Chapter 5

He Doesn't Know

A/n: Did I keep you waiting for long? Sorry~ XD

Lately, I've been coming home late at night every day, because of my summer activities... ;__; 

....Except for today, that is. I decided to rest. XD

And did you know that it's Bae's birthday today? :D

Enjoy the chapter~ :3


Jiyong was surprised at himself lately. He recovered unexpectedly quick, from the maknae's sudden confession. Sure, it had hurt, and he was still hurting somewhat, but at least he didn't sulk pathetically, unlike how he had expected himself to act like.

They continued the same routine, the same everyday life. 

Nothing was changed between them.

Anyway, he always knew they'd never have a chance. 

He knew he was the only one who was gay among them.

He knew the person he was gay for wasn't gay.

It was proved obvious, from the way Seungri would animatedly talk about his day with 'Dara-ssi' (he had dropped the 'noona' ages ago, when they started dating.), blab about how cute she was when she laughed, how perfect her face was without makeup, how lovely her voice sounded when she laughed, how hardworking she was for 2NE1, how honest her eyes looked like when she talked to him, how her eyes turned into crescents whenever she would laugh...


Jiyong wondered, didn't he have all those? He knew it was wrong to think like that, especially since Dara was his friend, noona, and business partner. 

But sometimes, he just wondered. He would eye the maknae from afar, whilst biting his lip.

Didn't he look cute when he laughed? Didn't he look fine without makeup? Wasn't his voice also lovely? Wasn't he hardworking? Didn't he have pretty eyes?

Sometimes, he would think, was it because she's a girl, and he's a man?

Was it because of the permanent and automatic forbidden love between the same genders?

Or the fact that they're celebrities, and such relationships won't be tolerated?

He would sometimes pull at his own hair in frustration, as his head would ache from thinking too much.

Sometimes, he would wish he was born as a girl. But then again, if he were a girl, he wouldn't have the opportunity to even be with the maknae like this.

"Hyung-nim!!! Dinner's ready!!!" The maknae called from the kitchen, after preparing dinner. When the members came out of their respective rooms, they were a bit confused at his appearance; he was donned in a classy and crisp, black suit. His hair was neatly styled and slicked back. 


"What's with the get-up, Ri?" Daesung asked as he looked at the maknae from head to toe. Seungri's grin fell.

"Oh... I... Have another date with Dara-noona..." Seunghyun glared at him. They all gulped. The eldest member rarely got angry, but when he was, it truly was a scary sight. 

"Don't you freaking know what day it is today???!!!" Seungri blinked at him blankly.

"It's May 18...What about it?" 

"It's Youngbae's birthday, that's what it's about! Or have you lost your mind to your girlfriend?" Seungri flushed from embarrassment and anger.

"Yah! Don't bring Dara into this!" He swung his arm back to prepare for a punch, his fist tightly closed. Seunghyun kept his ground, and glared at the youngest.

"Hyungs... Please, don't fight..." Daesung uselessly called out, while watching weakly from the side. Jiyong only sat there, with his face in his hands. Everything was going fine a while back. Why did the night have to be ruined now, of all dates? 


Seunghyun threw himself on top of the maknae, slightly knocking the wind out of him. Seungri gasped for breath, while aiming blindly at Seunghyun's face, managing to hit him on the nose. Seunghyun yelped and stepped back, clutching his bloody nose, while shooting a glare. 


Their heads turned to Youngbae's door, and there stood he, looking lost, confused, and hurt. The two brawling members pulled apart from each other guiltily, and the mood had gone tense right away.


"You guys... Starting the fun without me already?" He attempted at a joke, but went silent as he noticed his group mates' glum expressions. His eyes focused on Seungri, who had a red, hand-shaped print on his face, with his hair unruly.

"And you, maknae... Where are you going?" The boy fixed his gaze on the floor, unable to look into his hyung's eyes.

"He has a date with 'Dara'" Seunghyun snorted, mimicking the youngest's voice. Seungri flinched at the harsh impersonation, and realized how foolish his actions were. Youngbae had his eyes downcast, with a small smile on his face, which was obviously fake.

