My Future Awaits~

Love at Last. ♥

____'s POV:

I continued to stare at the picture; - the fact that Eunhyuk, the rude, and arrogant man, was my loving older brother. "How could this be true?" I muttered under my breath. I sighed as I placed the picture carefully in it's original area. "I already finished cleaning the other member's bedrooms, so I better get ready for the second audition," I said out loud before grabbing my items and heading towards the bathroom.

After my shower, I peered at the clock on the wall; - two thirty five, I better hurry up! I grabbed my purse and the house keys as I rushed out of the dorm; half hopping, half skipping to the elevator as I tried to slip on my left shoe. The fact that Eunhyuk was the brother that I had been looking for all this time burned through my mind; - continually stunning me. Too many things have been happening lately, it's all hard to process! First, getting to audition again, second, Seo-woo having to leave because he killed someone, third, being able to stay with Sungmin and the others, and fourth, finding my long lost brother. Of course other things happened along the way, but I can't really worry about that right now. I have to get to the SM building!

Once I arrived, I walked towards the front desk, "Excuse me, but I'm supposed to come back and sing for the judges again," I said slowly. Her eye brow rose in a 'what are you talking about you crazy fan girl' way, before she scanned her list of people's names. "What's your name," she asked in a rude way. I mentally rolled my eyes, "____ Park," I replied. When she found my name on the list, her eyes lit up, "Excuse my behavior Miss Park!" she said while getting up frantically, and walking quickly from around the desk. Wow. People's behaviors can change rather quickly! I nodded, "It's okay," I replied before following her to the elevator located down a separate hallway. This is like a little secret hideout kind of thing! I giggled at the thought of idols sneaking around in all black, then having someone trip, ruining their disguise. "Here we are Miss Park," the lady replied before opening the door to a large recording studio. Six other people were inside; - the three judges from before, and two boys and one girl. I bowed politely before stepping into the furnished room. The walls were a dark red, the tables were mahogany, the chairs each had fluffy cushions. . . "Miss ____ Park," I heard someone call, which shook me out of my amazement. "Yes?" I replied before walking over to the couch across from the judges. "Please take a seat," the bald headed one said while gesturing to the chair. I nodded my thanks and sat down. "We have one more person that is missing," the lady told me. "He's taking his time," the third judge stated. I finally glanced at the two boys and the girl. The girl was rather cute looking; - she's kind of like one of those girls that you see, and then want to protect? Her hands were trembling as she was trying to stay calm. I then glanced at the boys standing behind her. One of the boys gave you that 'stay away from me or bad boy' vibe, while the other one gave off a 'confident cocky' vibe. Geez. Why are we all here?

Suddenly, someone bursted into the room, while shouting frantic apologies. This must be that guy I met at the market! He said that he would be here. . .  Soohyun! That's his name! "We're glad you could make it," the lady said smoothly before gesturing for him to sit next to me on the couch. I nodded to him once he sat down next to me while he smiled at me in turn. "Now that everyone is here; - we can finally tell you all why you are here," the lady said before leaning in towards us, as if she were going to tell us a secret. "You all are candidates for a new and fresh Co-ed kpop group!" she said excitedly. Wait. Did I hear her correctly? Co-ed kpop group? Meaning, boys and girls? Everyone looked just as stunned as I did; - my shock mirrored in their faces. "I'm glad that you're all thrilled!" the bald man stated. "Now let's have you all show off your strength and weakness," the third judge said before walking over towards the recording studio. He then turned suddenly, and pulled one of the red curtains to the side; - revealing a beautiful dance floor. I thought that the red curtain was covering a window. . . But it was actually covering a dance studio!? What's next!?!

"Jaehwa; - how about you go first," the lady stated before gesturing to the dance floor. Jaehwa walked confidently over to the studio room. "I'm Jaehwa; - nice to meet you all. I'll be starting with my main talent, then i'll do my third talent. Hopefully you won't feel intimidated after you see my performance," he said before smirking.

(To get an idea as to how Jaehwa Looks:  or Yes 8D . Just Imagine him ??)

Jaehwa looked at the third judge, "Give me a beat," he stated. The judge complied, and a beat box blasted through the speakers.

