Where are we going!?

Love at Last. ♥

Haii Everyone :D ! I'm Finally on Summer vacation, so Expect more Updates :D ! I'm thinking that by the time I'm at least Half way done with this FanFic, (which won't be soon) I'll start writing One Shots =] . Please Support them in the Future ^-^ !~


_____'s POV:

"Seo-woo! I'm home!" I shouted loudly as soon as I opened the door to our small apartment. After a few minutes, and Seo-woo not replying, I walked towards the living room and kitchen. "Seo-woo? Are you in here?" I shouted loudly once again. That's strange.. Where could he be now? He didn't say anything about leaving the house today... Oh well, I'll start making dinner. Once I finished pulling out the ingredients, I heard the phone ring. "Ah, maybe that's Seo-woo," I stated before rushing over to the phone. "Hello?" "_____-ah? I won't be home until tomorrow, so make dinner for yourself," Seo-woo muttered into the phone. Before he hung up, I heard angry grunting in the background, and men shouting at each other. "S-Seo-woo!" I shouted into the phone after he hung up. What could he be doing now... Please don't tell me that he's going to end up just like dad did. I couldn't help but feel worried, even though we do fight and everything, he's still the only living relative that I know! I quickly ran out of our apartment, my cell phone in hand; all previous happiness involving the SME audition gone. Where could he be..?!

After running out of our neighborhood, I gradually began to slow down. As I looked up, I noticed that it was rather dark. "It's not to safe to be out here this late," I muttered to myself. "I should go find Seo-woo as quickly as I can," I murmured before walking towards a nearby bench. First of all, I have no idea as to where he is... Why did I even run out here in the first place? I should be sleeping, and preparing for tomorrow... "Hey pretty lady! What are you doing outside by yourself so late at night?" I heard a man ask me. I looked up in dismay, only to see a group of men staring down at me hungrily. I instantly felt goose bumps on my arms begin to rise. I started to get up, only to get pushed back down onto the bench,"Aww, don't leave us now! Let's go and have fun somewhere! We'll treat you!" another man said winking at another man next to him. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck start to rise, they all smell like alcohol... "I'm sorry, I have to get home," I stated bluntly. "Please let me get up," I said before glaring coldly at the man in front of me. "Oh ho ho ho! She's feisty!" the third man said laughing. I got up slowly and started to walk around the group of rowdy men, before getting grabbed by the third man. "Don't touch me!" I yelled at him before twisting his arm, and quickly locking his arm behind his back. I smacked the man I had arm locked with my purse, hoping he wouldn't start struggling. The men's laughter only got louder. If there's anything I hate the most.. It's being laughed at. The man that I had held captive started to squirm, "She has a pretty good grip on him!" the first man said, "See if you can break free!" the second man said laughing. I breathed slowly. _____ don't let this get to you, you have to relax. Your anger is getting the best of you... "Why are you not doing anything man! I know you're stronger than a girl!" the second man called out to him. I couldn't help but twist his arm a little more while he thrashed around madly, trying to escape my grip. "I bet that's not even a girl! She's too strong to be a girl!" the first man said laughing. "Maybe he's a transy?" the second man asked jokingly. They broke out into another fit of laughter, and before I knew it, the man I was holding in an arm lock broke free when my mind started to wander. He quickly grabbed my hair and yanked me towards him; a knife now resting on my neck. I mumbled under my breath, my fear coming back quickly; - I could feel my palms starting to sweat, and my hands begin to shake. The man with the knife lightly nicked the side of my neck, grinning madly while laughing. "You might want to come with us now, or else I'll have to damage your pretty little face next..." he said breathing into my ear.

