Will my Dream Come True..?

Love at Last. ♥

_______'s POV:

I stood there with my mouth wide open as Eunji walked towards the front of our school. "Don't just stand there ____-ah.~ Or Else.. A bug might fly into your mouth," she said giggling as she stopped walking. "H-How can you tell me this so suddenly?!" I exclaimed frustratingly. "I haven't even begun to practice.. I don't know what I should sing, or dance to!" "I don't even think I can sing..!" I said throwing my hands up in defeat. "Maybe this was a bad idea.." I said trailing off. "No! Don't give up now! I'll help you! I'm sure we can practice your song over night, and you'll definitely be ready by tomorrow!" she said clasping her hands on top of mine. "We can do this ____-ah; I know we can!" she said before leading me inside the school building.


After School at Eunji-ah's House~


"Okay.. So what kpop groups do you know?" Eunji asked before settling down into a beanbag. "Uhmm. I told you that I'm not really caught up when it comes to current music..." I replied sadly before staring at the floor. "Aww, don't be sad! I'll help you; that's what I said, right?" I nodded before sitting on a beanbag opposite of her. "So, I know that you can dance REALLY well. How about you do a SHiNee dance?" I cocked my head. "SHiNee? Who are they? Are they another super hero group or something?" I asked jokingly. "They're NOT super heroes ______ah!" Eunji said frustratingly. "I'm just kidding Eunji-ah~" I said smiling. "Which SHiNee song shall I dance to?" I asked while she pulled out her laptop. "You should do Lucifer! It's rather difficult, but it looks really good!" she said before showing me the video. As we watched, I couldn't help but feel hypnotized, "That's not too difficult Eunji-ah, its simple movements put together with a bit of flashy hand motions. Not more than that.. But.. I do have to admit that the power they put into their moves is astonishing..." I said in amazement as I continued to watch them. Euni chuckled, "Can you try to mimic them?" she asked before pausing the video. "Maybe... I'll try!" I said excitedly. "Can you play the video from the beginning?" I asked before standing up and moving to an open area. As I heard the music begin, I felt as if my body had been taken over by something; - it was almost like magic. I couldn't believe it! I looked at the dancers briefly, and decided to follow the style of the long blonde haired boy. Wait - Is that even a boy..? I'll question Eunji later... What matters now is following the dance that the group I was watching do.

Eunji's POV:

I watched as ______ah closed her eyes for a brief second before I started the song. I was absolutely breathless as I watched her dance. Her moves were almost flawless; - maybe they ARE flawless... Well; I was thinking that until _____ tripped, and fell face first, on the ground. I giggled quietly, before pausing the video and running over to her; concern evident in my voice. "_____, are you okay?!" I asked before helping her up slowly. She looked up at me, happiness, excitement, and pure joy lit her hazel eyes. "That was ... Amazing Eunji," she said breathlessly, "I've never been able to let go like that before... Well I guess I got carried away.." she said before laughing. This girl... She has no idea how amazing she is. She always puts herself down.... I don't understand why though.

______'s POV:

I smiled as I walked out of Eunji's house waving at her happily,"I'll see you tomorrow. I'll bring my dancing clothes with me!" I said excitedly before skipping across her lawn. It wasn't to dark outside, so I think I'll be safe. I looked down at the sidewalk as I continued walking forward. As I passed by a coffee shop, which was close to my house, I heard random girls screaming inside. I stopped abruptly, thinking that someone was hurting them, and started running back towards the coffee shop entrance. I suddenly bumped into someone who was running in the opposite direction. "Ouch!" I yelped after I collided with the unknown person. "Assshhii..." I heard someone say. "W-What?" I asked before looking down at the person sitting on the sidewalk. A great amount of girls were heading our way as the unknown person somehow managed to get up. He grabbed my hand and dragged me down a nearby alley way. As I finally managed to take a peak at the person who was dragging, or running down the alley way, I noticed that it was a man. What am I supposed to do in this situation.. Do I scream? Do I punch him? Should I knock him out? I am a brown belt in karate.. but I didn't think this situation would actually come!! I exclaimed inside my head. I stopped dead in my tracks, before grabbing the man by the arm, and throwing him into a nearby dumpster. Wow.. He's.. Light... I thought quickly. The screaming girls were getting closer, and I had no intention of meeting up with them, so I quickly jumped, and hid behind the dumpster. "Where did he go?" I heard one girl ask as she stopped next to a nearby trash can. "I swear I saw him running down here..." I heard another girl say frustratingly. "You idiot! That wasn't him! That was probably someone else! Now we lost him!" I heard a third girl shout loudly. The other girls murmured their agreements before walking away. I let out a huge sigh, that I didn't even know I was keeping in.

