I'll Find You!

Love at Last. ♥

______'s POV.

"I'm so careless.. Daydreaming like that..." I thought to myself. "I haven't thought of him in awhile..." I said out loud before finally getting up and changing into my uniform. "______-ah hurry up! You're going to be late for your first day of school if you keep posing in front of the mirror!" Seo-woo shouted from downstairs. As I ran down the stairs, I couldn't help but stop and gently caress the photo of my father and mother. It's been about ten years since I last saw my brother, and my father... Nineteen years since I last heard my mother's voice. I wonder how they're all doing... Especially my older brother. My brother's voice quickly shook me from my sea of thoughts. "______-ah..." I heard him call. "Yeah.. I'm coming," I replied quickly before walking out the door, and into his car.

By the time I reached school, I was already about fifteen minutes late. You know how picky teachers are when it comes to time! Man. I definitely didn't want to start my first day off late, but that's in the past, and I should do my best to meet, and find new friends. As soon as I walked into the school, I was lost in the wave of people walking through the hallway; - as I struggled to get through; - I felt someone's hand grab my arm, and yank me towards them. I don't want to go through bullying on the first day of school! I silently screamed, and tugged my arm back towards my side, when I finally looked up at the one who was pulling me towards them.

"Eunji-ah?" I whispered quietly; a smile slowly starting to spread across my face. She smiled back kindly like she always did, "_____-ah! I've missed you so much! Ever since you moved without telling us anything... Oh my God.. I... I was so worried!" she said grinning at me, before pulling me in for a hug. "I can't believe that you're coming to school here!" I stated with amazement. Eunji and I were friends ever since we were in diapers; when my father suddenly went crazy, we abruptly had to move away, causing Eunji and I to have no source of connection. It was simply wonderful to see her again.

"_____-ah, where's your first class?" Eunji asked, before I handed her my schedule. "Cool! We're in the same homeroom, and we have.. A few other classes together..." she said quickly scanning the piece of paper, before walking forward. "I honestly have no idea where to go.. If it doesn't trouble you... Could you show me around?" I asked looking up at her with hopeful eyes. "Haha! Don't talk to me so formally! Of course I'll show you around! Plus, we need to catch up! It's been how long since I last saw you?" Eunji said laughing. I always loved her laugh and smile. Whenever she was around people.. She seemed to have that aura, or welcoming presence. Honestly; she looks like a model; - her dirty blonde hair, clear brown eyes, perfect figure... She's anyone's ideal girlfriend, or best friend.

"Hey! _____-ah! I know that the auditions are that amazing, but don't start daydreaming already!" I heard her state loudly. I shook my head abruptly, "What did you say Eunji?" "You know Super Junior?" she asked while we veered around a group of girls. Super Junior.... What kind of name is that? A name for super heroes? Oh Maybe... Its a name.. of a new pill that works wonders on your body or skin! Whoever, or whatever it, or they are... They don't sound good to me. "Super Junior..?" I asked looking up at her. "YOU DON'T KNOW SUPER JUNIOR?!?!" she shouted loudly, causing a few girls behind us to chuckle. I elbowed her in the ribs quickly,"Shhhh. Don't be so loud," I whispered desperately. "I'm sorry I'm not so caught up with your super heroes or diet pills, but can you fill me in later?" "Of course! The master is here to teach you her ways!" she said brightly before walking over to a desk. I giggled as I sat down in front of her,"Yes master, please teach me your ways during lunch," I said jokingly before the teacher walked in and began his lecture.