Suddenly, I felt the pressure on my neck start to lighten. "Hey you little punks!" I heard one of the men shout. "Don't mess with us!" the second man shouted, followed by grunting and cussing. Someone grabbed my hand and held me close to them while three other men fought with my three new rescuers. I looked up at the person holding onto me, his face was kind looking, his full bangs were slightly wavy, and stopped right above his eyes. "You'll be okay..." the man whispered in English with an accent. I nodded, "T-Thank you..." I murmured. Soon the fight had ended, and my three rescuers walked over. One man had this angelic face, but I swear I saw his attack the two men first... The other two were no other than Henry, and the man I threw into the trash can. "H-Henry?!" I exclaimed loudly, only to have my mouth covered by the man holding onto me. "Shhh. Let's go and talk somewhere quietly.. Is your house near here?" he whispered. I nodded and pointed towards the road to go back to the house.

Henry's POV:

______'s movements were rather jerky, and panicky as she directed us towards her house. That attack must have given her a scare... I'm glad Sungmin, Donghae, Kyuhyun, and I were walking to go and pick up some coffee, or else who knew what might have happened to her... I looked back at Sungmin, Donghae, and Kyuhyun. They all looked alert and cautious as they scanned their surroundings nervously. This isn't a very good experience for them.. I mean, its been awhile since they've been to America. "Do you think she's okay Henry?" I heard Sungmin ask me. "I think she's just slightly shaken.. I mean, that's a pretty scary experience for a girl," I replied, continuing to look at her worriedly. "Do you know her?" Sungmin asked. "Yes.. She was at the audition today, remember?" Sungmin seemed to search his mind for a memory of seeing her before answering,"Oh is she the one that's coming tomorrow?" he asked. "Yes, that's her," I stated before _____ stopped in front of an apartment door. Her hands shook as she took out her house key and opened the door. "Please come in," she said quietly. I nodded to the others before entering her house.

______'s POV:

I'm still shaking after that incident.. It's really just too much, but I better focus on what's happening now... As the four men entered my apartment, I tried steadying my voice, "Would you guys like some tea or water?" Henry nodded, "Tea for me please," he replied before speaking to the three other men in Korean I believe. "They'll just have water," he suddenly said. I nodded briefly before walking into the kitchen and opening the cabinet in order to get four cups. "Please come into the living room and sit down," I said loud enough so that they would be able to hear me. Soon enough, I heard them all moving into the living room and settling down on the couch. I brought out the cups filled with water first, and then walked back in with a cup of tea for Henry and myself. As soon as I sat down on a chair across from them, an awkward silence settled upon us. "Are you okay _____?" Henry said; finally breaking the silence. "Yes, I'm fine.. Thank you so much for coming when you did," I replied looking at all of them in the eyes. The three men nodded,"I better introduce you to them," Henry said before getting up. "This is Sungmin, the angelic-looking one; - just don't take that for granted.. He's actually a black belt," he said pointing at Sungmin, who waved at me happily. "This is Kyuhyun, the one that was holding onto you earlier," Henry said pointing to Kyuhyun, who smiled slowly. "And this, is Donghae," Henry said before patting Donghae on the head. "Your the one I threw into the trash can!" I exclaimed. His eyes perked up as he started laughing and gesturing towards me while exclaiming things in Korean. Sungmin and Kyuhyun started to laugh while Henry smiled at them. I couldn't help but smile as well. "Do you understand any Korean?" Henry asked me suddenly. "I understand some.. Not to much though," I replied. "Your coming tomorrow right?" Kyuhyun asked in English. I nodded, "Yes, I'll be there. Though I'm not sure what song I'm going to sing," I said laughing nervously. "I'm sure whatever you sing will be fine," Henry said smiling at me encouragingly. "Share me.. Music with me...?" Donghae asked awkwardly in English. I laughed loudly, "What?" I asked though my giggles. "I didn't use it right?" Donghae asked Henry, which I could understand. I shook my head, "You didn't say it correctly," I said in Korean to my disbelief. I haven't spoken Korean in awhile.. I only know a small amount of words because my mother was Korean... It was clear that the others thought so as well. "You can understand and speak Korean?" Henry asked in Korean. I nodded,"Just some phrases; - my mother taught me some Korean," I replied happily before the front door swung open.

