What's the Reason?

If I'm your Heaven then You're my Hell!


“Huuuuh~? Are you an idiot?”


“You’re not even Song ____. Song _____ is kind, unlike you, she’s always smiling, unlike you, she’s energetic, unlike you, and lastly, she has no HUGE s, unlike you.”

Your face was flushed from the embarrassing things Zelo told you. Daehyun and the others were just staring at you while Zelo was narrowing his eyes. You turned away then unlocked your apartment door. You walked in then closed the door, harshly. You didn’t even look back to say something. Usually, you’d argue with someone but seems like you had enough of such.                                                                                                                                       

“See? Song ____ isn’t like that.”

“Zelo! What did you do?!”

“You dork, why did you said something like that to your sister?!”

“She’s the only person we know in Seoul. Now, where are we going to sleep?”

“In the hotel, duuh~”

Everyone looked at him in disbelief while the maknae just smiled, high and almighty. You, on the other hand, were eavesdropping then sighed. Obviously, you had no other option but to let those boys in since you were curious about why they said you’re Zelo’s sister.

“You can come in... if it’s alright with you.”

 You said after opening door, with a straight face. Zelo rolled his eyes then went to you. You backed away a bit then he flicked his finger at your forehead with a frown.

“You’re not my step-sister so don’t act kind even after I said those things about her. Got that?”

“Well, sorry if I’m not the Song ___ you’re looking for but I hate to see stray dogs out on the streets wondering off like an idiot!!! Now, will you come in or must I leave you here?!”

You yelled at Zelo’s face, leaving him dumbfounded. He backed away from you and everyone else was quite shock at your tough personality. You rolled your eyes then stepped aside to let them in but all of them were now like statues.

“Uugh..! Do I really have to do everything?”

You walked out of your apartment then snapped your fingers at each blond who were staring out on space.

“I don’t care if I’m not the one who you’re looking for but could you PLEASE go inside? This is so embarrassing, you know.”

Daehyun was the first to nod and smile at you. He took his bag and walked to you as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Obviously, now he likes you more and more. But, little Zelo just growled like a dog underneath his throat and went inside first, shoulder bumping Daehyun on purpose. The others took their bags and walked inside as well with smiles on their faces. Daehyun led you inside and you just smiled at him as you closed the door behind you. All of them stayed at the living room and scanned the whole apartment.

“You live alone?”


“Hey, look! It’s Zelo wearing his undies!!”


When Himchan yelled that, Zelo turned his head to him and quickly walked over to his hyung who was laughing at the picture frame. Zelo’s eyes went big as a bowling bowl when he stared at the picture frame. The others gathered up behind him and laughed their asses off.

“Y-yah!! Why do you have to keep it here, you stupid girl?!”

“And, why do you have to call me ‘stupid’, stupid?”

“Yah, are you a stalker? Why do you have my baby... ugh... picture? *ahem*”

“I am SO not a stalker, you stupid blond!? My.... dad.... gave it to me.”

Your face darkened when you said that hateful word. You shook your head, hoping no one saw that look on your face but Daehyun saw it. He hated that look, even if it was the first time he saw it. He looked at you, worriedly, and then decided to just go with the others since he read your expression.

“Yah! Put this thing away will you?!”

Zelo’s cheeks were red as an apple from the embarrassing moment he’s having. His head turned to you like a rusty robot with scary eyes and evil smirk, just like in cartoons. Your face suddenly went pale from seeing Zelo’s face. You just hate it when somebody looks at you like a weird-o.

“Zelo, I think she’s the real one.”

“How’d you know that?”

“The other picture... right there beside her solo picture.... has you two on it when you were still kids.”

“Oh... you’re right.... Still, she’s not HER.”

“Oh, zip it, Blondie! My name is Song ____ whose life had been wrecked because of Choi Joonhong, a.k.a Zelo. Do you think saying such thing would be a nice thought? Like, hello~ you’re the cause on why I can’t even answer Luhan! Seriously, do you have any idea on how I--”

You were about to explode when you suddenly realized you blurted out something that shouldn’t be said. You gulped down and quickly covered your mouth. Zelo just smirked at the thought of him wrecking your ‘love life’ instead of your ‘life’ but got snapped when he realized why HE was the cause.

“Eeh~ So, your little sis has someone she likes, huh?”

“Hm, hm. I think, I know that Luhan guy. He’s the one with a blond hair and a charming smile that every girl screams when it’s plastered on his beautiful face.”

“How is it that I’M the cause of that ‘trauma’ of yours?”

“It’s because you said harsh things to me and didn’t even bother to say sorry or any of it, how is that for a change?! You slapped those negativity on me, you moron! And, to the fact that you were so high and mighty that time, I was so stupid to even freeze like an ice there. You are A moron!”

“Now, you’re calling me a moron?! Hey, who do you think you were that time clinging on me and acting cute even if you’re not, you tom guy! Do you even know how embarrassing that was in front of others?”

