
Beside Her

Eunmi and Onew saw a lot more of each other for the week that was freshman orientation and Eunmi recognized the signs of her falling into a crush on Onew: after the first day of meeting him looking like hell, she was ultra conscientious of her appearance from then on; his smile made her nervous to the point where she giggled entirely too much; she babbled endlessly about anything he might find interesting and was elated when he laughed at one of her jokes.


Usually when Eunmi felt herself starting a crush, she would simply stop hanging out with the guy because she didn't like the feeling and she didn't want him to find out and start liking her because she knew having a boyfriend or girlfriend in high school was useless and only led to unnecessary heartache  that she wasn't willing to undergo, as temporary as it may be.


But I'm not in high school anymore and neither is Jinki, but even if we were, it's not like he'd ever like me back…


"You haven't seen Taemin in a few days, have you?" Eunmi and Jinki were eating lunch together. He'd slipped away from all of the freshman fangirls and found Eunmi on the rooftop they'd been eating lunch together at for the past week.


She shook her head in answer to his question as she swallowed a piece of her sandwich. "No," she'd said once she swallowed. "Not since Monday, but I should be seeing him Saturday. Why?"


"I've just been thinking it's weird that he won't introduce you to us. Would you mind if I hung out with the both of you on Saturday?" He was frowning at his half-eaten sandwich. "It's not that I don't believe you," he added hurriedly, "and I guess it isn't too weird because he keeps his private life and work life basically completely separate, but not even introducing you to us once in the year you've known him? That's kind of rude." Jinki looked genuinely upset about it. I'm never going to be able to get over this crush with you being like this, Eunmi thought as she fell a little bit more into her crush with his sincerity.


Eunmi shrugged. "I don't mind you going on Saturday at all." He smiled at her and her heart rate sped up as she smiled back. 



A/N: It's a really short chapter I know :( and I won't be able to update for the next 2 days because of finals, but I should be back to updating regularly by Tuesday... Sorry guys =/


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Although it's short, but you had made a beautiful fic.. Good job author ssi..
i know how you feel with writers block! hopefully inspiration will strike soon
nycbean #3
I hate finals. But this story is great! I couldn't keep up with both, so props to you!
ah! finally! another great chapter
meiYue #5
WHOA LOVE TRIANGLE.. Looking forward to it :^)
loves it
hazel45321 #7
Well, since it's not really giving anything away that I didn't say before in the description: yep, she's definitely going to fall for Onew. She's going to become his girlfriend when she's in college. It's going to be a love triangle.

And btw everybody: thank you for subscribing and commenting~ :) I hope you like the story as much as I like writing it =D
meiYue #8
Heyy Idunno if that was there before, but I just noticed the quote at the bottem of the poster.. Is Eunmi going to fall for Onew when he comes into play ?