Jaehwa spoke clearly, and strongly but there was something about his rapping that made you want to hear more. He was in perfect rhythem with the beat boxing. I watched him as he rapped; - his eyes sparkled, his foot tapped to the beat; - it was fun to watch. After the rap, he gave the judge a CD. "I'm dancing to Jay Park's Abandoned," he said before walking back to the dance floor, and getting into the beginning position.

(The Dance :3 )

Although it was nothing overly fancy; - it was still remarkable in it's own ways. I could tell that it required a lot of balance, and footwork in order to do it. I found myself watching his every move until the very end. Jaehwa bowed, "Hope you all liked it," he said before smirking once again, and then taking a seat across from me. "I'll go next; - Minyoung muttered quietly before walking towards the dance floor.

(Couldn't really figure out how I wanted Minyoung to look so an idea :3? : )

"I'm Minyoung," he said simply. I was blown away the second he started freestyle dancing. He threw in lots of flips and twists. I'm pretty sure it's not normal to see multiply Minyoungs. I'm supposed to compete with THAT. I don't even know what song I should dance to! I guess I'll just ask him to put on something random for me? Yeah. Let's go with that. After Minyoung finished dancing, he nodded to the judge who was getting ready to put on a random beat for him as he walked into the studio room.

(Random Raps I enjoy :3 : )

Minyoung bowed to us a well before taking a seat next to Jaehwa. Soohyun got up afterwards, "Guess I'm next! I can't let the ladies go before me!" he said before smiling at us. "I'm Soohyun by the way; - don't forget it!" Soohyun half skipped and half ran to the studio room in excitement. I couldn't help but giggle at his childish actions. Of course I was surprised when he took on a mature tone, and sang Jaejoong's Forgotten Season. As soon as I heard the beginning words; - I instantly knew the song, and I couldn't help but hum along.

(Soohyun -  - Soohyun)

(Jaejoong's Forgotten Season: )

Soohyun's voice was low and alluring as he sang the song slowly, but surely. I felt relaxed as I listened to him sing. I felt rather sad when he stopped singing; - but I'll get to listen to him sing another day. "Since rapping is also my weak point, I hope you all won't make fun of me," he said before smiling childishly.

(Refer to the raps above ;3)

I looked over at Yunhee before asking, "Would you like me to go before you?" She shook her head confidently before standing up and marching over to the judge in the studio. I leaned back into the couch once more as Soohyun sat next to me. "Wonder what she'll be doing," he said while looking at her. "Yeah; - I'll tell you one thing though; - she doesn't look like the dancing type," I replied. Soohyun chuckled, "I'll agree with you there ____," he said before Yunhee started singing. Her voice wasn't as clear as Soohyun's, but you could feel genuine feelings pouring out of her in each sentence that she sang. I smiled at her as she sang, I'm sure there is only improvement for her in her future. "I- I can't really dance well, so here I go!" she said before telling the judge which track she wanted him to play. She bowed, "I'm Yunhee; - it's a please to meet you all!"

(I'll leave it to you once again ^-^ . Same with her looks. . . She's cute :3 , and reminds me of a Fluffy Bunny. )

She was breathless as she walked over to the couch and sat down. No one moved for a moment, until I was nudged by Minyoung. "You're up," he said bluntly. I nodded, "Thanks," I reached into my purse and took out the CD I wanted the judge to play. "____? Ah, you're the late one," the judge said before taking the CD from me. I nodded, "Can you choose a random song for me to dance to?: I asked hopefully. He looked at me curiously, "Are you sure?" he asked. "Yup! I'm sure I'll be fine," I replied. As I stepped onto the dance floor. "I know I probably can't even compare to Minyoung's freestyle, but I'll try my best anyways. I'm ____," I heard the song "Turn up the Music" by Chris Brown start playing. I know this song! I was a huge fan of him before I started listening to a little more kpop. I smiled brightly as I thought up a quick routine.

(I'm in love with this Dance *0* ":  )

When I finished, I was rewarded with silence as I walked towards the studio room. "My weakness would most likely be singing; - I'm rather uncomfortable with it," I stated before scratching my head. I nodded towards the judge as he started playing the song.

