Why Did you Leave...?

Love at Last. ♥


_______'s POV


Beep . Beep . Beep . Beep . Beep .

I groaned as my alarm clock went off. "Just a few more minutes..." I mumbled; - accidentally wacking the alarm clock off my nightstand.


The noise was loud enough to wake up my older brother who was sleeping peacefully in the room across from mine. I shifted under the warm blankets, and placed a pillow over my head; - ready for the yelling that would insue after waking up my brother. After a few seconds, which seemed like hours to me, I heard his loud footsteps as they pressed on the creeky, wooden floor.

"___________-AH !!!!!!" he yelled from across the hall as he walked, slowly, but surley. I heard him stomp loudly over to my bedroom. He didn't even bother to knock on my door before swinging open the bedroom door.

"AGAIN!!?!?!? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU TO STOP WACKING YOUR ALARM CLOCK!?!?!" he bellowed, glaring at me coldly. Your only protection from his icy glare was your blanket and pillow, which weren't much to fend of his gaze. I honestly don't know why he's so mad, it's JUST an alarm clock. I mean, like seriously. This has only been the----

"This has been the 9th time this week... How many alarm clocks do you think I can buy?! Our money doesn't grow on trees you know!!" he said frustratedly. Okay.. Maybe I do know why he's so upset ...? Still, it's JUST an alarm clock. I don't understand why he's jumping up and down like a gorrila that just lost its bananna.

"Well, if you think about it, money is made out of paper, and paper is made out of trees, so therefore, money does grow on trees, just not liter-"

"SHUT UP! I don't need your annoying smart comments this early in the morning," Seo-woo growled, interupting my sentence. "Go and get ready for school, I'll be coming home late tonight so order some food for yourself," he said before storming out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.

I sighed and slowly sat up on bed. Seo-woo wasn't always like this... In fact; - he used to be completely different! Seo-woo was an amazing older brother; - loving, caring, smart, kind; - you name it; - he was it. I honestly don't understand what brought on this violent change... Not until that one day happened... If only... I wasn't so careless, or stubborn... Maybe, just maybe, things would have been different.


*Flash Back*

______ is 5 years old, and your brothers are 9.


"______-ah! ______-ah!" I heard my mom call from down the hall in her melodious voice. "Wake up sweetie! You need to go to school," she said walking into my bedroom.

Little did my mom know that I were already awake; - hiding under the covers; - waiting to surprise her.

"_______-ah!" your mom called again before pulling the covers off your face; only to be greeted with a hug and a cute "Boo!"

"______-ah, I didn't think you were up already," she said smiling. She walked over to the window and opened the curtains in order to let the sunlight brighten up your room.

"Heehee, I was up a loooonnnnngggg timeee agoo because im a big girl!" I replied looking at your mom.

"Really? Well, Miss Big Girl, how about you change so that you can go to school and see your friends?" my mom said smiling at me.

"Okay mommy," I replied while hopping off my bed gently, and running towards my closet. I opened the closet eagerly, and stared at the many articles of clothing while my mom leaned over me;- choosing the perfect outfit for the day.

After I changed, I ran downstairs to see my two brothers and my father at the table in the kitchen. My dad was reading the newspaper, and my two brothers were arguing about who got to sit next to me on the way to school.

"No! I should get to sit next to her today! You sat next to her yesterday!" Seo-woo pouted cutely.

"Well, she likes sitting next to me, so thats why I'm sitting next to her today!" your other brother said while nodding his head victoriously.

Your father looked at his two sons with a gentle smile, and temporarily stopped reading his newspaper to ruffle both his son's hair.

"How about you let Seo-woo sit next to _____-ah today, okay? You can sit next to her tomorrow," your father said kindly. "It's about time for us to leave right now anyways... _______-ah! It's time to go! Bring your breakfast in the car with you, okay?" your dad said walking up to me and giving me a hug. Your dad is a worldwide known lawyer, and your mom is a successful doctor. I couldn't have asked for more. My parents are loving and caring, while my brothers are sweet and cool; - it was the ideal family. I smiled happily, and skipped off to grab your breakfast before you had to rush to the car.

"Good morning ______-ah!" your brothers greeted, grinning widely. Seo-woo had light brown hair that slightly covered his leaf-green eyes; - while your other brother had dirty-blonde hair with hazelnut eyes. Sometimes, you wondered how you were related to them.. They just seemed so perfect.

As you brushed back your blonde-tinted brown hair, you smiled kindly at them, "Good morning!! How did you sleep last night?" I asked as you grabbed your backpack and teddybear lunch box. "I slept well ______-ah!" Seo-woo replied as he opened the door. "Seo-woo, am I sitting next to you today?" I asked shyly as you walked towards your father's car. "He saddly is, but don't worry _____ ! I'll be sitting next to you tomorrow!" your other brother replied with a mischevious glint in his eyes. "Kids let's go, or else we are going to be late!" you father replied as he rushed out of the house, and helped you into his SUV Honda Odyssey.



