
Beside Her


They walked in the gym. Eunmi smiled. It was perfect. Completely empty with bleachers to lay down on.


"Nobody comes here during lunch. I usually practice here during lunch so nobody bugs me, but I can go somewhere else."


"You don't have to. I can sleep through anything, I just don't like being around a bunch of people when I do."


She went up to the top bleacher and laid down, taking off her way-too-big sweater and spread it over herself to use as a blanket. She closed her eyes and was instantly asleep.


Taemin practiced the dance for SHINee's newest single that was going to be released in a month or so. He'd perfected it already, but it didn't hurt to practice more. It's not like he really had anything better to do.


After practicing the dance a couple of times, he plopped on the gym floor and just sat there. He looked over at the bleachers and smiled. Eunmi was gone to the world. She was laying on her side, her hair covered her face, and her sweater that was way too big for her was spread on top of her like a blanket.


Taemin liked her already. She's new, nice, and doesn't even know who I am, he thought in amazement. I wonder if she'd be like everyone else if she weren't new. He shook his head. She didn't seem like she would do that. She'd said herself that she hates bullies so he doubted she could be one.


Taemin had never been bullied until he debuted and now it was a nonstop occurrence. Everyone in the school basically did it for sport it seemed. He tried to ignore it as much as possible, but it was getting harder with each day that it continued.


Taemin snapped himself out of his thoughts 5 minutes before the bell was going to ring. He climbed up the bleachers and shook Eunmi slightly to wake her up.


"Mm?" She mumbled sleepily.


"Eunmi," he said shaking her again.


"Yeah?" Her voice was still husky with sleep. She arched her back to stretch it and moved her hair away from her face.


"The bell is going to ring soon."


"Aish," she complained as she sat up. "Doesn't it that lunch is so short?" She said rubbing her eyes and then stretched her arms above her head. Taemin saw her clear S-line when she stretched. Without the huge sweater to hide her body anymore, he saw that it was pretty amazing.


"Actually, I think it that school is so long," Taemin said thoughtfully, shifting his eyes away from her body.


"That too," she said nodding in agreement.


Taemin sat down beside her. The bell hadn't actually rung yet so they had a few minutes before they had to head for class. After a second of silence, Taemin blurted, "Why'd you help me?"


Eunmi lifted an eyebrow and looked at him sideways. "I said it already, didn't I? I don't like bullies."


Taemin shook his head. "That's not an answer. Why'd you help? Just 'cause you're a girl doesn't mean they won't bully you too."


She smirked. "I don't get bullied." Taemin just stared at her. She smiled. "Trust me, okay? It just doesn't happen."


"But it's not like it's not possible."


"Oh it isn't," she said with confidence as the bell rang. She stood up and climbed down the bleachers. She looked back up at Taemin who was still sitting on the bleachers, confused as ever with her confidence. "What year are you in?"


"Junior," Taemin replied.


"Then I'm your noona," she smiled, "get to class, dongsaeng. And don't think too much. You always seem confused," she laughed and quickly walked away to get to class on time.

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Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
i know how you feel with writers block! hopefully inspiration will strike soon
nycbean #3
I hate finals. But this story is great! I couldn't keep up with both, so props to you!
ah! finally! another great chapter
meiYue #5
WHOA LOVE TRIANGLE.. Looking forward to it :^)
loves it
hazel45321 #7
Well, since it's not really giving anything away that I didn't say before in the description: yep, she's definitely going to fall for Onew. She's going to become his girlfriend when she's in college. It's going to be a love triangle.

And btw everybody: thank you for subscribing and commenting~ :) I hope you like the story as much as I like writing it =D
meiYue #8
Heyy Idunno if that was there before, but I just noticed the quote at the bottem of the poster.. Is Eunmi going to fall for Onew when he comes into play ?