“Seriously?! I wasn’t acting cute that time... maybe I WAS but NOT! Dude, you’re like, my best friend that time and my ONLY friend that I could talk to. Did you think.... that I kept on acting cute just because I wanted you to notice me that time? No. You just don’t know the reason behind it because all you do was to judge people by their cover. Didn’t you ever notice that I’M the only one who smiled with you, laughed with you, and stayed by your side that time? Tch! You’re just the devil’s son himself, too selfish and full of himself.”


Before he could even continue, you shook your head at him, your eyes with pity and walked away. You felt like crying so you hurried to your room. Everyone was shocked but Yongguk, as the leader and eldest, he pat the maknae’s shoulder and told him to follow you but he shrugged it off. Daehyun narrowed his eyes then quickly smacked him on the head.

“Stop acting like a brat and go talk to your sister.”

“Zel, she’s been living alone for like... half of her teenage life? So, go and talk to her.”

“We know your past, Zelo, no need to reason it out.”

“Don’t worry. She seems kind and understanding. Now, go and be an oppa to her.”

Zelo looked at his hyungs with a frown but he thought about how you lived your life alone in this empty apartment. He sighed for himself, his face calming down, and then walked to your room. At first, he argued with himself whether he’ll go or not. But, eventually, he had to, not because of his hyungs but because you’re now his little sister. When he knocked on the door and no one answered, he let himself in and walked towards you who were sitting by the corner.



“Uhm... can I sit... with you?”

“...... I don’t know.”

Zelo shrugged and walked near you as he sat next to his little sister. He hugged his knees, just like you but you were burying your face in between it.


“No.... don’t be. I said too much.”

“Well, I’m still sorry. Sorry for being a jerk and for.... judging you.”

“No, I should be sorry. I shouldn’t have blurted that out in front of your friends.”

“Yeah, a lot sure of ‘em sure came out nice and easy.”


“Pff. You should be. Well, I should be, too.”

You sighed then glanced at him. He was still the one who you’ve always protected and loved. You giggled out from the past memories but realized it was too loud for Zelo to hear. So, you quickly buried your face just right when Zelo looked at you. He raised his eyebrow then stood up. He grabbed your tiny arm and raised you from the floor single handily.

“Enough sorry and let’s go. The boys and I still don’t have anywhere to sleep.”

You smiled at your new big brother and you both stepped out of your room. Joining the others who were bored to death sitting on the sofa, you decided to fetch some drinks for them. When you got it, you joined with them but got surprised when all of them were tackling down the carpeted floor. You couldn’t help but to watch and laugh at them. They all noticed you and plainly stare at you.

“Looks like your house will be lively now, huh, missy?”

“Yeah, with us around, no one could stop us.”

“I’m very thankful for that.”

You smiled then gave each of them a drink. Everyone settled down for a ‘meeting’. Yongguk, Himchan, and Daehyun were on the sofa while you and Zelo were at the two arm chairs at each end of the sofa, both facing across to each other. Youngjae and Jongup stayed at the carpeted floor, playing a thumb-fight.

“So, we should settle first our rooms. ____-ah, how many room those this apartment contain?”

“Only two. The other one is large enough to hold 3 or 4 and the rest can sleep here in the living room. I have some mattress and extra pillows as well as quilts to cover your body.”

“Who’re gonna end up in the room?”

“As the leader, I can sleep here at the living room with Jongup and Himchan.”

“Whaaat? No way! I want to sleep in the room.”

“Okay, so only me and Himchan. The rest, aka Daehyun, Zelo, Jongup and Youngjae, go and unpack your things now.”

“I’ll go take out the mattress and pillows and the quilts.”

Everyone started moving out then you directly went to the laundry room where the towels, bed sheets, and other supplies needed for baths and beds were located. When everyone was busy unpacking, you decided to cook their dinner since you know they might be hungry and tired. After an hour, you called the blonds for dinner and you were so happy to see them eat so lively. You smiled at them and Daehyun saw it. He smiled as well and continued eating. That moment, you and Zelo were thinking at the same thing that you both didn’t notice you were staring at each other for a minute. An awkward atmosphere grew on the two of you then looked away, disturbed. You broke it when you asked about why you became Zelo’s little sister.

“Oh, didn’t your dad come here to tell you?”


You tried remembering and it hit you. He visited you for a purpose. You shook your head then let Yongguk continue.

“Don’t tell me that you don’t know that your own father remarried Zelo’s mom?”

“No.... I didn’t know that.”

“Eh? Now, that’s one hell of a father.”

“I know.”

After that darkening conversation, everyone else started chatting but Zelo remained quiet, staring secretly at you. You, on the other hand, were thinking about the scene you had with Zelo. Then, again, you both stared at each other, eyes locked for a minute. Your face slightly flushed then looked down on your food.

What’s the reason on why he’s like that? Is he planning something at me?

‘What’s her problem? Being too sweet and all?

You both thought, since you two were just sitting across to each other. You sighed and quickly finished your food to get o sleep. As well as to avoid your ‘big brother’. Inside your room, you were holding her chest as if something will come out any time.

“Why is my heart beating loudly at him?”

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