What that man said, sounded like this Korean word that my father used to say... I don't know much Korean, but I do know the basics... I mumbled under my breath, should I go check on him? I'm pretty sure he took a bad fall... "Hey.. Are you okay?" I shouted loudly; hoping the man would hear me. I heard some brief words, but what I could understand was, "O-O-Okay! M-Me Okay!" I giggled. This man was obviously a foreigner. What would he be doing here? I heard a rattling sound as the unknown man climbed down the trash can. He said something to me in Korean, I think... I tilted my head to the side. I guess he understood that I didn't know what he was saying, so he brought out his cell phone, and typed away at it for awhile. "Hello, I am a foreigner from Korea. Can you show me where the SM Entertainment building is?" I heard his cell phone say. Eunji was telling me that our auditions were taking place there tomorrow... I'm pretty sure I know where it is.. I nodded my head, and smiled before walking towards the exit of the alley way. The man stumbled at first, but soon he was walking perfectly fine. He typed away at his phone once more,"Thank you for saving me from those girls. I wish you could've been a little more gentle though," his phone stated while he smiled widely. I laughed and nodded my head once more. How do you say sorry in Korean? I think you bow.... Right? I bowed slightly to him as I continued walking. He nodded his head once more. This guy... He's actually really cute.. Brown hair, with bangs slightly covering his eyes. He's really tall though! I feel like a midget... I said before giggling to myself. He suddenly stopped next to a machine and put some money in it. I turned and watched him curiously as he picked up the items that fell out. He smiled as he offered me a soda; which I gladly accepted. As soon as we turned the corner, the SM building was in sight. I pointed towards the building before waving at him, in signal that I had to leave. He shook his head, and grabbed my hand, pulling me towards the SM Entertainment Building.

I looked at his back curiously once more, but let him drag me there. As soon as we were closer to the building. A little more than a hundred girls were in sight; cheering, dancing, and shouting loudly. I'm pretty sure I spotted some boys among that crowd as well! I heard him sigh loudly, before pulling me towards, I think, a back entrance. "Ah," I heard a lady say, before stating his name. He pulled me over to the lady, and said many things to her in Korean. At least, I'm thinking that it's Korean. She nodded her head, and giggled once in awhile before stating in English,"He is from Korea, so he is a foreigner. He wanted me to relay his thanks to you for saving him from a large amount of girls," she said laughing. "He also told me that you flung him into a dumpster?" the lady said again. I nodded before laughing with her,"I thought he was trying to hurt me, so it was only for self defense!" I said before hugging myself. She nodded, "On behalf of the staff here, we want to thank you. We were trying to find him all day! I'll have someone you home," the nice lady said before calling over a man sitting near the door. The mysterious man smiled at me broadly before waving; - he soon turned around and walked in the opposite direction towards the elevators. I smiled back, and followed the driver who would me home. I wonder who that was... He was rather nice, and good looking..

"________-AH! WHERE WERE YOU!?" I heard my brother shout once I walked in. "I was helping a foreigner," I said before taking off my shoes. "I was worried you know!" he yelled loudly before stomping over to me. "You shouldn't go around helping strangers!" I gasped in surprise, Seo-woo never said anything like that before.. I thought he never cared about me... I looked up at him, and smiled slowly,"I'm sorry Seo-woo... I didn't know you were that worried," I stated before walking towards the kitchen. I heard him throw the newspaper he was reading onto the ground, before walking towards the living room. "Make sure you cook tonight...Okay?" I heard him say. "Of course..." I replied before opening the fridge, and bringing out a few ingredients.


The Next Day (Hopefully I'm not time skipping to quickly x3~;;)


"_____-ah! Wake up! It's time for school! You'll be late!" I heard Seo-woo yell. However, I was already awake; running around my room frantically. "Ackk! Where are my old yoga pants when I need them!" "I swear I left them on my dresser yesterday after I finished my homework!" I exclaimed before scratching my head. "Seo-woo, have you seen my old yoga pants?" I yelled down towards him. "Didn't you throw those away...? WHY DO YOU NEED THEM ANYWAYS?!" I heard him shout back to me. Urgghh! Today is finally the most important day; - I've been practicing SHINee's Lucifer dance ever since I finished cooking dinner and doing my homework! Now that I'm ready, I don't have ANYTHING prepared! I quickly decided to settle on a pair of gray sweatpants, and a light blue shirt with a few designs on it. "Hopefully Eunji won't attack me because of the lack on fashion on my outfit..." I mumbled before grabbing my backpack and running down the stairs. "I'm leaving Seo-woo!" I shouted before opening, then closing the door behind me.

