Noona and Dongsaeng

Beside Her


The next morning at school, Eunmi was searching through her bag for the combination to her locker while walking through the hall toward it when she heard "Noona! Hi!" from beside her. She looked up to find Taemin walking beside her, smiling. He seriously looks like an angel when he smiles, she thought. She smiled in return. "Hey Taemin." She continued searching for the paper with her combination on it as she walked. Taemin continued to walk with her.


"What are you looking for?" Taemin asked.


"This!" she said in triumph, brandishing the small piece of paper with the combination to her locker. She arrived at her locker and opened it using the combination.


"Noona, are you doing anything after school?"


"Mm," she responded as she put textbooks in her locker. "Shopping," she explained distractedly trying to decide whether to put her post-lunch classes' books in the locker and stop here during lunch or keep them in her bag so she'd have more time to nap during lunch. She decided to keep them in her bag in favor of a longer nap.


"Can I go with you?"


"Grocery shopping," she clarified.


"I still want to go..."


"Fine with me," she said with a shrug. She started walking in the direction of her classroom and Taemin continued to walk beside her. "Didn't you say you're famous? How come you have nothing better to do after school than come grocery shopping with me?"


"You don't want me to come with you?"


"Didn't say that."


"Good." He smiled and didn't say anything more.


"You didn't answer my question," Eunmi pointed out.


Taemin nodded. "I know."


Eunmi blew a cherry, but let the subject drop. "You know you can call me Eunmi, right Taemin? Instead of noona..."


"I know, but I don't want to. You're my noona. Unless you don't want to be called noona..."


Eunmi shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me."


"Oppa~" Eunmi heard. A few girls attached themselves to Taemin's arms. He tried to slip his arms from their grasps, but they seemed determined to stick to him. Isn't she in one of my classes? Why is she calling him oppa when he's younger than her? Eunmi rolled her eyes at the girls. She looked at Taemin and saw a blank, hooded look in his eyes. She had only known Taemin for about less than a day, but she already knew that look wasn't the norm for him. He was such a gentle, bright guy. It angered her that the girls had brought that look to his eyes. The girls had stopped him from walking with her. "Taemin-dongsaeng! Finish walking me to class," she said roughly.


"Okay!" Taemin brightened up again. The girls that had attached themselves to his arms were slightly shocked at her talking to Taemin in that way and their grips had slackened enough for Taemin to slip free and walk away with her. Eunmi heard the girls complaining loudly behind her.


"Thanks noona! But-" Taemin frowned at her. "Maybe you shouldn't help me out so much. They'll come after you. I don't want you to get hurt."


Taemin had stopped walking. She slipped her arm through his and dragged him along beside her. "Taemin-ah," she said softly, looking down while walking with her arm through his. She stayed silent for a few moments.


"Noona?" Taemin prompted her.


She looked up at him. "People here take advantage of you often, don't they?" she asked.


"Ah... Uh... Yeah," Taemin answered, embarrassed, but not willing to lie.


She looked away and nodded. "Don't worry about me, okay? Honestly, you don't need to," she insisted.


"But noona-"


She shook her head. They stopped in front of her class. "You really don't have to worry about me, Taemin. I swear your noona can take care of herself. Let me worry about my dongsaeng, okay?" Taemin nodded hesitantly. Eunmi ruffled his hair and went into class. 

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Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
i know how you feel with writers block! hopefully inspiration will strike soon
nycbean #3
I hate finals. But this story is great! I couldn't keep up with both, so props to you!
ah! finally! another great chapter
meiYue #5
WHOA LOVE TRIANGLE.. Looking forward to it :^)
loves it
hazel45321 #7
Well, since it's not really giving anything away that I didn't say before in the description: yep, she's definitely going to fall for Onew. She's going to become his girlfriend when she's in college. It's going to be a love triangle.

And btw everybody: thank you for subscribing and commenting~ :) I hope you like the story as much as I like writing it =D
meiYue #8
Heyy Idunno if that was there before, but I just noticed the quote at the bottem of the poster.. Is Eunmi going to fall for Onew when he comes into play ?