"So... I-I thought you were...going to spend today with us." Disappointment was clear in Youngbae's voice, so he cleared his throat and stuttered.

"Apparently, not." Jiyong piped in suddenly, startling them all, as he had been so quiet a while back. He stomped off into his own room and shut the door.

"You... You're not the same Lee Seunghyun anymore." Daesung's voice was trembling, and he was looking broken, with tears welling in his eyes. The remaining members were shocked; Daesung never, ever, EVER cried. But they were proved wrong, as the smooth-voiced vocalist's lower lip began to tremble, and tears began to drip down his chin.

"I'm...Sorry." Was all Seungri could say. He wanted to cry too, but why would he? It was his fault, right? He bit his lower lip ashamedly.

"Seungri...Just go. Dara-noona's probably waiting for you. It's okay, you can still have some of the cake tomorrow." Youngbae patted his head reassuringly, despite the hurt he felt. Seungri, without another word, walked out of the house.

They were all silent as Daesung continued to weep, Seunghyun stared at the floor blankly, and Youngbae decided to console his crying friend.

"Happy birthday to me." 


"Sometimes... I wish they were never together." Youngbae held Daesung against his shirt, which was wet from the other's tears. Daesung sobbed harder.

"You shouldn't say that, Dae. I'm sure Seungri's very happy with Sandara-noona, and he wouldn't want to hear you say that." 

"But he never left during your birthday!!! It's just so unfair, and frustrating, hyung!" He punched a nearby pillow. Youngbae just watched. Being roomates and all, he knew of Daesung's habit of venting out his frustration on inanimate objects. Being the group's  clown had a price, which was being unable to express anger or anything similar easily. 

"Cheer up, Dae. I'm fine with it, so I don't see why you shouldn't be. " He said firmly, and none of them spoke.



Jiyong stayed cuddled up against the blankets, and the pillows. To say he was disappointed in the maknae's behavior was an understatement; He felt sour, and didn't feel like being with anyone. 

Did Seungri love Dara that much, in which he would abandon his own 'family' for her?

Jiyong scrunched up his face in a pained expression, and hugged himself tightly, with skinny arms. 

"I don't want us to fall apart."



Seunghyun paced around his room, still angry. He didn't care about the blood which was still dripping down his nose. He slammed his fist on the wall.


He hated the maknae's guts for doing something so shameless, for being so ignorant. 

It's like he was doing it all on purpose.

Seunghyun also saw how it would hurt Ji. The leader would look away from the maknae with a pained expression on his face, and would be so silent recently. He hated it. 

He was surprised at how Jiyong managed to keep his act together and still love the other.


What had happened to their group's close bonds?

He sat down on the floor and whimpered.

"I just hate this all, Mr. Bear..." He whispered to the unmoving, white plush bear beside him. It didn't respond, its eyes black and lifeless.


...This...Seems like another filler. :x

Hooray for fillers! /is shot/

But I wanted to do some angst for Bae's birthday.

Did you spot a potential pairing?

So... I hope you still enjoyed it, anyway... .__.

I'll make the next chapter better. Comment and subscribe? :3

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cottonFinland #2
Chapter 9: Waaaaa1!!!! Please come back to this story!!!! I want to read moreeeee! Seungri's reaction and Jiyong's counter reaction
Chapter 9: *looks around for a new chapter* come out come out wherever you are!!!!
Bettsums #4
Chapter 9: Pleeeeaaassseee update!!!! Dont't abandon this story! *on my knees begging* T_T
cottonFinland #5
Chapter 9: Iiii!!! Pleaseeee continue this! !!!! I have to read more! I love this story
Chapter 9: Will this be updated...?
Chapter 9: Why did I just discover this now!! It's amazing!
GiselleSinclair #8
Chapter 9: I just love it!!! i'm waiting for the update. Please!! do it quickly =D
kae-sshi #9
Chapter 9: Uuuuuuuhhhh... so nasty ^^ a love song? In my opnion a man + a woman acting sensually on a bed is not a LOVE song >.<
Well, I'd like to say that I love your comments they are making me laugh.