"Super junior is a boy band containing the best singers, dancers, and rappers in the history of singers, dancers, and rappers!" she said excitedly. I bit into my sandwich before commenting, "That's what's so great about them?" Eunji slapped the ground exasperatedly, "THAT'S what is so great about them! Including those characteristics, they're mad hot." she said being winking. "Okay.. So you like a hot boy band," I replied simply. "What about them?" "You're still not seeing my point. Just listen to them after school, okay? The most important fact, is that their company, SM Entertainment.. Is holding auditions!" Eunji said excitedly. "Don't companies do that all the time?" I asked, before taking one of her pieces of sushi. "Well, I guess so... But! Super Junior will be assistant judges!" she said before squealing like an overexcited fan girl. "I'm still not seeing your point Eunji," I said before smiling. "You have to audition with me," she said suddenly, "This could be our once in a lifetime chance ______-ah!" Eunji said before grasping my hands. I sighed, "You know that I have no talent whatsoever... Unless you count yelling at your brother as a talent," I said; - snorting at my attempt at a joke. "______-ah. I know that you can dance. There's no one like you. When you dance; - everyone's eyes are glued on you!" Eunji said looking into my eyes. I shrugged, "That's just for fun..." I said before trailing off. "Think about it... Okay? Then let me know.. The auditions are in three days," she said before finally eating a piece of sushi. I nodded and finished up my sandwich, before standing up to throw my trash away. "______-ah," Eunji called, as I turned around to look back at her. "You never know... Maybe... Just maybe, you might find your brother again," Eunji said quietly while staring down at the rest of her sushi. I looked away. Finding my brother... Is that really possible? Will we finally be reunited again? I walked towards the trash can deep in thought; - not noticing someone in front of me. I ran straight into her... or him... I couldn't tell. The mysterious person just helped me up, and then ran away. Their hand... It felt familiar... Where have I felt that hand before...


"______-ah, welcome home," I heard my brother say. "Hi Seo-woo," I replied simply. "How was your first day of school...?" I heard him ask. "It was fine..." I replied curtly. Before walking upstairs, I asked, "Seo-woo.. How would you feel... If I found our other brother again..?" I asked quietly while staring at me feet. I didn't hear his answer, but I could tell that I had clearly angered him. All I heard was, "Don't bother.. He's not worth it. He left us. Just like that," I turned as he slammed him fists on the small table in front of him. I Heard a deafening crack, and the table split in half. I winced visibly before saying, "Seo-woo.. I loved him then, and I love him still, to this day..." I whispered, but of course, Seo-woo heard me. "You still love that bastard!? After he left us!?" He said standing up abruptly and stomping over to me. "Yes... I'm going to find him Seo-woo... I will find him! No matter what. We will be together again! We'll live as a family together! This is why I'm going to become a star. I'm going to become a star with Eunji, and find our brother. I promise..." I said before looking him in the eye. He glared down at me before walking away. I sighed, relief being one of my most evident feelings. Now.. I have to tell Eunji.

Seo-woo's POV:

Is she insane? Why is she looking for that bastard? She has a perfectly good brother right here, Me. Well... I Know I haven't been the best brother.. I'm annoying... I have anger management issues.... And, I stop her from doing what she really wants to do. I just want to protect her, but I don't know how. It's hard for me to just stand by and listen to her say that she wants to find HIM again. It's been about ten years since we've last seen him, or received a message from him. I barley even remember his face... Even his name seems foreign. I honestly just don't know what to do anymore. I'm stressed because of my job, paying the month's rent, and her school's tuition. I knew it was a bad idea to let him leave. At the time, I thought that we would be okay; - that nothing would go wrong if he left. Of course, I was wrong. One day, we completely stopped receiving emails and text messages about his whereabouts. They only thing we have that he gave to us, is this necklace. It's split into three pieces, and we each have a piece; - its the only thing that could be used as proof when we find our brother. I really do want to support ______-ah, she's a hard worker, and I'm sure she can accomplish whatever she puts her mind to. I just... Don't want to loose her, just like we lost our other brother. I sighed loudly as I sat back down on the couch. "What should I do now...."


