Writer's Block :(

Beside Her

This isn't a chapter.

I have writer's block. That's why I haven't been able to update this story regularly :(

Omo, you guys I promise I'll try to get over this as soon as possible.

I know what I want to write, it's just not coming out right T_T

I'm going to work on this all night OTL

Writer's block is such a horrible thing, but it'll come to me and I'll give you guys a real chapter.

I'm sorry for this non-chapter orz

I'll replace this with a chapter when I write it.

Thank you for reading this story. I won't leave you hanging for long... I hope OTL

*hugs to everybody reading this story*

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Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
i know how you feel with writers block! hopefully inspiration will strike soon
nycbean #3
I hate finals. But this story is great! I couldn't keep up with both, so props to you!
ah! finally! another great chapter
meiYue #5
WHOA LOVE TRIANGLE.. Looking forward to it :^)
loves it
hazel45321 #7
Well, since it's not really giving anything away that I didn't say before in the description: yep, she's definitely going to fall for Onew. She's going to become his girlfriend when she's in college. It's going to be a love triangle.

And btw everybody: thank you for subscribing and commenting~ :) I hope you like the story as much as I like writing it =D
meiYue #8
Heyy Idunno if that was there before, but I just noticed the quote at the bottem of the poster.. Is Eunmi going to fall for Onew when he comes into play ?