"_____!" I heard Seo-woo shout. "S-Seo-woo!?" I shouted before running towards the front door. "Quickly.. We only have a few minutes... We have to get out of here," he said, his breath coming out in short, quick pants. Kyuhyun, Henry, Donghae, and Sungmin walked over to us, "W-Who are these people?" Seo-woo asked while he frantically ran around the house gathering random items. "They protected me from dunk people," I replied while watching him. "Why are you so panicky?" I asked suddenly. "Those men have to come with us as well now..." I heard Seo-woo mutter. "Seo-woo!" I shouted loudly, which stopped him from running around. "What is going on!?" I shouted angrily at him. He stopped, and breathed out slowly, "I killed someone ______," he murmured. My heart stopped beating as I finally ran what he said through my mind. Seo-woo.. Killed someone?


Author's Note:

Hey Everyone :D. I wanted to end this Chapter Dramatically, this idea was Thanks to a Friend of Mine :D. SHOUT OUT TOOO YOOUUU !! I'll Need Your Help Next Chapter =D. Man. I've been listening to SNSD's Echo for this whole Entire Week x___x;; So Addicting xDD

Check it out Heerreee:


So, My Daily Thankies;


Hey There :D Thanks for Commenting again *0* ~ Hahaaha Hopefully you were Satisfied with this Chapter ;D . Heehee, more Answers will be in the Next Chapter :D! I'm sorry for keeping you all up in the Suspense >w< ~ Please keep Reading and Supporting ^-^ :D ~


Hey :D Just read yooo First Chappie :D. Keep Writing Okay ^-^ ?

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Chapter 2: Let me just say I'm in love with you're story!!! WAHH!!! XD hmm... I'm kinda a late reader only reading it now >< but keke I like it *^^*
kayeuyvico #2
wow! great story so far! loving it! please update soon ^^
I was waiting for this update, was so happy when I saw that you updated. But you shouldn't type if your going to hurt yourself a bit. Why don't you just rest your wrist. I really hope you'll get betters soon~

Why I'm I a bit glad that ____ is staying at the SJ dorm?? Keke, I like SJ, that means they will be more in the story right? ;D But I still feel said for ______ and the rest because they were all so exited to go to the new dorm. :/

The cute moment when Soohyun let _____ on his bike. I really liked that scene. ^^ It was really cute~

She got a text from Seo-woo.... What happened to him?? Really want to know~!! At least we know he cares for _____. I really want to know what he did. Who did he kill? And WHY? So many questions!!

Yay~! Fluffy moments with SJ!! I really can't wiat for that update!! (Donghae please? ^^) Keke, it's ok, don't mind me. Write it how ever you like. ^^ Just can't wait for your update~!!
Omo, I feel so sad for Eunji. T.T I really hope she can find a way out. This chapter did answer questions that I had. ^^ I hope my manager won't be mad about me being late. Hopemy manager will understand.

For the Sequal I think it could be a good idea because it answers questions of my past, but me personally like stories that revolve mostly on Super Junior. But that's completely your choice if you want to write it. ^^

I'm still wondering about what my brother did.... Who did he kill and why??
OMO! I seriously feel bad for Eunji Dx
Haha, Super Junior are ninjas!! xD I like that. Heechul and his lip gloss. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk "fighting". Me walking into the room when Eunhyuk is changing?!? o_o Keke. I wonder what will happen next, it's a good cliffhanger.

Don't worry this chapter was great! I get writer's block alot too. It's ok. ^^

I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

(Oh, and btw, I'm going on a long vacation this summer, and it' sometimes hard to find internet connection. SO don't worry if I don't comment right when you update. I'll just be a bit late.)
♥ You know me so well :')
I find it really awesome that Eunhyuk is my brother!~ But why does he have to be so mean?!?! D:
I actually didn't change my username, it was my cousin on my account because apparently, I forgot to log off on my computer and she changed my user name. >.< Don't worry you didn't lose your best reader, I'll always be here. It's a great story~! But it is kinda weird that Min Young is the new character in the story. o_o

Can't wait until you reveal more secrets to your readers. (Like me!!)

Can't wait till you next update~!