(First Car =D)

I remember it as if it were yesterday. The teacher's looks of pity, their so-called comforting pats on the back, and head... Yes... I remember it very well. It was in the affternoon, at exactly 3:40 pm; - right when school had ended. I was waiting for my mom and dad anxiously to pick me up. It was getting to be very late; - so I asked my teacher if I could call my parents; - of course they agreed, so they dialed my mother's number.

"Hello? Mommy? What's taking you so long...?" I asked into the phone.

"Ah ! _______-ah! Your father and I are coming! Don't worry; - we are just stuck in trafic!" I heard her reply.

"Really? Okay! I'll be waiting for you then! Mommy guess what I did today!" I asked excitedly.

"What did my little girl do today?" your mother replied with a hint of happiness in her voice. "Sweetheart, you should be watching the road; - there's still some construction going on," your father said.

"Yes, be careful mommy!" you yelled into the phone happily.

"I will, I will; - now what did you do today?" your mother asked.

"Well.. Today I played with ------"

"WATCH OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" you heard your father yell loudly. During the few last seconds that you were talking to your mom, you heard a loud CRASH, and the squeal of tires. You heard many thumps, bumps, and bams through the phone as you waited for your mother to speak again. "______-ah.... I..... love you..... and.... I always... will......Take...care...of...your.........brothers........ " you heard your mom whisper into the phone. Those were the very last words you heard your mother say before her cellphone lost reception, and she passed away.

~9 Years Later~

You are 14. Your Brothers are 18.

The days went by slowly. Winter turned into Spring, Spring entered Summer, and Summer changed into Autumn. Ever since mom died; - dad has been acting very strange. He was the only one that survived the unfortunate car accident. Investigations were still going on as to how the accident happened. My dad came home later, and later; - he always brought women home with him; - he was always drinking. He was completely different than how he was when mom was alive. I believe I have changed a lot as well... No matter how hard I try to be happy; - I just can't be. My once perfect family, was now incomplete.

During a family get together; - everyone came over to our house. This is when they all found out how my brothers and I were being treated. Dad didn't really provide for us anymore. He was barley ever around; - Seo-woo, my other brother, and I just had to provide for ourselves. They both worked part-time jobs in order to help keep us from falling into debt; - but my dad going to bars every night, was definatly not helping. It's kind of hard to deal with this when your only fourteen. I want to help... I really do! I just don't know what to do to help though. Thankfully, when our whole family came over, and our father wasn't home; - they knew that my mother's death had affected him more than they all thought it would. My Grandmother took us all in under her wing. She is really nice; - Heck. All of my family is really kind, just the only problem was that during this time, my other older brother... left us.

No, he's not dead or anything! I think so anyways... I just remember him coming home one night, acting very excited and jumpy.

"You guys! Guess what!" he said running into the house quickly.

"Ah... What happened?" Seo-woo asked casually while holding a laundry basket.

"Seo-woo~! Make sure you don't foget to bring the laundry to the laundry room!" I shoulted loudly. He always slacks off!

"Alright sis, I won't... Now what's up?" Seo-woo asked guiding my other brother away from the doorstep.

"Take off your shoes oppa!" I called again with a hint of a smirk in my voice, I know them all too well. Of course it was too late, my brothers were already talking up a storm in the living room, so I walked casually towards the living room, pretending to dust a few pictures on the way there. I placed my ear next to the wall as I tried to listen to their converstation.

"This company... They're gonna train me! I could be a star Seo-woo! It's been my dream you know.. To sing in front of people, make them laugh; - I can even help Grandma a little with my income!" I heard him say excitedly.

"You know that you'll be away from us though... You're going to Korea for Christ's sake! Do you know how ______ will react? How will you tell her...?" I heard Seo-woo murmer quietly. "She already lost her mother and father... She, or we, don't want to loose you too...." Seo-woo said sadly before sighing loudly.

I brought my hand to my mouth silently, and ran away towards my room. "He's leaving...? He's going to Korea? Why? For how long? When?!" I mentally shouted. "I don't want him to go," I said out loud all of the sudden. I quickly covered my mouth once more, dived into my room, and closed the door.

Seo-woo's POV.

"Hey man, did you hear that?" I asked my older brother while staring at the ground. "Do you think _____ heard what we said...?"

"I don't think so... She was pretty into her cleaning you know... She's always been focused on only one thing at a time. Ha! I think it's cute that she can't multitask very well..." he said trailing off. "Should I tell her...? I feel as if I did tell her, it would hurt her to much, but if I didn't..."

"It's your choice. How long are you going to be... training...?" I asked looking up at him finally. If I broke down into tears now, he would never leave. I need to be strong; - he has to do this for our small family.

"A couple of years... I promise I'll visit once in awhile... Call whenever I can..." he said; - suddenly taking an intrest in staring at his hand.

"Alright... When do you give them your answer, and fly to Korea...?" I asked; - bracing myself for the answer.

