jiyong tried his best not to shiver. 

"Hyung... I know it's disgusting, but I think, no, I know I love you." Jiyong had no time to reply, as the other's lips were pressed against his own. 


The previous chapter seemed so dramatic, and so...Heavy. .__.

I seriously don't know why I even wrote it. Anyway, do any of you like Infinite? Do you like Myungyeol, if ever? :3

Well, it's just that... I wrote a new story, and it's Myungyeol. /shamelessly promoting/ here it is.


And... I also need a poster, so... If you could recommend a poster request shop, or if any of you know how to make one...

Ugh, IDEK. -__-

Anyway, I would've wanted to thank all of you commenters (lolwhut?) individually, and stuff, but... Meh. .__.

So instead, I'll thank all of you for reading and commenting, and subscribing, and---

/is shot/ 

So...yeah. Hope you liked this chapter. :3

Don't forget to comment and subscribe, as usual~ 

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cottonFinland #2
Chapter 9: Waaaaa1!!!! Please come back to this story!!!! I want to read moreeeee! Seungri's reaction and Jiyong's counter reaction
Chapter 9: *looks around for a new chapter* come out come out wherever you are!!!!
Bettsums #4
Chapter 9: Pleeeeaaassseee update!!!! Dont't abandon this story! *on my knees begging* T_T
cottonFinland #5
Chapter 9: Iiii!!! Pleaseeee continue this! !!!! I have to read more! I love this story
Chapter 9: Will this be updated...?
Chapter 9: Why did I just discover this now!! It's amazing!
GiselleSinclair #8
Chapter 9: I just love it!!! i'm waiting for the update. Please!! do it quickly =D
kae-sshi #9
Chapter 9: Uuuuuuuhhhh... so nasty ^^ a love song? In my opnion a man + a woman acting sensually on a bed is not a LOVE song >.<
Well, I'd like to say that I love your comments they are making me laugh.