My canvas.

My husband Leeteuk.

Kangin pulled away from the accidently kiss, and stood in front of you protectively. "What the do you want Park?" He spat at him coldly, casually flexing his muscles to remind Leeteuk how strong he was.
"I don't want from you Kangin, kissing my pregnant wife, makes me ing disgusted." Leeteuk replied back coolly. 
" actually still call her your wife, now that's disgusting. How could you ever cheat on someone like Jamie?! Even if she wasn't carrying your child!" Kangin yelled back intensely. You didn't like where this was going and you knew you had to stop them.
"Kangin, just don't go there, not right noww!" You winced in pain, and Kangin turned back, to comfort you. Leeteuk, remained at the door, refusing to take his striking eyes off you. As the pain eased down slightly, you realizeed that Leeteuk was still staring at you, and you snapped.
"What is it Park?!" You groaned tiredly at him.
"I'm waiting for him to leave." He replied simply, and Kangin turned back, once again flexing the muscles that could kill him.
"You're joking right?! No way is he leaving! He's been a rock for me over the past few weeks, along with Wookie and Yesung! They've all been there comforting me while I panicked about raising this child on my own! They made me laugh, made me feel happy, distracted me. And as my water broke, Kangin drove me to the hospital and hasn't left my side since, which was" and you looked the the clock on the wall, which made you groan. "28 hours ago! And now that I'm maybe an hour away from giving birth, you think you can just waltz in here, take over, help me give birth then back off to your girlfriend?!" You screamed at him, which startled both men. As both men stared at you in silence, a nurse hurried in, a panicked look on her face. "Are you alright in here?" She pressed you, and you took a few deep breaths. "Yes, but it's really starting to hurt ... do you know when you can take me down?" "We can take you now, but you can only take one more person with you." She said kindly, seeing Leeteuk. You grabbed Kangin's hand, squeezed it and groaned "I'll take Kangin with me, Park can just go home or wait, it doesn't matter to me." 

Leeteuk looked genuinely shocked you hadn't chosen him to go with you, but you didn't want him to swoop in being the hero, then off back to his perfect little carefree life, leaving you with a baby. "Alright then ..." the nurse stated, clearly desperate to break the awkward silence. And she went behind your bed, started pushing along the room. Kangin bolted to the door, roughly nudged Leeteuk out the way, and held it open for the bed to go through. As you passed by Leeteuk, you knew he was looking at you, but you couldn't;t bring yourself to look at him. As you went through the door, down the hallway, Kangin caught up with you, and you grabbed his hand, "Stay with me." You writhed in pain, and he waited until you came to a stop, kissed your head and said "No matter what."

"I cant do this!" You tried to accept defeat, but the nurses or Kangin wouldn't let you. You had been down in this birthing room for months, and you still felt nowhere near close. 
"you're doing amazing!" Kangin encouraged, wiping the sweat from your forehead. And the nurses all nodded in agreement.
"Yaaaaaaaah, ugh!" You groaned, trying to sit up, but Kangin pushed you back down.
"No." He said firmly, "You're so close, keep going!" 
"He's right, another push and the head will be out, you can do it. The hard part is over." A nurse told you, trying to cheer you on.
'come on, i can do this. i need to do this' you thought to yourself. And with all your effort and might, you crushed Kangin's hand, fighting through all the pain. "1...2..3..4..5!" Kangin whispered to you, one hand in your sweat soaked hair, the only being broken by your tight grip.
"I can see the head! Well done! One final push, and that will be it!" The nurses begged me, and smiled intensely, upon seeing the look of disbelief. But somehow, energy and effort I didn't know I had, surged out of me, and with everything I had, every tear, every drop of sweat, every laugh, every cry, every good memory, every sad one, went into pushing the tiny life inside of me out into the world.

"Congratulations, you have a baby girl." The nurse told you loudly over the crying of the baby, the baby girl, your baby girl. You were silenced by the cry of your child, and Kangin pulled you in for a hug. "That was fantastic, I'm so proud of you! You have a daughter!" He gleed, and you were sure you felt a lukewarm tear hit your arm. "Daughter..." you dazed, still in awe of the fact. The nurse had taken the screaming baby to be cleaned up, and you lay back in the sweat-soaked bed, feeling beyond tired. Kangin rubbed your arm affectionately, while you closed your eyes. A small cough came from in front of you, and you opened your eyes to the nurse, holding a tiny bundle of blanket. It wasn't until the blanket was placed in your arms that you fully registered that your daughter was amongst this cover. You pealed back the blanket to see her face. Her tiny perfect face. You gasped in love, and the nurse quietly left, leaving you, Kangin, and this tiny piece of perfection. Kangin eagerly peaked over your shoulder, and saw the biggest smile ever on your face.
"She has your nose, look how small it is, and that curve there." He pointed out, and instantly you saw it. She had your nose. Your nose. This proved way too much for you, and the tears fell from your eyes, being careful to not splash your tiny sleeping baby girl.
"She has Park's jawline." You muttered quietly, but Kangin heard you. He was silent for a minute, but then said "Good thing he's good looking then isn't it? Wouldn't want any imperfections on this tiny canvas would we?" And as you smiled, he went silent for a minute.
"Are you going to let him in?" Kangin asked, unusually meekly. Now it was your turn to be quiet.
"I guess so. Could you go get him, please?"

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Naviky #1
Chapter 17: Omg i love kangin in this story! So cute i hope they do stay together but if not i hope he finds love!
Chapter 3: OMG so in diis story ryeowook & yesung are gay?...that is wat I hate..FANS ARE JST SO DESPERATE FOR THE IDOLS THAT EVEN THE IDOLS' happiness AIN't even THAT IMPORTANT.MOST OF THE IDOLS ARE NOT ABLE TO GET MARRIED UNTIL in their 30'S OR 40'S & THAT CUZ THESE IDOLS CAN'T EVEN DATE
Chapter 17: Please update soon! I really hope this all ends well, cuz it's not looking good for anyone right now
Chapter 11: How so you do this to me?? Donghae and Leeteuk are my biases in super junior (donghae being my ultimate bias) and yet I really don't like either of them in this! And I was never really a fan of kangin, but I find him so sweet here! This story is playing with my emotions like crazy! But it's so good. I can't stop reading
veveanna-dreaw #5
Chapter 17: leeteuk how could u do that 2 her ( am not marring you anymore hahahaha) i love kangin hope they stay 2gether^_^
KimKeyBummi #6
This is soo sad. Omgg
Omg love the story update soon
i need jamie and teuk's moment again. i had enough w kangin. lol. update SOON! ;)
xhikari #9
aw Kangin is so sweet ;A;
Lol I think leeteuk wants jamie back ... I think its nice how kangin takes care of jamie .. But I think jamie likes leeteuk still