"Tonight.... I have until eight o'clock tonight to give them my answer, and have most of my things packed up and ready to be shipped to Korea," he replied simply.

"Alright... This is your choice; - I want you to know that I'll support you if you go to Korea. You have to remember to make every single day count; - don't look back, just keep moving foreward. If you mess up; - it's fine! Everyone screws up once in awhile, so don't let anything, ANYONE says get to you; - got it?" I said looking away. I was on the verge of tears. I kept thinking,"I'm manly. I'm a manly man. Be manly. Don't be a disgrace to all the men in the world. It's just my brother. I'll see him again someday." But, I knew that they were only empty cover ups;- hiding the fact that maybe, most likely, I would never see my brother again.

I heard the couch squeak as he got up, "I'll start packing... I'll tell ______ tonight before I leave... It may be heartless to tell her last minute, but...." I already knew what he was going to say, so I simply nodded my head.

"I'll go get some suitcases for you from the basement. Lets try our best to pack quietly..." I replied solemnly, before walking towards the basement.

~Time Skipping to Before ________'s Mysterious Brother Leaves~

_______'s POV

I was laying down on my bed staring up at the celing for what seemed like a few minutes; - when truly, it was already seven o'clock. "I wonder where my brother is going..." I said outloud. I sighed, and sat up on my bed; debating whether I should walk downstairs and confront my brother, or wait for him to confront me. "I don't know what to do anymore.." I yelled into a nearby pillow.

At that moment, Seo-woo walked into the room, and leaned on the door; a sad expression apparent on his face. "______-ah, we have to go to the Airport now. Please get in the car.." he said trailing off before staring at me, and then walking out of the room. I sat there, completely staid, and unmoving; many questions quickly rushed through my mind; - I couldn't grasp one thought, but before I knew it, I was already in Seo-woo's car, and on my way to the Airport.

"______-ah..." the sound of my other brother's voice called me over to him. His voice was melodic; it held feelings of love, sorrow, joy, excitement, and remorse. I couldn't help but feel tears jump to my eyes as soon as I heard the words, "I'm sorry _____-ah... I'm going to Korea to be a trainee in this company..." I sniffed quietly before warm tears started pouring from my eyes. He hugged me tightly, and then kissed my forehead gently. I remember it clearly... The smell of his cologne, his warm breath in my hair, his soft, but big hands caressing my back; - that was the last memory I had of my brother before he left Seo-woo and me.



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Chapter 2: Let me just say I'm in love with you're story!!! WAHH!!! XD hmm... I'm kinda a late reader only reading it now >< but keke I like it *^^*
kayeuyvico #2
wow! great story so far! loving it! please update soon ^^
I was waiting for this update, was so happy when I saw that you updated. But you shouldn't type if your going to hurt yourself a bit. Why don't you just rest your wrist. I really hope you'll get betters soon~

Why I'm I a bit glad that ____ is staying at the SJ dorm?? Keke, I like SJ, that means they will be more in the story right? ;D But I still feel said for ______ and the rest because they were all so exited to go to the new dorm. :/

The cute moment when Soohyun let _____ on his bike. I really liked that scene. ^^ It was really cute~

She got a text from Seo-woo.... What happened to him?? Really want to know~!! At least we know he cares for _____. I really want to know what he did. Who did he kill? And WHY? So many questions!!

Yay~! Fluffy moments with SJ!! I really can't wiat for that update!! (Donghae please? ^^) Keke, it's ok, don't mind me. Write it how ever you like. ^^ Just can't wait for your update~!!
Omo, I feel so sad for Eunji. T.T I really hope she can find a way out. This chapter did answer questions that I had. ^^ I hope my manager won't be mad about me being late. Hopemy manager will understand.

For the Sequal I think it could be a good idea because it answers questions of my past, but me personally like stories that revolve mostly on Super Junior. But that's completely your choice if you want to write it. ^^

I'm still wondering about what my brother did.... Who did he kill and why??
OMO! I seriously feel bad for Eunji Dx
Haha, Super Junior are ninjas!! xD I like that. Heechul and his lip gloss. Kyuhyun and Eunhyuk "fighting". Me walking into the room when Eunhyuk is changing?!? o_o Keke. I wonder what will happen next, it's a good cliffhanger.

Don't worry this chapter was great! I get writer's block alot too. It's ok. ^^

I really can't wait for the next chapter. :D

(Oh, and btw, I'm going on a long vacation this summer, and it' sometimes hard to find internet connection. SO don't worry if I don't comment right when you update. I'll just be a bit late.)
♥ You know me so well :')
I find it really awesome that Eunhyuk is my brother!~ But why does he have to be so mean?!?! D:
I actually didn't change my username, it was my cousin on my account because apparently, I forgot to log off on my computer and she changed my user name. >.< Don't worry you didn't lose your best reader, I'll always be here. It's a great story~! But it is kinda weird that Min Young is the new character in the story. o_o

Can't wait until you reveal more secrets to your readers. (Like me!!)

Can't wait till you next update~!