Getting Close...

My Merman Lover


As I near to the shore, I saw her stood up from where she was, I swam faster and called her name to make her stop on her tracks. And thankfully, she does.


"Jaejoong?" She said. Her voice has this tinge of doubt in it.


Her eyes wander around the place, checking that no one's around.


"What are you still doing here, my new friend? Does your family still haven't picked you up?" I asked as I crawl on the sand. Small, gentle waves caressing my shiny blue green tail.


"O-oh... my brother arrived just this afternoon but decided to stay here maybe for a week..." She replied. Her cheeks were tinted pink.


"Y-you...? What are you doing here?" She asked.


"I came to find something important to me."


I saw her dig on her pocket and held my necklace in the air.




"It's with you..." I mumbled.


"N-no! I didn't steal it! I- I saw it--"


Funny, I didn't even accused her,


"I'm not saying you did." I chuckled.


And for some reasons, our small chat became longer than what I expected.


To be honest, I feel strange and weird in a good way spending some time with her. Without knowing why, my heart will beat rapidly and sometimes, I even feel my blood would rush to my face, making me more embarrassed.


The sky is getting brighter and I know, if I stay longer, Junsu will throw tons of questions.


"I need to go, _________."


"Where do you live?" She asked suddenly.


"Under the ocean..." I answered shortly.


"Then I guess I can't go there..." I heard her mumbled.


"Why would you want to go there?"


She quickly tilt her head. Her beautiful eyes were wide and her lips alittle parted.


"N-no...! I- I didn't say anything..." She muttered.


I give one last smile before getting myself on the water.


"Jaejoong..." She called out.


I look at her way.


"Are you going back here at night?"


She want me to come back.


My heart beat quickened for the nth time.


"Do you want me to?"


I hope she does...








"It's alright. I won'tㅡ"


"I want you to!" She immediately cut me off before I even finish whatever I was about to say.


Unknowingly, a grin appeared across my face as I felt my cheeks redden.


"As you wish, my friend."


I turn my back and began working my tail to get me back to Isla Mermaidia and this time, with a big smile.

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faye_lee #1
aww ohmygosh can;t wait for another update <3 ~ I love this story ^_^
BubblegumRaccoon #2
so sweet <3
awwww... cutie patootie! ^___^ I really imagined Jae as a merman! kyaaa~~~ cnt wait for their meet up ^__^
Kya!! I love your story!!! Please do another update soon. *bows* ^.^
kyaaaaaaaa.... ~~~~
Very interesting
BubblegumRaccoon #7
aw <3 I'm really starting to like this!
Author fighting! x3
A nice start...keep it up!
haenana #9
Interesting.. Looking forward for ur story... ^^
BubblegumRaccoon #10
uh oh! there she goesss >.<