(Hyolyn is just Amazing =] . I Love Her :D . : )

As soon as I finished, the judges clapped, "Okay good job everyone!" Everyone looked at each other; - nervous and excited looks on their faces. "We might have you debut soon depending on your progress," the bald headed man stated. "Do your best to bond as a soon to be group; - we'll be arranging your dorm rooms so start packing. We'll give you a call when your rooms are ready," the lady stated. We all nodded and smiled at each other. It may be hard work, but we'll get there!


Hellloooooo :D . Sorry this Chapter seems a little rushed ;-;. I had a lot going on this week x____x;;; . So How are you all ^-^ ?

Daily Thankies~

-Lee_Min_Young: :000 You changed Your Naammeee ! It's surprisingly the same name as my new character 0_____0;;;. Woah Bro xD. That's pretty awesome sauce. I Thought my favorite reader vanished for a second D': ~ Heehee. I'm glad I surprised you :D . This will all come out in the next chapter 8D. Get ready for secrets to be REVEAALLLEEEDDDDD. Or wait. It might be in the chapter AFTER the next chapter :3. Yay :D !~ I Love reading fluffy moments xD. They're adorable *0* ~ Heehee I Will :D . Thanks for all of your Comments and Support *0* ~ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

-SHiNeeLoveForever: 8D . Haaaaaayyyyyy ~ ♥ I Just knew it was you after I saw the Onew Picture xDDDDD. Hahahaha I hope you'll enjoy this Update Kpop Buddeehh 8D . ♥ ♥ ♥


fu Beauti 


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Chapter 2: Let me just say I'm in love with you're story!!! WAHH!!! XD hmm... I'm kinda a late reader only reading it now >< but keke I like it *^^*
kayeuyvico #2
wow! great story so far! loving it! please update soon ^^
I was waiting for this update, was so happy when I saw that you updated. But you shouldn't type if your going to hurt yourself a bit. Why don't you just rest your wrist. I really hope you'll get betters soon~

Why I'm I a bit glad that ____ is staying at the SJ dorm?? Keke, I like SJ, that means they will be more in the story right? ;D But I still feel said for ______ and the rest because they were all so exited to go to the new dorm. :/

The cute moment when Soohyun let _____ on his bike. I really liked that scene. ^^ It was really cute~

She got a text from Seo-woo.... What happened to him?? Really want to know~!! At least we know he cares for _____. I really want to know what he did. Who did he kill? And WHY? So many questions!!

Yay~! Fluffy moments with SJ!! I really can't wiat for that update!! (Donghae please? ^^) Keke, it's ok, don't mind me. Write it how ever you like. ^^ Just can't wait for your update~!!
Omo, I feel so sad for Eunji. T.T I really hope she can find a way out. This chapter did answer questions that I had. ^^ I hope my manager won't be mad about me being late. Hopemy manager will understand.

For the Sequal I think it could be a good idea because it answers questions of my past, but me personally like stories that revolve mostly on Super Junior. But that's completely your choice if you want to write it. ^^

I'm still wondering about what my brother did.... Who did he kill and why??
OMO! I seriously feel bad for Eunji Dx
Haha, Super Junior are ninjas!! xD I like that. Heechul and his lip gloss. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk "fighting". Me walking into the room when Eunhyuk is changing?!? o_o Keke. I wonder what will happen next, it's a good cliffhanger.

Don't worry this chapter was great! I get writer's block alot too. It's ok. ^^

I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

(Oh, and btw, I'm going on a long vacation this summer, and it' sometimes hard to find internet connection. SO don't worry if I don't comment right when you update. I'll just be a bit late.)
♥ You know me so well :')
I find it really awesome that Eunhyuk is my brother!~ But why does he have to be so mean?!?! D:
I actually didn't change my username, it was my cousin on my account because apparently, I forgot to log off on my computer and she changed my user name. >.< Don't worry you didn't lose your best reader, I'll always be here. It's a great story~! But it is kinda weird that Min Young is the new character in the story. o_o

Can't wait until you reveal more secrets to your readers. (Like me!!)

Can't wait till you next update~!