"_____-ah! There you are!" I heard Eunji shout from behind me. I Stopped, and turned around before waving at her. "You excited, and ready for today?" she asked while jogging to catch up to me. "Yup.. I think, and hope so Anyways," I said once she had caught up to me. "I'm so excited!" she said skipping next to me. I nodded my head, "I'm slightly nervous though.." I replied before entering the school hallway. "You'll be fine! I'll be there at least!" she replied happily. Sometimes.. She's a little TOO carefree. It's somewhat concerning.. As I settled into my desk in the second row, I sighed, Can I really do this? Can I really find my brother..?  


Author's Note:

Hi Everyone ^-^ ! I'm Back :D . My Daily Thanks goes Too~~~

-YoonAddict : Thanks for Reading, Commenting, and Subscribing *0* ~ ♥ I Always Look at your Comment While I'm Writing xD~ Hopefully that isn't too Creeper, and Stalkerish xDD.

-melissa13 : Thanks for Subscribing :D! I'll Make sure to Read your Stories :D ! ♥

-shafiqahmalek : Thanks for Subscribing as Well ! ~ Please Continue to Read and Support my Story *0* ♥

-tomboygirl : Thanks for Reading mah Sotry :D ♥ Heehee, Please Support me my Sister ~ ^-^ ~ ♥

I'll try to do this Whenever I Post a Chapter :D. It Really Means a lot to Mee !~ ♥

Thanks for Reading! Next chapter will be Up on Saturday :D !~


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Chapter 2: Let me just say I'm in love with you're story!!! WAHH!!! XD hmm... I'm kinda a late reader only reading it now >< but keke I like it *^^*
kayeuyvico #2
wow! great story so far! loving it! please update soon ^^
I was waiting for this update, was so happy when I saw that you updated. But you shouldn't type if your going to hurt yourself a bit. Why don't you just rest your wrist. I really hope you'll get betters soon~

Why I'm I a bit glad that ____ is staying at the SJ dorm?? Keke, I like SJ, that means they will be more in the story right? ;D But I still feel said for ______ and the rest because they were all so exited to go to the new dorm. :/

The cute moment when Soohyun let _____ on his bike. I really liked that scene. ^^ It was really cute~

She got a text from Seo-woo.... What happened to him?? Really want to know~!! At least we know he cares for _____. I really want to know what he did. Who did he kill? And WHY? So many questions!!

Yay~! Fluffy moments with SJ!! I really can't wiat for that update!! (Donghae please? ^^) Keke, it's ok, don't mind me. Write it how ever you like. ^^ Just can't wait for your update~!!
Omo, I feel so sad for Eunji. T.T I really hope she can find a way out. This chapter did answer questions that I had. ^^ I hope my manager won't be mad about me being late. Hopemy manager will understand.

For the Sequal I think it could be a good idea because it answers questions of my past, but me personally like stories that revolve mostly on Super Junior. But that's completely your choice if you want to write it. ^^

I'm still wondering about what my brother did.... Who did he kill and why??
OMO! I seriously feel bad for Eunji Dx
Haha, Super Junior are ninjas!! xD I like that. Heechul and his lip gloss. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk "fighting". Me walking into the room when Eunhyuk is changing?!? o_o Keke. I wonder what will happen next, it's a good cliffhanger.

Don't worry this chapter was great! I get writer's block alot too. It's ok. ^^

I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

(Oh, and btw, I'm going on a long vacation this summer, and it' sometimes hard to find internet connection. SO don't worry if I don't comment right when you update. I'll just be a bit late.)
♥ You know me so well :')
I find it really awesome that Eunhyuk is my brother!~ But why does he have to be so mean?!?! D:
I actually didn't change my username, it was my cousin on my account because apparently, I forgot to log off on my computer and she changed my user name. >.< Don't worry you didn't lose your best reader, I'll always be here. It's a great story~! But it is kinda weird that Min Young is the new character in the story. o_o

Can't wait until you reveal more secrets to your readers. (Like me!!)

Can't wait till you next update~!