______'s POV:

The next morning I quickly left before Seo-woo could catch up to me. I'm still worried about yesterday, and I'm pretty sure he's still mad about my abrupt confession. "______-ah!" I heard Eunji call. "Oh, Eunji-ah," I said before smiling at her shyly. "You're still acting like that? I thought you were normal yesterday after we talked!" she said smacking me on the back. I chuckled and smiled up at her, "Eunji, I came up with my decision," I stated. She stopped, dead in her tracks, "Did you seriously think about it _____-ah?" she asked, a little hope evident in her voice. "Yes... And... I would love to audition with you," I said stopping, and looking back at her. She grinned widely, "Am I hearing you correctly ______-ah? Am I dreaming?" she said pinching herself, before wincing in pain. "IT'S NOT A DREAM!" Eunji said shouting loudly before running towards me and hugging me. I nodded my head, and patted her head. "I'll see you in two days at the auditions Eunji-ah," I said before walking forward again. "Oh, uhmm.. ____-ah... The auditions are actually tomorrow...." I turned around sharply,"WHAT!??!?!!?"

End of ______'s POV


Author's Note:

Hi Everyone ! Hopefully you're enjoying the story ^-^. Please leave comments as to how I should improve in my writing.. or if you want to assist me in the process of this story; - I would gladly accept your help! :D . I'm still kind of new at this, so please go easy on me ^^. I'll do my best to have a new chapter up every two-three weeks! :D Thanks for reading! It really means a lot to me :D.


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Chapter 2: Let me just say I'm in love with you're story!!! WAHH!!! XD hmm... I'm kinda a late reader only reading it now >< but keke I like it *^^*
kayeuyvico #2
wow! great story so far! loving it! please update soon ^^
I was waiting for this update, was so happy when I saw that you updated. But you shouldn't type if your going to hurt yourself a bit. Why don't you just rest your wrist. I really hope you'll get betters soon~

Why I'm I a bit glad that ____ is staying at the SJ dorm?? Keke, I like SJ, that means they will be more in the story right? ;D But I still feel said for ______ and the rest because they were all so exited to go to the new dorm. :/

The cute moment when Soohyun let _____ on his bike. I really liked that scene. ^^ It was really cute~

She got a text from Seo-woo.... What happened to him?? Really want to know~!! At least we know he cares for _____. I really want to know what he did. Who did he kill? And WHY? So many questions!!

Yay~! Fluffy moments with SJ!! I really can't wiat for that update!! (Donghae please? ^^) Keke, it's ok, don't mind me. Write it how ever you like. ^^ Just can't wait for your update~!!
Omo, I feel so sad for Eunji. T.T I really hope she can find a way out. This chapter did answer questions that I had. ^^ I hope my manager won't be mad about me being late. Hopemy manager will understand.

For the Sequal I think it could be a good idea because it answers questions of my past, but me personally like stories that revolve mostly on Super Junior. But that's completely your choice if you want to write it. ^^

I'm still wondering about what my brother did.... Who did he kill and why??
OMO! I seriously feel bad for Eunji Dx
Haha, Super Junior are ninjas!! xD I like that. Heechul and his lip gloss. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk "fighting". Me walking into the room when Eunhyuk is changing?!? o_o Keke. I wonder what will happen next, it's a good cliffhanger.

Don't worry this chapter was great! I get writer's block alot too. It's ok. ^^

I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

(Oh, and btw, I'm going on a long vacation this summer, and it' sometimes hard to find internet connection. SO don't worry if I don't comment right when you update. I'll just be a bit late.)
♥ You know me so well :')
I find it really awesome that Eunhyuk is my brother!~ But why does he have to be so mean?!?! D:
I actually didn't change my username, it was my cousin on my account because apparently, I forgot to log off on my computer and she changed my user name. >.< Don't worry you didn't lose your best reader, I'll always be here. It's a great story~! But it is kinda weird that Min Young is the new character in the story. o_o

Can't wait until you reveal more secrets to your readers. (Like me!!)

Can't wait till you next update~!